
Why did you put your lips on mine when you brought me out of the swimming pool?

          Sophia's pov

"Oh my goodness, Sophia! What on Earth happened to you?" Donald's mom shrieked as she stared at my wet body.

I wasn't drenched and soaked like I was when I just got out from the swimming pool. It got a little dried as we made our way home.

"It's nothing mom." I shrugged.

"You can't say you being wet from your hair down to your toes means nothing. What happened? There wasn't rain today, so how come?" She asked worriedly.

I chewed on my bottom lip and looked at Donald for help.

"Well, she fell into the swimming pool at the celebrant house." He scoffed.

"Huh? How did it happen?" She rushed her words breathlessly.

"An anonymous pushed me into the swimming pool." I mumbled, but clearly enough for her to hear me.

"What? Who could that be?" She asked and placed her hands on her waist.

"I've got no idea."

"And you won't believe it mom, she almost got drown. But James

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