
Chapter 4

Tycelyn's POV

"Miss Tycelyn, please wake up, the guest will soon be here," my personal home worker tapped me gently.

Why do I keep hearing Summer's voice? It was weird because she doesn't work at my in-laws' place and why is she calling me Miss Tycelyn and not Mrs Cyrus?

"Madam Tessa would kill me if you don't get ready on time for the final wedding arrangements, your wedding dress testing, the meeting at the foundation, and the dinner party," Summer said in a panic, "Miss Tycelyn, please Mr Kreed and his family would be here soon and you aren't ready."

My eyes snapped open when Summer said all these, I didn't understand what she was talking about, so I sat up on the bed and looked around me.

I wiped my eyes with my hand when I realized I was in my room in my father's house, "What's going on?" Summer stared at me in confusion.

"Miss Tycelyn I don't understand, yesterday you were happy about the meeting and today you are acting weird," Summer looked at me weirdly.

I let out the most terrifying scream that had ever come out of my mouth and fell off the bed to the ground.

What's going on? I was lying on the bed in the hospital just a moment ago and now I'm on my bed in my parents' house talking about marrying Kreed.

"Stay away from me," I shifted backward when Summer tried to touch me, "Just please stay away from me."

I picked up my phone from the nightstand while my eyes were fixed on Summer. I tried my password but it didn't work, I continued to try my password but it wasn't working for some reason.

"What's today's date?"

"2nd of September," Summer answered and I gave her a full blank stare, no it was 23rd October.

"No, it's not," I laughed nervously. What was going on?

"Yes it is," Summer answered with utmost seriousness.

"What year?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

Summer looked at me with confusion before answering, "It's 2020," Summer placed her hand on my head and then her neck, "You don't have a fever," she muttered under her breath.

"2020!" I got up from the floor, "It can't be, it was 2024 just a moment ago," I sat on the bed in utter chaos.

"What was that noise about?" Mom said when she entered my room behind her was Dad, Ziora, and Brayon.

"Why do you have to disturb us this early? If it's nothing serious I will be back to bed," Brayon said and left the room.

"Tycelyn are you okay?" Ziora walked to me but I shifted to the other side of the bed as I remembered her watching me fall down the stairs.

What is going on? Why am I in my parents' house? Without thinking twice I ran to the bathroom with my phone and locked the door from the inside.

"I wonder what's wrong with her," Ziora asked calmly. How dare that shape-shifting snake ask?

"Get her ready and bring her down for breakfast, the guest will soon be here," I heard the door close after Mother spoke, I came out from the bathroom and met Summer sitting on my bed.

"Are you okay?" Summer asked concern was written over her face.

"Yes, just give me a moment," I forced a smile on my face. Since we are in the year 2020 my password was BTS 'debut date.

I quickly typed my password so I could at least understand what was going on. I scrolled through my phone and realized everything was from 2020, there was nothing else.

What is this? What was going on? I was so confused, my mind was playing games with me, either I was dreaming right now or I was dreaming before.

"I must have been dreaming about my life with Mr Kreed Cyrus," I laughed out forcefully and Summer stared at me with confusion written on her face, "That must be it."

"Miss Tycelyn, I don't know what's going on right now but how about you have your bath and get ready for the guest?"

"Okay, you can go, I will get ready and come downstairs before the guests arrive," Summer nodded her head and left my room.

Feeling lost and out of it, I picked up my towel, entered the bathroom, and sat in the bathtub.

I was going through my phone trying to figure out my life when I saw a date on my wrist. What is this? I tried to wipe it off with water but it wasn't leaving.

The date on my wrist was 23rd October 2024, the same date as the day of my accident. Maybe this is just a dream and I will wake up soon.

I pushed everything aside to get ready, I entered the room and saw Summer had already arranged my clothes. It was the same dress I had worn before on this same day.

I dropped the dress aside and brought out a long-sleeved gown so it could cover the unexplainable date on my wrist.

"Miss Tycelyn, are you ready?" Summer knocked on the door and I opened it. She looked at me from end to toe.

"This isn't the dress Mrs Tessa picked for you."

"I know, I wanted something different," I came out of my room and shut the door behind me with Summer following behind me and complaining about the dress.

I didn't care about what she was saying, I just wanted to understand what was going on.

"How are you feeling now?" Ziora, that shape-shifting snake, asked with a smile on her face when I entered the dining room. I couldn't tell if she was pretending or if she was genuine.

"Fine," I nodded my head and took my seat in the dining room.

"Don't pull that stunt again," Brayon warned with his eyes fixed on his phone.

"Why aren't you wearing the dress I bought?" Mother asked, how do I tell her this dress might be the start of my worst nightmare?

Just as then, the chef was bringing in food, this was the same thing that happened the day Summer fell and I injured my hand.

I might not know what was going on but I had to make sure Summer didn't fall. I shifted my chair so Summer wouldn't trip over it.

"Tycelyn, your mother asked you a question," Father said. I was about to answer when I realized Summer was going to pass where I was sitting and the chef was also passing the same place.

The chef and Summer collided. What the chef was carrying fell and poured on mother while Summer slipped and was about to fall when I hurriedly stood up to catch her but she grabbed onto my sleeve and it tore revealing what I was hiding.

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