
End of shadow Guard

“Shut up bitch, you wouldn’t be here without my father’s help, so respect me.” Carolina wanted to slap this bitch to teach her a lesson. How dare she talk nastily to her when she needed Klaus’s help to stay here?

“Haha, respect. Has your family ever given you? And your father, what shall I say about him? He almost licked my mother’s shoes for your brother. I tolerate you and your father only in exchange for being here. I am a princess of a kingdom. And you are nothing. So be thankful for your luck that I didn’t destroy your whole family,” said Jennifer, and pulled the reins to get closer to Elsa.

Carolina tried four times for Elsa to fall by throwing small tacks toward the horse’s leg, but she failed for unknown reasons as an obstacle blocked her tacks. This made Jennifer smile. She knows a fool like Carolina would do something in front of Gabriel, despite knowing that nothing could hide his eyes. Now she waits to see what Gabriel will do with this fool.

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