
Meeting someone unexpected

On their way, they didn't talk anymore and went straight to the kitchen, and Elsa found it was a huge kitchen, that seemed like fifteen families could easily live in this room.

"Lady Elsa, stand here, we will arrange your breakfast," said one of them, getting a nod from Elsa, she stepped ahead. Just then someone commented,

"Look who is here, His Majesty's maidservant, I didn't think she would get off the Moon so soon. So Madame, how can we help you?"

The woman spoke insolently, Elsa wanted to answer her with a few words, but then she restrained herself, thinking not to cause a ruckus here, it was normal in the palace, they are all maids while Elsa is receiving royalty because of His Majesty but they did not.

"Sarah, stop talking rubbish. If His Majesty will found out?" One of the maids said to Sarah, who was mouthing bad of Elsa. It could provoke His Majesty if Elsa complained, and who knows what calamity they will suffer.

Some sense went to that lady's head and she shut her mouth be

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