
Taste her blood for the first time

"Majesty. I…," Elsa fumbled thinking about what she would say now, This kind of thing had never gotten in her mind so she wasn't prepared to answer this question.

Moreover, what does 'His majesty' wants to say? How can they be close?

"Majesty, what…??" Gabriel asked back, his mischievous eyes gotten glistering seeing speechless Elsa. Although he said nothing wrong, they have come close, it's just Elsa didn't want to admit it.

"I don't know," Elsa replied commonly, without confusion or overthinking, but a sweet sensation had engulfed her heart right after Gabriel had asked. Unexplained happenings made her hard to believe in her determination that 'she isn't in love with this man.'

Gabriel stopped at the spot where red berries were dangling everywhere. They are looking so mouth-watering, as well as beautiful, some of the berries smashed on the ground after falling from the tree had made the ground red as blood.

Tilting her head Elsa was walking this all time. She was handling her
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