

The Hernandez mansion stood impeccably tall as the taxi came to a halt in front of its huge gates and Audrey couldn’t help but marvel at the sight in front of her. She has spent almost all her life in this country but has not seen a house as magnificent as this mansion. It had a penthouse way up and the golden lights surrounding everywhere gave it a royal ambiance. This was a type of house that existed only on the green screen but here it was.

Sighing to herself, Audrey approached the gate while the security men halted her while searching her with their faces.

“Who are you looking for?” The one who seemed to be the Leader asked.

“I am supposed to meet Mrs Hernandez” Audrey answered in a respectful tone.

“We didn’t ask you who you want to meet young lady” the leader blurted, “what is your name?”

Audrey knew exactly what they were trying to do but they were in for a big surprise, were they trying to bully her? Very well then. It wasn’t a big deal to say her name but they didn’t even loo
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