
Hello Brother

" Hello brother! I thought you would be drowning in your tears of regret by now, but no. I find that you are in fact enjoying your time here. How romantic. A broken heart, reigniting your old passion. "

It was Lucian. He had just dropped in through the windows.

Draco looked up at him.

" I thought you would never show up. But finally you did. "

Draco remarked, seemingly unbothered by his taunts and kept going with his carving works.

" What are you making? "

Lucian suddenly snacked the marble up in his hand. Draco knew Lucian was definitely in a mood to pick a fight but he wasn't feeling like giving that to him.

" Is this supposed to be your consolation prize Dragon Lord? A Liana made of stone? Are you satisfied with that? "

Draco leaned forward to take his unfinished work back from Lucian but he swished it out of his reach.

" You must be Draco. You must be... But I am not. "

Lucian came dangerous close to Draco's face,

" You know I loved her as well. Don't tell me you didn't know
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