

I got down from the car immediately Samantha brought it to a halt and headed towards the house. I avoided her gaze, I avoided her stare. I didn't want her to see through me. Otherwise, I'll become even more weak than I already was.

As I got into the house, I headed straight to the bar and pulled a bottle of vintage Cabernet Sauvignon wine and headed to my room. It was useless, nothing made sense anymore except getting drenched in liquor. I slumped into my chair trying to play the scene that took place at Audrey's house.

"I can't anymore Lucas," she had said, "I can't continue with this arrangement anymore, it's killing me,"

I had reached for her hands but she drew back, "I'm sorry… I know this isn't easy but you can't just call the relationship off, Audrey think about what we shared,"

She stood up and walked to the bar and had poured her drink, she gulped down its content in one gulp and exhaled deeply. She didn't look as troubled as I was in fact, she seemed calm about it.

I wasn't.
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