
Chapter 132: The Path to Power

The night after the council meeting was restless. I tossed and turned, the weight of our discoveries heavy on my mind. Sometime in the early hours, I slipped into a deep, dream-filled sleep.

In my dream, I stood in a vast, misty forest. Shadows shifted around me, and I felt a presence – powerful and ancient. A figure emerged from the mist, and as it drew closer, I recognized the features of my ancestor, Helena Hawthorne.

"Emily," she said, her voice echoing in the stillness. "You have unlocked the first part of your potential, but there is more you must discover."

I listened, captivated, as Helena spoke of a forgotten sanctuary hidden deep within the Silverwood Forest. It was a place where our ancestors had gone to meditate and unlock their full potential, a place imbued with ancient magic.

"You must go there," Helena urged. "Only by embracing the full power of your bloodline can you hope to defeat Gabriel and protect your people."

The vision faded, and I awoke with a start. The urgen
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