
Will Bear the Moon
Will Bear the Moon
Author: bluemorose




“I don’t wanna go,” I look up. “Please, I’ll be good for Stepmother, ” But the nursemaid only smiles down at me.

“You’ll be happy in Nochten, Princess Anastasia." She tries to smile. But it gets ruined between the tears. “You will be back with your kind.”

My kind? 

I keep hearing that, my kind this and my kind that, over and over. But what does that mean? I don’t understand.

“Please, I swear-” But the cold, snowy wind blows us back in a hard push. 

Behind me, something breaks.

My hair- the bands snapped, and my hair is dancing in the air. It blinds my whole vision in a solid color of silver.

Silver- I haven’t seen anyone else with that color Father once called it special—proof of the love between him and my mother.

But I don’t know her. She died when I was a baby. And I don’t want it because it makes me have to leave. 

I want to go back inside where it’s warm- to go back to Papa.

"Don’t make me go,” I scratch at the nurse's hand. “Let me go!”

“Your Highness,” She winces but still keeps pulling on.

“Please!!”  I yell between tears. “Why are you doing this!?” But she won’t look at me. Ahead, the doorman jumps down to open the carriage door.

Inside, I can see it’s full of blankets and pillows. All to make the long ride easier. But it just makes me even more afraid now. 

“No!” I bite her.

“Humph,” The nursemaid cries in pain. But she doesn’t let go.

“They’ll take care of you and love you.” She goes on between tears. She even tries to smile down at me as I let go. Her hand has two tiny red points but no blood. 

I’m happy she isn’t bleeding, but now what?

“Papa-“ I look behind her. “Where is Papa?”

There he is! I see him.  Papa and Stepmother are standing inside. Papa stands tall while Stepmother moves her hands over her swollen belly. 

“Papa!” I call again to catch his eye. “Papa, I don’t want to go-” But something is wrong. Papa isn’t smiling. He’s looking at me as if he can’t see me.

“Papa?” I call again before he turns away. And I can’t see him anymore. He’s gone. 

“Yes, they will love you so much, Princess Anastasia,” The nursemaid lifts me up. 

“You won’t ever feel unloved ever again.” The nursemaid backs away with a crumbling smile. Her eyes and cheeks are shiny with tears. Yet, even in such a state, she can still smile. 

“Be good.” She farewells as the door closes. Above me, a whip cracks before the carriage jerks forward. We start moving, and gradually, the castle disappears into the snow.


It is a week before the carriage slows again. I am hot and tired, but I still manage to sit up.  Even exhausted, I guess I can still be curious. And I am.

I want to see my new home.

“Nochten, “ I whisper, looking out at the palace. Its white stone walls and golden domes shine against the yellow sand. Outside of the building, a fountain gushes water before the grand doorway. 

And behind the fountain, there is a line of people. It’s big enough to see it from even this far. They must have come to welcome me. 

I sink back in the chair. I’m no longer curious about what's outside.

 I just want to go home. I close my eyes as the carriage stops. 

When I wake up again, please let me be home. I make a wish and hold my breath. 


But the door opening sounds before I feel it. The desert heat slaps my face before assaulting my nose. Its foreign smells instantly turn my stomach.

 I feel sick and cover my mouth as the coachman climbs down.

“Your Majesty?”He holds his hand out to help me down. But something is moving behind him. Three people approach, each with red hair and eyes.

The woman is the tallest. She holds hands with a portly, bald, and short man. The third is a boy some years older than me. He looks to be a combination of the two but handsome. 

Are they my new family? 

“Your Majesty?”

“Yes? Oh.” I see the coachman still waiting. 

I gingerly take the coachman's hand and step down, but just as my feet hit the sand, I can’t do it. I don’t want to let go. 

“Take me back,” I whimper and pull closer. 

“Your Majesty?” He looks at me curiously, but I don’t get to speak as everyone suddenly cries.

“All praise to Empress Anastasia!” And everyone goes to kneel at once with a hand over their heart. 

Why are they doing that? I don’t know, but it's scarier, and I pull myself closer to the coachman.

If I didn't want to let go before, I definitely don’t want to let go now.

“your Empress.” The tall woman goes to stand first, followed by the rest. Immediately, I feel them stare at me. 

No, It’s not at me. They are looking at my hair.

“Welcome to Nochten, the empire of vampires-” 

“I wanna go home.” I don't even let her finish before I go back to the coachman.

“Please, take me back.” I look up at the coachman in desperation.

“Your Highness,” The coachman frowns.

“Please!” I squeeze his hand tighter, but the coachman seems to be stuck. And the tall woman steps up.

“Empress Anastasia?” But I don’t want to look at her.

“Take me with you.” I pull on his arm. “Please, I don’t want to be here-”

“Your majesty?” He looks after me.

“Ahem,” The tall woman clears her throat, breaking the spell. The coachman pulls away.

“I must go.” 

“No, don’t-” I grasp out for him, but he’s back in the carriage.

Don’t leave me with these strangers. 

But he will not look at me again. Instead, he cracks the whip to make the horses start. They neigh before kicking off to pull the carriage away into the distance. 

I am now all alone. 

“Your Empress,” The tall woman, meanwhile, steps forward. 

“I am Funda, your mother’s sister.” The tall lady starts. “And this, your Uncle Charles. And our son Mykhol, your cousin.” 

“Until you’re first blood, your uncle and I will act as regents for the empire.” Aunt Funda takes another step but stops as if unsure about something.

“Tomorrow will be the beginning of your lessons. Today, let us take you on a tour to help you navigate your new home.”

Aunt Funda turns, her husband and son following, to lead back to the palace. Their footsteps move in sync as if rehearsed. 

“We will first take you to your room to wash. After that, you will be dressed in our Nochten gowns-“ Aunt Funda goes on before she looks over her shoulder to see me still standing. 

“Your Empress?”Aunt Funda raises her brow. “Your Empress, you need to follow me.“  


“What was that, your Empress?” 

“Take me back!” I shout and throw myself down. I fall onto hard little stones in the sand. They cut into my knees and made me cry out.

“I don’t want to be here. I wanna go home.” I cry. “I want Papa.” 

 I don’t care about my kind or how nice they are supposed to be. I don’t like it here at all. It’s too hot, and the people look scary.

Why was I sent here? 

I don’t know, and it makes me cry even harder.

“I want-” I cry, expecting someone to come over. I want someone to pick me up, hug me, and tell me it will be okay.

But no one is moving. 

Aunt Funda makes a strained face before looking at her husband and son. They shake their heads. All three then look back at me, unsure what to do. It's the same for the rest of the crowd. 

Around me, the crowd makes glances to each other, but no one dares go father than that. It’s almost like they don’t want to. In the end, they just decide to do nothing and return to watch me. 

It’s not everyone. Some do look after me worried, but they won’t even move. I make out one man, a human with a deep scar over his eyebrow. He seems most upset, but he doesn’t move even then.

Why isn’t anyone coming? I feel the thought shake me.

Didn’t my nursemaid say this is my kind? I remember and roll my eyes over the crowd. 

Didn’t she say I would be happy and that they would love me?

But I don’t see anything like that here. I don’t see a gentle expression or warm smile among any of them. I just see them stare at me. 

No, they stare at my hair. I move to touch it, suddenly conscious that I am sticking out even more here in all this red. 

“Your Empress, Aunt Funda, meanwhile, repeats with a hollow smile. “let us freshen you up before the tour.” 

 “Yes, er- Aunt Funda.” I nod and push myself up. My knees burn from the rocks, and my dress is stained with sand. But still, no one comes to help.

The three stand by and wait until I’m done. 

“This way,” Aunt Funda says, and, again, the three turn like one. They step effortlessly toward the doors.

“Wait-” I struggle to pull up my heavy skirt. “I can’t keep up.”  My legs are small, and they walk too quickly.

“Please- slow down.” But they must not hear me because they keep walking.

“She’s so weak.” Someone snickers around me.

“That’s what you get for a halfling.” Another chimes in.

“Half?” I stop to look up, but I don’t know who said it. 

I can't tell any of them apart. I just see red eyes and red hair everywhere. Everyone looks so similar. Everyone looks like they belong, except for me. 

But that doesn't make sense.

Aren’t they ‘my kind?”

“Empress Anastasia?” It’s Aunt Funda again. “What is the delay?”

“my dress-” I start,” it's too heavy. Can someone carry me?”

“Is something wrong with your legs?”.

“Er- no, but-” 

“Then use them.” And she returns to the two. They walk on. But the Youngest lingers back.

“Cousin?”Does he want to help me? 

“Could you-”  I lift my hand toward him. 

“Slowpoke.” He smirks and turns to join his parents. He doesn’t look back after me again. None of them do. It’s as if I’m not even here. 

Or maybe they don’t want me to be?

She lied to me, didn't she? I realized right there. 

She lied when she said Nochten would be better.

“It is worse.” But even if it's a lie. What can I do?

I am no longer Princess Anastasia anymore. I am an Empress. 

And Nochten is my new home now.

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