
Chapter 52: Leaving the City

This means, a lot of people have attempted to harm Ragnor and the queen had sent them to the mountain to perish. However, she was the only one she had told to carry ten humans with her.

With the realization dawning on her, she tried to set herself free but her struggle yielded no positive results. Drenched in sweat and tear-stained eyes she began to scream with the hope of someone finding her but no one came.

It was 1 a.m. when Princess Siku woke up with a scream, sitting up on the bed immediately. She was drenched in sweat and so terrified.

"It's a dream, it was all a dream," she said and inhaled deeply.

She looked around her room to ensure she was indeed in Ragnor's room in the palace. She breathed a sigh of relief confirming she was still in the palace in Ragnor's room and not trapped in some mountain awaiting death. Her door flung open causing her to jump out of fright and one of the palace guards entered.

"My princess, are you alright?" he enquired

"Who called you here? Get out
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