

“How long ago do you think they’ve been following her?” Asked Xavier as he looked down at the pictures Monty had taken off Halle’s attackers and their phones.

There were pictures of Halle walking to school, getting into cabs, and even some from her class and the bar she used to work at.

Most of the pictures dated back to months if not a year, her hair was shorter…Why have they been following her?

“At least two years up until the last time she went to write an exam,” Monty replied grimly, no doubt the same thought running through both their minds.

How did the Delgados know about Halle’s connections with Xavier enough to even keep a constant tail on her?

Xavier looked down at the pictures again, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists at the sides.

He remembered just how cautious Halle had been in front of those cameras at the party, it was obvious she hated having her photographs taken without her consent.

In all of the pictures, she looked lost in her thoughts, unaware of wh

The past few days have been so difficult for me, please put me in your prayers.

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