All Chapters of Metro Heights: Chapter 1 - Chapter 4
4 Chapters
Chapter 1: From the First Day
We sat laughing gleefully at Saltz – the newest hotbed for the college students, middle income socialites and D-list celebrities of Metro Heights. Gorging on Pate, steak and fancy French cheeses, and wine that doesn’t quite pair well with the fish. Our lives seemed fairly great for a couple of college interns. Oh, how the time flies. “And he’s a total dick” Jordan said “The man ignores me for the first two weeks I start working there, acts all friendly with me, gets my opinion on things, makes me join meetings” He continues. “Just to go and take all MY Work and hand it to our boss on a silver fucking platter” he said exhaustedly waving his hands around “Yikes” Taylor said with a mouth full of steak. Alex smiled lovingly in her direction. “And had the nerve to make me sit there in the meeting while he did all this, just to give me this shitting eating grin afterwards” he said. “Well did you say anything to him?” Emma asked. “YES! I bought right after and he acted like he didn’t
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Chapter 2: Late nights & Early Mornings
The sun gently shone through a small crack in my curtains, and I rolled over just to avoid being open up – until my alarm blared. Shit. I’m late again.“Fuck, fuck, fuck” I said hurriedly getting out of bed and running to the bathroom. I rushed in turning on the shower and brushing my teeth at the same time. “Hey, you want anything to eat” he yelled, standing in nothing but his grey sweatpants in the middle of the kitchen.“Not really, kinda running late –“ I yelled from inside the shower.“Okay more for me” he said biting down on a slice of toast and drinking the last cup of my Columbian coffee – which he never replaced by the way. You give a man entry into your home and they finish your only good coffee.I stumbled out of the shower with nothing but a bath towel around my waist. He watched me thorough my bedroom doorway before putting his toast down and strutting over to me while I was pulling almost everything out of closet – trying to find something decent to wear.“Morning” he
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Chapter 3: The party where we met
After getting fired, my life sort of hit a rut until Friday later that week. Instead of going out and coming to terms with the fact that I now had a less than stable income meaning I would actually have to look at the prices on the menu, Reed decided to come over with some that seafood pasta and gelato take, along with a red bottle of wine.We stayed up that night watching ‘The Secrets of the Palace’ ; one of those television shows inspired by the real-life events of the royal family of Albion, and all their scandals. We just sat on the couch cuddling until we fell asleep and when I woke up in the morning, breakfast was freshly made and places on the kitchen table next to my favourite coffee and a hand written sticky note right ontop of my stack of dry panackes.“Had to run, early meeting -I’ll call you tonight…Love Reed” I giggled like an idiot. So stupid. Most of my days were filled with calling Reed, taking up more requests for work from my off-duty client base, and shopping. I m
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Chapter 4: New Paths, New Connections
I woke up that morning pretty much determined to forget last night, yet the immense pounding in my head and full bladder wouldn’t let me. So, I decided to try and be productive and that is how I found myself up early on a Saturday morning, sitting at my kitchen island and eating a bowl Fruit Loops while looking through job listings on ConnectUs. Plenty of corporate marketing opportunities but nothing that was really standing out, until something did.“No fucking way” I whispered, leaning forward towards my laptop screen and potentially permanently burning my retinas. I then jumped and clutched myself as my phone started ringing, frightening me out of my trance.“Hey.” I softly smiled.“Morning my baby, how are you?” Reed said in his deep guttural morning voice. God, I missed him.“I’m doing fine, how are you?” I asked.“I’m okay, I was a bit lonely last night without you here though.” He said “What happened, I thought you were coming over after you were done?” He finished.“Long story
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