All Chapters of Alpha King's Unfavored Mate: Chapter 1 - Chapter 3
3 Chapters
The Unfavored Daughter
Chapter 1: The Unfavored DaughterFiona’s POVI was greeted with the kindest term my family ever granted me, "Unfavored." My footsteps echoed through the shadowy corridors of our Alpha's residence, a place that felt more like a mausoleum than a home. The call to dine with my family was as rare as an eclipse, and I couldn't help but wonder if the invitation had anything to do with my 18th birthday just around the corner. I entered the dining hall, where golden light spilled over the long table set with gleaming silver and crystal. My family was already seated, their expressions ranging from indifferent to slightly curious – none of the warmth I’d hoped for on such a personal milestone. "Happy birthday, Fiona," my father said, his voice holding the same tone he'd use to discuss pack strategies. "Please, sit." "Thank you, Father." I slipped into my designated seat at the far end of the table, noting the empty chair beside me. The absence of my mother, who had passed when I was just a
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Queen Fiona
Chapter 2: Queen FionaFiona’s POVMy hands trembled as I unfolded the perfumed letter, its elegant script a stark contrast to the chaos it would unleash. A single phrase danced cruelly upon the page—a clandestine confession of love between my sister and the man I was meant to escape with at dawn."Is this some kind of joke?" My voice was a whisper lost in the silence of my once-sacred sanctuary. If I hadn’t caught them earlier, I would say it was some ploy to stop me from running away, but I had seen them already, this letter only prove more.The room where I had dreamt of elopement now felt like a mausoleum for my forsaken love. The white lace gown laid out on my bed, an untouched shroud, mocked me with its purity. I clutched the letter to my chest, the paper absorbing the rapid cadence of my heart."Impossible," I breathed, my mind a whirlwind of betrayal and disbelief.The echo of their laughter, my sister's and his, from days past now sounded like a sinister prelude to my devasta
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Just A Breeder
Chapter 3: Just A BreederFiona’s POVMy stood beneath the ancient oak, its gnarled branches a silent witness to my reluctant union. A finery of lace and silk clung to me like a second skin, ill-fitting for my spirit, though it perfectly sculpted my form. The congregation held its breath as I took a step forward, the rustle of my gown whispering secrets of a heart yielded. My fingers trembled, barely touching the rough bark for support. "Stunning," murmured a voice, laced with envy.I didn't need to glance sideward to recognize my sister's tone, dipped in the bitter honey of jealousy. My could feel my sibling's eyes drilling into my back, coveting the crown that now sat upon my brow, heavy as the sorrow in my chest."Thank you, Elara," My replied, my voice a mere wisp of sound. I could sense Elara's discontent, the air thrumming with it, as tangible as the cool metal against my skin.The Alpha King approached, his stride commanding the earth beneath his feet. His presence was a palpa
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