All Chapters of DON'T WANNA LOSE YOU NOW: Chapter 1 - Chapter 8
8 Chapters
While preparing to hit the stage, Sunny gazed at the poster hanging on the wall, above her dressing table.“‘Fosse Theater presents the last ‘Cabaret’ performance before its temporary closure. Starring Sunny Makkena as Sally Bowles’,” she read and a sad smile appeared on her lips. “The last show at the ‘Fosse Theater’. Starting tomorrow, the theater will close its doors. Man, I will miss this so much… The songs, the dancing numbers, every performance, every single person who made this dream of mine possible.” Even if the miracle lasted only a couple of weeks, Sunny enjoyed every moment of it. She loved so much acting alongside Alec Mendes, her best friend since she started working here. Alec was playing the role of the ‘Emcee’, the German host of the ‘Kit Kat Klub’, where the ‘Cabaret’ show was taking place.“What the hell am I going to do now? This monthly paycheck was my salvation… Maybe I should reconsider working as a waitress again…” Sunny said and sighed. “I
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In the darkness of his sleek dark blue limo, Magnus knew every single shade of the deep chestnut brown whisky in his crystal glass. He sipped it, holding his cell to his ear with his free hand, and let the scotch glide down his throat. The complex, sweet taste of the half-million dollars ‘Macallan Adami 1926’ was the only thing settling his nerves. After several days like today, Magnus needed more than just one glass.“No, Tane. I’m not worried about this part,” Magnus said to Tanner Waylon, his soon-to-be business partner. “That’s not my problem.”“‘Then tell me, ‘Magno’, what is the problem? What is bothering you so much? Dude, calm down. You don’t have to be so worried all the time.’” Magnus frowned as he sipped. He hated being called ‘Magno’. People used to call him that since he was a little boy. It sounded like the name of a superhero he was not but most of all, it was just annoying. His best friend Tanner was the only one who still had the courage to call him
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“Mr. Karlsen, we’re already at the ‘Fosse Theater’,” Yanis said after the partition lowered again.“Great… That’s fucking great,” Magnus mumbled absently as he straightened his jacket and tie while Yanis walked around to let him out. “Thank you so much, Yanis. You may leave for the duration of the play if you wish, or you can stay and suffer alongside me. I have an extra ticket and the places are great.” Magnus pulled it from his pocket and waved it in front of Yanis. His driver, an older man with gray hair, chuckled.“Thank you so much, sir, you are most kind, but I was never a theater fan. I always preferred going to see a good movie. My wife is more open to the idea. But don’t worry, I will be here when the play is over, Mr. Karlsen. You won’t have to stay a second more.” Magnus sighed and tucked the ticket away.“You are a good man, Yanis. Thank you again,” he replied and walked with the rest of the forming crowd up the stone steps outside the old theater and t
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Sunny Makkena… The amazing, sleazy Sally Bowles all dressed up in silky panties was gone. The redhead standing on the stage, in front of him, was dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt.“What can I do for you?” She was even more breathtaking wearing those ‘civilian’ clothes than she was in her stage outfit.“Do you speak English? Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth, Mister…?”“Karlsen. My name is Magnus Karlsen,” he said and held out his hand to her. “And I understand English perfectly well, amongst other ten foreign languages.” Sunny eyed him curiously but sat down on the edge of the stage so her legs dangled off and took his hand. He was almost taller than her like that, and he realized how short she must be.“Oh, wonderful. Such a precocious young man. I bet your parents are extremely proud of you. Well, I am Sunny Makkena and I’m here because Quincy Lloyd said you wanted to talk to me. So, what is this all about?”
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Frowning as she stared at the business card in her hand, Sunny almost wandered backstage to gather the rest of her things and head home with Alec, not only her co-star, and best friend but also her roommate.“Mein Schatz,” Alec said, while digging deep in his big bag, “I cannot find the detangle brush I gave you yesterday. Where exactly did you put it? I don’t want to leave it here…” Since Sunny wasn’t replying, Alec turned towards her.“Miss Makkena, are you still on Earth with us?” She nodded slightly, without looking at him.“Good. So, what’s with the face, sweetie?” he asked, sitting at his dressing table as she passed by. “Is it your mother again? Does she need more money?”“No… I didn’t call her…” Sunny replied slowly.“Then what’s with the long face?” he insisted.“Well… I just had the weirdest conversation,” she muttered. “And I’m not sure what to think of it. It’s like in that song… ‘Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it’.”
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She shifted so she sat with her feet curled up under herself. Alec made everything sound so simple. ‘Take the money and run with it.’ ‘Get out of the city and find a life somewhere else.’ ‘Forget about your mother’s problems and live your life.’ But real life wasn’t that easy, and this wasn’t a play. This was her life, and somewhere along the way, Sunny had forgotten her part in it. At first, she was somebody’s child only. That life hadn’t been great but it has been okay for just a few years. And now… Well, she wasn’t only a daughter anymore. Sunny was now playing the role of a mother, a protector, a guard, and a living money box. Her mother needed all that, and more. So much more.“I know I’m being harsh, Schatz, but I’m doing this because I love you and I want only what’s best for you. Listen, you need to remember that you have your life to live. This endless sacrifice isn’t helping you and, definitely isn’t help
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“There are some things you don’t need to know about me, Sunny… Just like I don’t need to know everything about your life. You are a stranger to me and this is not a real relationship. We are talking about two nights only… Nothing more. After that, we’ll never see each other again. So, as you can see, there is no need to tell you my life story. Even if you are going to be my fiancée in front of all the people I know.” Sunny cracked her knuckles nervously and cursed her stupidity for pushing. She needed the money, and that was the end of it. Two nights, then both on their way.“You are right, Magnus. You are perfectly right. It’s not my business. I apologize. I promise I won’t bring it up again unless you want it to.”“Thank you so much, Sunny. Apologies accepted. Now, as I’ve mentioned, I need you to look absolutely impeccable. So, go out there and buy every single thing you might need. Create outfits for every single occasion. Like I’ve said, all your expenses will be covere
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Sunny nodded at his necklace.“Well, there’s Odin, your second name, and then there’s that silver Norse coin that you keep touching every single time you’re extremely nervous, agitated, irritated, or lost somehow.”“I am not touching my coin all that often,” Magnus countered. “Yes, you do, Magnus. And then there is the way you look,” Sunny insisted. “Hmm… And how do I look?”“Like a freaking Viking… Tall, blond, blue eyes… You are gorgeous… So… if it quacks like a duck…” she said, half laughing. Man, she was so observant. Magnus tucked the coin beneath his shirt, wondering what else she might have picked up on so easily.“Tall and blond… I get that from my father’s side,” he told her. “His great grandfather came to America from Norway… All the Karlsen men were as tall as I am, my father included.”“All built like Norse gods, I bet. So muscular…” she added slowly, and Magnus smirked when her cheeks flushed.“Yeah… But none of them had such a fiery woman as a fianc
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