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A Case of Love: Blossoms of the Southern City Drama & Hot Episodes: Leon and Esme's Resilient Marriage Bond Stands Strong!

Creation time: May 30 2024Update time: May 31 2024115



"A Case of Love: Blossoms of the Southern City" is a Romance mini-series showcasing Leon Fowler and Esme Engel's childhood vow as it gets severed through forced relocation. Some years later, this union is finally made legal, albeit unbeknownst to Leon, who thought he had wedded a total stranger. Interestingly, in his search for a divorce lawyer, he's introduced to the very person he's planning to separate from!


This breathtaking drama spans 92 episodes, accruing 56.7K followers and 161.9K views.


Witness Leon and Esme's fiery love testimony in "A Case of Love: Blossoms of the Southern City."


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Childhood sweethearts Leon Fowler and Esme Engel signed a mock marriage certificate in front of their friends and classmates, expressing thus their promise of "eternal love." Alas, not a minute passed after the ceremony was over when Leon's mother appeared to pick him up, for they were returning to the city, turning asunder their unofficial bond. Notwithstanding, she assured Esme that they would get married in their adult age, and they subsequently pledged to wait for each other.


In spite of his initial zeal, Leon would entertain thoughts of becoming a successful businessman, tossing aside any marriage aspirations. On the other hand, Leon's mother would not forget her promise and made it her business to ensure that Esme and Leon's union came into legal force, something that Leon abhorred, thinking that she set him up with a complete stranger. Not even willing to learn about his legal wife's identity, he fled the country, leaving Esme devastated, though she would persevere in her uncompromising love and the vow she took seventeen years ago.


Four years later, Leon returns to the city for the purpose of finding a divorce lawyer. Coincidentally, Esme was at that time considered the most renowned civil lawyer in the region, and naturally, Leon sought her out to represent him in his potentially contentious divorce case. Not knowing the name of his future ex, it was easy for him not to recognize her, even when the mere mention of her name should have rang a bell from his distant past. Esme, however, immediately realized she was at the other end of the controversy and that he was the same Leon she had been waiting for all this time, sparking a very awkward dynamic between the two from then on.


Throughout this short drama, we'll see Leon trying to make sense of his newfound affection for Esme (still unaware she's his wife) while Esme awaits the right time to reveal her identity to him.


Main Characters


Esme Engel

Esme is a sweet young woman with a very charitable spirit and a brilliant mind, becoming Senior Partner of the Royal Law Firm, one of the most prestigious in the country. Despite her stunning looks, which might give some the impression that she's a gold digger, she is quite the opposite. Her deep sense of loyalty makes her devoted solely to Leon, to whom she made a childhood promise.


After her mother's death, she was taken in by Mrs. Fowler, Leon's mother, who swore to ensure Esme's happiness at all costs.


Leon Fowler

Leon is a handsome and intelligent young man with a keen eye for business, turning his enterprise (Cosmo Intl.) into one of the most profitable companies globally. He comes from a very wealthy family (the owners of the powerful Fowler Group), so he enjoyed a relatively easy life, but, rather than resting on his family's wealth, he dedicated his youth to building his own fortune, relinquishing any notions of family life along the way. This intense focus on business has made him somewhat reserved, though his innate altruism remains intact.


Unlike Esme, he had long forgotten the mutual promise they made to each other, though his love for her would rekindle following their most recent encounter.


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Most Popular Episode: Episode 12


Latest Episode: Episode 92


A Case of Love: Blossoms of the Southern City Full Episode & Movie




"A Case of Love: Blossoms of the Southern City" is far from your typical romantic mini-series, exploring deep concepts such as fate, free will, and arranged marriages in a subtle (and, at times, not so subtle) manner. Our main characters, Leon and Esme, brought to life by their talented actors, also help drive the story forward, though it's worth emphasizing how this mini-series owes much of its appeal to its incredibly compelling supporting cast, whose charisma and wit keep viewers glued to their screens from start to finish and intrigued as to how all this uncanny situation between the protagonists unravels.


If you are seeking a piece of media that's unashamedly romantic and has an unconventional yet fascinating premise, look no further than "A Case of Love: Blossoms of the Southern City"!

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