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Game of Thrones Fan Fiction Wiki: Introduction, Storylines and Characters, Best Themes, Works and Authors, Popular Websites

Creation time: Dec 11 2023Update time: Jan 9 2024204

1. Understanding Game of Thrones Fan Fiction


1.1 What is Game of Thrones Fan Fiction?

Game of Thrones Fan Fiction is a creative literary genre where enthusiasts of the Game of Thrones universe craft their own narratives, using the rich setting and characters established by the original series. These fan-written stories can follow alternative plotlines, delve into untold backstories, or even merge elements from different fictional worlds. The essence of fan fiction lies in its tribute to the original work while allowing writers to express their imagination and explore ??what-if' scenarios.


1.2 Why people love to read Game of Thrones Fan Ficiton?

Fans are often so captivated by the world of Westeros and its intricate plots that they seek to remain immersed in it long after the original series has concluded. he original series left many questions unanswered and fates untold. Fan fiction provides a canvas for exploring these mysteries, offering alternative outcomes or delving into the "what-ifs" that the show or books might not have addressed. Fan fiction writers bring their own unique perspectives to the table, reimagining characters or events in ways that resonate with their personal experiences or creative visions.


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2. Introduction to the Game of Thrones


2.1 What's like in the world of Game of Thrones?

The world of Game of Thrones is a rich and complex universe, teeming with political intrigue, epic battles, and a tapestry of characters whose fates are intricately interwoven. Set primarily on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, the story unfolds across several key locations, each with its own unique culture and power struggles. Key characters like Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, Arya Stark, and Cersei Lannister navigate through complex relationships and moral dilemmas, reflecting the series' emphasis on the shades of grey in human nature.


2.2 Why people love to read Game of Thrones?

The series is notorious for defying expectations, often resulting in shocking character deaths and unforeseen plot developments. This unpredictability adds a thrilling element of surprise that keeps fans engaged. The original series is filled with enigmas and prophecies that fans love to dissect and theorize about. Game of Thrones boasts a vast ensemble cast, each with deeply explored motivations, flaws, and growth.


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3. Captivating Storylines and Character Arcs of Game of Thrones


3.1 Highlighted Storylines


· The Rise and Fall of House Targaryen

Trace the tumultuous history of the Targaryens, from their conquest of Westeros to their eventual downfall and the quest of Daenerys to reclaim her family's legacy.


· The Political Intrigue of King's Landing

Delve into the cutthroat politics of the capital, where alliances are fragile, and power is a dangerous game played by the cunning and ruthless.


· The Power Struggles of the Great Houses

Examine the complex relationships and conflicts among the Great Houses of Westeros, each vying for control and survival in a rapidly changing world.


3.2 Beloved Characters


· Jon Snow

The honorable and brooding bastard son of Ned Stark, Jon's mysterious parentage and rise to leadership make him a compelling figure for exploration.


· Tyrion Lannister

Known for his sharp wit and intellect, Tyrion's struggle for acceptance in a world that scorns him for his stature makes his character deeply relatable.


· Daenerys Targaryen

The last scion of House Targaryen, her journey from exiled princess to powerful queen with dragons at her command inspires awe and admiration.


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4. What are the Best Themes in the Game of Thrones Fan Fiction


· Family and Lineage

The importance of family, both by blood and chosen, is a central theme. Fan fiction often examines the dynamics within families like the Starks, Lannisters, and Targaryens, as well as the impact of lineage on individual destinies.


· Power and Governance

The struggle for the Iron Throne provides a backdrop for exploring themes of leadership, governance, and the burdens of power. Fan fiction can offer alternative takes on rulership and the complexities of ruling.


· Love and Romance

Whether it's the tragic love of Rhaegar and Lyanna or the slow-burning affection between Jon Snow and Ygritte, fan fiction frequently explores the many facets of love in the harsh world of Westeros.


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5. What are the Most Popular Game of Thrones Fan Fiction Works


1. The North Remembers

This comprehensive work immerses readers in the chaos that follows the great war in Westeros. Focusing on the survivors of House Stark and their allies, the story explores their struggle to rebuild their lives and secure a future for the North.


2. Snowfall

Although this story is incomplete, it offers an intriguing twist in which Jon Snow awakens in Winterfell before the arrival of King Robert, giving him the opportunity to change the course of history. With this premise, the plot develops in unexpected directions.


3. The Summer Queen

This concluded narrative follows Sansa Stark as she assumes command of Westeros with an unconventional choice of guard. The story highlights her growth and strategic cunning, featuring a Sansa who has learned from her past experiences and is determined to rule with justice and wisdom.


4. Love on the Brain

This ongoing fan fiction begins at the end of season 7 and is written in the style of the books, offering readers a rich and detailed continuation of the story. With meticulous attention to characters and plot, the author weaves a narrative that satisfies fans' desire to see a different outcome for their favorite characters.


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6. What are the Most Notable Game of Thrones Fan Fiction Authors


1. qqueenofhades

This author has gained recognition for their ability to weave complex narratives that stay true to the essence of the original series. "The North Remembers" is a prime example of their work, providing a mature and detailed exploration of the political and emotional aftermath in Westeros, particularly focusing on the Stark family and their allies.


2. Ruinous Crow

Known for creating alternative scenarios that captivate readers' imaginations, Ruinous Crow's "Snowfall" presents a fascinating ??what-if' situation with Jon Snow. The story's premise of altering the course of history has intrigued many fans, making it a standout piece in the fan fiction landscape.


3. honey_wheeler

This author is celebrated for their portrayal of character growth and strategic acumen, particularly in "The Summer Queen." The tale of Sansa Stark's rule over Westeros showcases honey_wheeler's ability to craft narratives that highlight the evolution of characters from their original story arcs.


4. ashleyfanfic

Offering a rich and detailed continuation of the story, ashleyfanfic's "Love on the Brain" begins at the end of season 7 and is written in the style of the books. The ongoing work is known for its emotional depth and meticulous attention to character development, resonating with fans who seek a more satisfying conclusion to the series.


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7. Where to Read Game of Thrones Fan Fiction


· Archive of Our Own (AO3)

A fan-created, fan-run, nonprofit, noncommercial archive for transformative fanworks, like fan fiction.


· FanFiction.Net

One of the oldest and largest fan fiction archives on the internet, offering a wide range of fan fiction for different fandoms.


· Book Riot

Although not a fan fiction site, Book Riot has compiled a list of must-read Game of Thrones fan fiction, which can be a great starting point for new readers.


8. FAQs


1. Are there any rules or guidelines for writing Game of Thrones fan fiction?

While fan fiction is a creative outlet with a lot of freedom, it's important to respect the original source material and its creators. Additionally, most fan fiction platforms have their own set of rules and guidelines regarding content, such as avoiding plagiarism, adhering to community standards, and properly rating your work based on its content.


2. Can I write my own Game of Thrones fan fiction?

Absolutely! If you're inspired by the series and have your own stories or ideas, you can write your own fan fiction. Once you've written your story, you can share it on fan fiction websites where others can read and enjoy your work.

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