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Second Marriage to Mr. Rich Novel & Hot Chapters: Angeline's Quest for Love Amidst Forgotten Memories

Creation time: May 23 2024Update time: May 23 202477

Summary of Second Marriage to Mr. Rich


"Second Marriage to Mr. Rich" by Jean Summer is an ongoing novel from the romance genre. In a tale of lost memories and enduring love, the book weaves the poignant journey of Angeline Emmerson. After a calamity robs her beloved Ned Fletcher of their shared past, Angeline emerges from darkness to a world where she's a stranger to him. As Ned's new life unfolds with another, Angeline's heart clings to the hope of rekindling their extinguished romance, challenging fate's cruel twist with unwavering devotion.


Currently, the book has 732 chapters with 151.8 thousand views and a positive rating of 8.7 stars.


Plot of Second Marriage to Mr. Rich


"Second Marriage to Mr. Rich" is a romance novel that tells the story of Angeline Emmerson and Ned Fletcher, childhood sweethearts whose love is put to the test by a tragic accident. Ned loses his memories, and while Angeline is in a coma, he becomes engaged to another woman. Upon waking, Angeline is heartbroken to find Ned does not remember her.


Despite others urging her to move on, Angeline holds onto hope that his memories will return. However, Ned's resentment grows, leading to a violent confrontation. The entry of Sean Lawson, a wealthy admirer of Angeline, complicates matters further. The novel explores whether love can overcome the barriers of memory loss and betrayal. 


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Main Characters


Angeline Emmerson

The female lead, Angeline is a genius childhood sweetheart of Ned Fletcher. She's a kind-hearted and resilient woman, intelligent and principled. Despite the hardships she faces, including a coma and Ned's memory loss, she maintains her dignity and inner strength.


Ned Fletcher

The male lead, Ned is known as Oceanford's most infamous rich kid. He was deeply in love with Angeline before losing his memories in an accident. Post-accident, he becomes engaged to another woman and his relationship with Angeline becomes strained and complex.


Ingrid Dalton

She is the woman Ned becomes engaged to while Angeline is in a coma. Her entrance into Ned's life creates a love triangle and adds to the tension and drama of the story.


Sean Lawson

A wealthy admirer of Angeline, Sean enters the story after a violent confrontation between Angeline and Ned. He has always cared for Angeline and becomes an important figure as the story progresses.


These characters are intricately woven into the narrative, each playing a pivotal role in the unfolding drama and emotional journey of the story.


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Hot Chapters in Second Marriage to Mr. Rich


Chapter 7


Angeline and Sean's conversation reveals tension. Sean, usually cold to others, shows gentleness towards Angeline, inquiring about her injuries. Angeline, masking her emotions, recounts a dispute with the Emmersons over financial demands for a relative's marriage. Meanwhile, Ned, who has caused Angeline's injuries, eavesdrops, uncovering only a fragment of the truth behind their altercation. The chapter hints at deeper issues and secrets yet to be disclosed.


Chapter 579


Angeline confronts Rachel's manipulative tactics with unyielding composure. Rachel's plan to use Angeline to lure Nathaniel into a meeting is met with Angeline's stoic indifference. Despite Rachel's insistence, Angeline remains detached, signaling her refusal to be drawn into Rachel's schemes. The chapter highlights Angeline's strength and the power dynamics at play, as she navigates the complex social web surrounding Mr. Hooper Senior's family.


Theme of Second Marriage to Mr. Rich


"Second Marriage to Mr. Rich" delves into the resilience of love amidst adversity. It portrays the struggle between holding on to cherished memories and embracing new beginnings. The narrative grapples with themes of identity, memory, and the complexities of the heart, as characters navigate the tumultuous waters of past love and present obligations. It's a poignant exploration of whether true love can survive the ultimate test of forgotten pasts and the challenges of moving forward.


Author Introduction


Jean Summer is a contemporary romance novelist, known for her emotionally charged narratives that explore the complexities of love and relationships. Her writing is characterized by its depth and ability to resonate with readers, often weaving intricate plots that captivate and engage. Summer's work, including her popular novel "Second Marriage to Mr. Rich," showcases her talent for creating relatable characters and situations that reflect the trials and triumphs of modern love.


Writing Style


Jean Summer's writing in "Second Marriage to Mr. Rich" is marked by intricately woven narratives and rich character development. Her style is emotionally resonant, drawing readers into a world where love's complexities are laid bare against a backdrop of memory and identity. Summer's prose is both evocative and accessible, ensuring that the story's dramatic twists and heartfelt moments are felt in equal measure.


Point of View


The novel is narrated from a third-person perspective, providing a comprehensive view of the characters' emotions and actions. This point of view allows readers to understand the internal struggles of the protagonists, Angeline and Ned, as they navigate their complex relationship, offering an omniscient glimpse into their lives and the dramatic events that unfold.




Jean Summer's "Second Marriage to Mr. Rich" is a compelling exploration of love's resilience. Through the lens of Angeline and Ned's tumultuous relationship, the novel examines the power of memory and the strength required to forge new paths. It's a testament to the enduring spirit of love, even when faced with the daunting obstacles of loss and change. This story is sure to resonate with anyone who has ever fought to keep the flame of love alive.

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