
Chapter Five

As they continue the journey Luna tells her story, “A long time ago, back when I was beautiful..”

They both laugh it off and she continues, “I was born in the colony with my sister and our friends. The time went on, and I realized that I’m different. Most witches use verbal commands, I only need to think something and it happens. You thought that I needed to use my hands but I don’t. I just use my hands for dramatic effect.”

She pauses for a moment and giggles before continuing, “ This scared everybody including our parents.”

Tears fill her eyes, and she continues, “It was a cold and rainy night, of all night, when my parents woke me up. They had taken me to the woods, and told me that I was not allowed to return home. That I’m a danger to the colony. If they don’t kick me out, the colony will kick them out.”

I had nowhere to go, and I was terrified. I was sitting by the river, and it was a full moon, and all I could hear were werewolves around me. No one was coming for me, but everyone knows that the full moon is the night for the werewolves. Usually, witches stay in to keep safe but, I had been kicked out. I had nowhere to go.

I was terrified. I have my feet in the water and my head on the grass licking at the moon and I prayed that God would help me..”

She pauses and giggles, “ to my surprise all three have made themselves appear to me.”

Jolene is confused, “All three?”

Luna verifies, “The moon goddess was the first one. She didn’t show in human form, but she looked down at me and she smiled, and I could feel her surrounding me. She was protecting me.”

Jolene smiles at her in hopes to hear more.

Luna continues, “Next was the water Goddess. Trickles of water started to climb up my body, and it filled me with a warmth that I couldn’t explain. That was how I knew that the water goddess was with me.”

Jolene is cheating at her in excitement over what she is hearing as she continues, “As the wolves surrounded me. The Earth goddess made an appearance. I could feel her presence through the roots of my toes.”

Luna pauses as she reminisces on the memory.

Joanne gets impatient, “Well what happened?”

Luna's eyes go wide as she relives the memory, “One I won. The wolves came attacking. They didn’t know my past.They only thing they knew was that witch is out on their night. This was disrespectful.”

Jolene gasps and listens to her nervously, “They attacked me one by one. I didn’t even have to move. I could feel the goddesses working together to keep me safe. They took control of my body and they used the elements to protect me. It had ended with the wolves bowing to me, and that is how I became the queen of witches.”

Jolene is shocked, “You’re the queen?”

Luna corrects her, “I was the queen until my husband cheated on me and I disappeared. It didn’t take long for the new queen to take my position. She thinks I’m dead and it better stay that way because of her and I have to fight. It will be so catastrophic that it could cause thousands of lives. We are considered two of the most powerful beings on the earth.”

She pauses, and makes eye contact with Jolene, “No matter what you can never tell a soul who I really am. When the time comes, I will make myself known, but until then it has to stay hushed.”

Jolene nods in agreement but asks, “So now what do we do?”

Luna smiles, “We go to the river and wait for nighttime to come. When the moon shows itself in the river and the grass lights up from the moon, we will have a meeting with the goddess. I will ask them for help and we will go from there.”

Luna turns up the music and starts to dance. Jolene is filled with so much excitement that she joins in. She just happily stares out the window. Her mind runs wild.

Jolene falls asleep and Luna finds herself praying to the sun, “I know you’re not a fan of mine. I know that you won’t be at the meeting, please help her. Protect her during the daytime.”

For the first time ever, Luna has hoped that the sun is listening when it trickles so bright that it blind her for, but a second. She smiles and feels some sort of hope.

The sky starts to get dark and Luna is about to lose hope. Rora surprises her when she pulls up to her river. They park the car and Luna gets out and runs to the river in shock. She can’t believe where they are.

Rora asks, “Will this river work?”

Luna laughs amusingly, “Are you kidding me?”

Rora shrugs in confusion, “What’s wrong with it?”

Luna shakes her head and laughs as she runs and leaps into her sister's arms, “You silly silly woman. You really don’t know where we are?”

Rora shakes her head.

Luna pushes away from her sister and flings her arms into the air as she spins around and declares, “This is the same river where I first met the goddesses. This is where I was in this exact spot..” she dips her feet into the river.

Continuing, “When I was declared to be the queen of the witches.”

Rora is shocked, “What are the chances that this would be the same river that we are at tonight?”

Three unfamiliar laughs cause Rora to jump back.

Luna is not surprised, “Hello, thank you for meeting up with me.”

The moon goddess covered in a white dress smiles, “It is my pleasure. You know I am very unhappy with how we had left things. You also know that I am very unhappy with my current king of the wolves.”

Her sarcasm is straightforward, “It is time for him to be replaced.”

She points to the car where Jolene is sleeping, “She is to be the new queen. It shouldn’t be too hard for him when he realizes that it’s time for retirement. At least it’ll be his daughter taking over.”

Luna laughs ,”No he woof is going to be OK with a woman taking over.”

The moon goddess agrees, “Yes but she won’t be alone because she will have her Mate with her, and he will become the king.

Luna points a knowing finger at her, “That is what I wanted to ask you. Could you point us in the direction of him so that he can be the one to train her? Maybe they can have some sort of a bond before..”

The moon goddess stops her, “Rules our rules, and I will not bend that particular rule for you. I can’t tell you or show you who he is.”

Luna starts to throw a fit but the moon goddess hush”s her, “Now, now Luna. Don’t be like that. I’m not going to leave you hopeless. I will, however, lend you my strongest warrior that I have.”

Luna questions, “Are you talking about who I think you’re talking about?”

The moon goddess nods, “Yes, Theo!”

Luna is excited, “That’s perfect!”

Rora asks, “Who?”

Luna laughs at her nieveness, “Theo is the werewolf that missused the powers of the Goddes’s to revenge the witch, that he had fallen in love with.”

Rora gasps, “I thought that was just an old folks tale!”

The water Godess spins around in her blue dress, “No, he is real. That caused a lot of grievence for us…”

She giggles crazily, “So much blood..”

She giggles and the moon Goddess glares at her.

The earth Godess chuckles, “Leave it in the past. It has been a long time, and he has proven himself worthy of another chance..”

The moon Godess gives her a thankful look, “Thank you, and I agree. This is the perfect opportunity for him to show that he is ready, to return to the earth.”

They form a circle and hold hands. They start to sing a lullaby, Jolenes body floats to the center of the circle. Rora moves towards her, but her sister grabs her hand and stops her. They watch as the earth and water Goddess continues to sing softly.

The moon Godess speaks firmly, “I summon Theo, to return to the earth.”

A man appears and he is one of the most gorgeous men, the two sisters have ever seen.

He doesn’t aknowledge them, he only listens to the moon Goddess, “Theo, come to the center of the circle.”

He makes his way into the center and she continues, “This is jolene. You must protect her, at all costs. Train her to be that queen of the wolves. Her wolf is already present, she has no shifting power, but her wolf can hear you. Teach her everything that you know. Protect her, and you will gain your freedom!”

All three Godesses nod their heads and with a gust of wind, they disapear.

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