

It is a beautiful day, the sun is rising brightly in the east, the birds and animals in forest started their morning chorus giving off, different sounds reverberating in the mountain slopes through out the forest. Birds of different size and colors flies over the canopy of the trees, coming and going to different directions. The pulse of life is heard, seen, and felt all around.

                Dexter feels so lazy in rising up, although he is already awake early in that morning. He was troubled by so many thoughts coming up to his mind one after the other, totally uncontrollable, triggered, by what he had seen last night. Is he going to pursue his love to Shayne, beyond their differences, or the right thing to do, is to leave this place, and forget everything about Shayne? Dexter don’t know what to do, but he wants to see Shayne, he cannot explain, the happiness, the enjoyment he has in the presence of her. He enjoys seeing Shayne preparing food for him, he enjoys his company, he always wants to hear her soft voice, which is very feminine, he wants to be with her. He wants to smell her natural feminine scent, her full womanly looks. These are the dictates of his heart which he cannot set a side or take for granted.

                What is wrong in loving Shayne?

                Is it because she has extra-ordinary power no other women have?

                What is wrong in having extra-ordinary power?

                Did she used her power in evil? Is she bad?

                Some men even used to love prostitute and drug addicts.

                Some men fall in love with vampires and werewolves.

                His mother loved his father who is lazy, alcoholic and punch her once drunk

                Then why he cannot love Shayne no matter what or who she is?

His mind is troubled by so many thoughts, he did not even notice Shayne has come inside the hut bringing cups and food for their breakfast. She hands him steaming tea, that morning is cold, like the other day. Shayne is wearing the same dress she has last night. Nothing has change to her, she is still, the same person known to Dexter, simple, cheerful, beautiful, kind and thoughtful. These are the qualities that makes her, very different from all other women, Dexter has meet in his life. How could he tell his foolish heart, not to fall in love with Shayne?

                It is so hard, not to fall in love with a beautiful, thoughtful and caring lady.

                Even she possesses extra-ordinary power like Shayne.

Dexter rises up from the bed, he greets Shayne and sit down opposite the chair, she is setting. The table between them contains the food, for their breakfast, it is different from the food inside the magical castle of Shayne.

                “Did you, sleep well last night” she asked him.

                “Honestly, I did not, I keep thinking of you the whole night” he answered

                “Have you made a decision this time? When are you going to leave me?”

                “Are you going to turn me into frog, if I tress passes you?”

                “No, I am not, I don’t have that power, that is evil”

Dexter did not say anything, he just immediately stands up, cross the distance between them, embraces Shayne, and kisses her on the lips. It is a long and tender kiss, both of them need to take a breath, afterwards. Only their eyes speak with each other, their embraces are the triumphant of their mutual feelings, both of them, try to hold on, for long time. Dexter feels, Shayne is not an extra-ordinary woman, she is just a woman, with flesh and bone like him, who also falls in love. Dexter continues enjoying the warm embrace of Shayne, and the sweet tastes of her lips, until Shayne gently push him back. She is just a normal woman, who is feeling strange, once a man had suddenly embraced and kisses her. She wants to put stop with it, she feels Dexter is taking advantage of her. Dexter slowly let Shayne go, and he return back to his sit.

                “Your promise, you will not turn me into frog” Dexter jokingly said.

Shayne did say anything, she simply gives Dexter a sullen glance, he has trick her.

He has taken advantage of her kindness to him, but he is not angry to him.

She prepares the table and all the food and call Dexter to eat their breakfast. It is the most memorable breakfast for Dexter, eating together, with the woman he loves. He did eat well, that morning, because he is always starring at Shayne, and she blush the whole time, they are eating. She feels uncomfortable. She is just a normal woman in front of a man, she loves. She shows to Dexter her annoyance.

                “Why you kissed me?” Shayne said looking directly to the eyes of Dexter.

                “Because I love you, no more no less”

                “How about me, do I love you? “

                “Yes, I know that, I can feel that, please don’t lie”

                “I don’t love you” Shayne said.  

She shows to Dexter she about a cast a spell to him. She waves her hands in the air pointing towards him. She sees Dexter is covering himself below the bamboo table.

                “You told me, a while ago, you don’t have power to cast spell”

Shayne laughs laud upon seeing Dexter very afraid of what she is about going to do. She laughs and laughs. Dexter immediately realized; Shayne is making fun of him. He stands up, and embrace her tightly. They were very happy that time, forgetting everything, caring nothing but the feeling that they have with each other.

                “Are you not afraid of me, any more I am very different from you”

                “Are you going to hurt me, because I fall in love with you?

                “What do you think?” Dexter did not answer her

After eating they walk, holding hands, in the meadows in the northern side of the hut, going to the water falls. Each of them is enjoying an over whelming happiness, in their new found love. Dexter wild dreams is now becoming a reality, the two of them, in this paradise.  They passed by the wounded deer, lying on the ground, it is not yet fully recovered its strength. Shayne, stop near to it, she holds the deer caressing it, in the neck and on its back.

                “My friend, you will recover soon” she said.

Then Shayne looks at Dexter, waiting him to say something to her. The gesture is clear, he needs to admit the truth.

                “I am sorry, you are correct, I am the one who shoot him”

                “That’s why, you will not have your gun anymore, that’s is your punishment”

                “Just punish me to be with you forever”

Shayne again gives Dexter a sullen glance, and he laughs.

                “Actually, I have punished you already, I am the reason why you lost your way”

                “Are you angry with me” Shayne added, she looks at Dexter to know his reaction.

                “I am thankful, you have done that, I found you” Dexter is honest when he says it

                “You are the most important thing, that have happened in my life”

He embraced Shayne, and kissed her again on her lips.

                The singing of the birds becomes louder and louder, as if they were celebrating the union of two hearts who have mutual feeling with each other. Dexter did not notice Shayne wave her hands in the air, slowly the two of them move up from the ground, to the level of the canopy of the forest. The butterflies of different colors fly around them, together with the humming birds whose cry sound like unique music around.

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