
Chapter: EIGHT

     It's about about 11AM and I suddenly start feeling very dizy. Along with a very bad headach that came out of nowhere. It feels as though there is something that is inside my head trying to scratch its way out of my skull. I don't know what the hell is going on, but ever since I had that weird dream with that wolf creature, my emotions and all my other senses are going crazy. I don't even know how to explain it.

     The creature said that his name is Max, and that I have already met his human side. Also that everything else will be explained to me when the time comes. Is this even possible? A person, a human changing or shifting into something else. I have so many questions, and so much to try to even figure out that I don't even know where the hell to start.

     I decided to talk to Paul a little bit about the dream, he really didn't seem to be worried or anything, Kim and Toni ended up hearing our conversation and they both seemed to be a little worried, like I'm over working myself which wouldn't be the first time I have done it. "You may just be overwhelmed Ash, I know how you are when it comes to your job, you hardly take any time off to relax." Paul says. I take something fo it and continue on helping the others.

     It's been about an hour since I have talked to the others about my dream. I'm starting to get very dizy once again and the headach is so much worse. It must have been noticable because Toni comes up behind me with a concern look on her face. "Hey, it's still early, you should maybe go and lay down for a little while? One of us will come see how you're doing when it's almost time, OK." Kim and Paul both agree. Paul puts his hand up to my forehead and then nods. I make my way up to my room and wrap myself up in my blanket hoping to nap away the pounding in my head. 

          (Ricks POV)

     Of course, I had a hard time trying to sleep. Max was even restless as well. I sit up and run my hands over my face and through my messy hair then looked over to see the time. UGH!!! I grunt, it's only 4Am. I might as well get up and get my morning run in. I can't wait to get to spend the day with my beautiful mate. After getting ready, I go get the guys up to join me. I know they are not going to be happy about this but oh well.

     I get to Chris' room first and knock and wait, but I didn't haer anything so I just let myself in. I find him fast asleep, taking up most of his king sized bed. I just shake my head. I got a little closer then launched myself onto his bed while yelling. OHHH MY GODDESS! I have never seen him move so fast in a long time.

     "What in the hell Rick!!!!!" He yells, his face is as red as his shorts. I'm laughing so much that I'm having a hard time trying to catch my breath. "You my friend, youare a total asshole! Ya know that!" He says. I tell him to get ready to go for a run to let our Lycans out for a while. He goes off to get Nate while I grab us a few bottles of water and to meet them at the door.

     Twenty minutes later, I see them coming down the stairs. "Dude, we're just going for a run, you really didn't have to get all dressed up with makeup." I tell Nate, he just rolls his eyes and mumbles something thinking I wouldn't hear. Chris just laughs. We head for the tree line and shift then take off. 

     My beast is Max, he is mostly black other than the tips of his ears and tail are a light shade of gray. Chester, Chrisbeast is a blonde with white socks on all four paws. Nate's beast Merlin, is a light gray and all four paws and the tip of his tair are white. We run and play tackle eatch other for a while. After a few hours, we get back to the pack house just in time for breakfast.

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