All Chapters of Born Again : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
48 Chapters
The Hidden Truth: Conclusion.
I went to the warehouse to check on my friend. I wanted to verify what the cruel man told me- that the book is cursed and once you read it you are in for good. “My friend, I know you once read this book, that’s if you don’t now. That’s why you are here, right? Because of the book.” “Get to the point, I don’t have all day.” “Please help me make sense of the book.” “I can do that in a condition, my friend.” Said the Wise- thug, “Let me handle the past alone, you can take control of the Family just until I`ve killed all those who killed our future.”   I wonder what the past holds for me that my friend doesn’t want me to know off- it made him kill Black Jesus for no reason, now his sacrificing power for a secret. Clearly, there`s more than my brother`s death, no wonder why he took too long to admit that he killed him.   I agreed to take control of The Family since the Cruel- man recommended I combine the 2
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At school, my friend visited me in class during lunchtime. I thought our friendship had ended due to what I did to us. “How are you, my friend?” he asked, “It`s been a while since we last spoke, are we cool?” “If there is nothing to say, please leave my sight.” “I know it will take time for you to accept the situation.” “What are you?” I asked, “A therapist? Psychiatrist?” “No!” he said, “But you seem to forget that I also lost a sister and I was in this kind of a situation.” “Which situation?” I asked, “Being blamed for your sister`s death? Being convinced that you did something you didn’t do? I didn’t kill my brother, you killed him, you even killed your sister. I did nothing but to help you kill them because by then you didn’t have balls to face your opponents, your testosterone was weak.” “You are losing it, mastermind.” He said, “You were right, I should leave you alone.” “Can you leave me in peace now?” “A
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A few days before I could do back to school, I got arrested for a murder that happened 2weeks ago. That’s when I saw that my mom really loves me. But I didn’t feel pity for her because it`s her responsibility to be there for me in everything I do. What I was worried about was that I would never set my feet out of prison this time; I once sued the state, they`ll make sure I go behind bars this time. What have you done, Mastermind! I was surprised to hear that my family didn’t get me a lawyer, even the Wise-thug didn’t.   The case was of a murder that happened 2weeks ago at the Corner store. A murder that happened right in my eyes. I didn’t kill her, and I don’t know who did. It wasn’t even my friends for sure. I just didn’t see who pulled the trigger that night. If I say I wasn’t there when it all happened, who would I use as an alibi to back me up? I refused to take the state attorney and pleaded innocent at the bail hearing. I am not a f
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What I Did
Sometimes it’s not a bad thing to lie for good reasons, but lately, it seems like everyone is lying because it’s a usual thing to do.In the morning, my mom and I went to school. We went to tell the Principal about my absence after my suspension. The man knew more than we knew.“What pleasure do we you, Ma`am?” he said.“To apologize for my absence of the past few weeks, sir!”“Oh, you are the serial- killer who has been trending for the past few weeks?”“A serial- killer?” asked mom, “Mr. Principal, what are you talking about?”“Wait, aren’t you the boy who`s been arrested?”“We hear that from you, sir.”“Alright, where have you been then?”“My child was kidnapped by whatever monster it was. They threatened us with his life so we could give them the ransomed.” She cried.“I`m so sorr
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Under Oath with The Devil`s Advocate
When the court day came, I got worried about this newly found evidence regarding my case and if new witnesses came to light.“All rise!”The audience went up as the Magistrate came in.“You may sit!”“Previously, the defendant was given bail and further investigation was made regarding the case. Fortunately, new evidence came to light and was sent to the lab. Hopefully, we will receive the results later on.” He said, “The defendant, you may take the stand.”“I greet you all, protocol may be observed. Ladies and Gentlemen, would you disagree if I said every story has 3sides- what actually happened, how it happened and why it happened. But with this case, we`ve only heard about the ‘actually happened’, never mind the predictions of ‘why it happened', but what happened to the ‘how it happened? My lord, it would be only fair if the defendant gave out his side of the story so
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Everything Messed Up
The Cruel- man`s myth made me believe that I was really framed, but I wasn’t. Nonetheless, I told myself that I will haunt whoever is behind this and the person I could use for help was my dearest friend- The Wise- thug. I went to my friend and told him that my case was getting worse and I believe that someone is framing me. “And how can I be of help, my friend?” he asked. “I need you to help me find and kill him.” “NO!” He said, "I can`t be of any help, my friend.” I got shocked to hear him turn me down on something that has to do with murder. I thought he was joking. “Then I want everything that belongs to me back.” “You mean everything you refused long ago? Now they belong to me; they are mine!” “My friend, What`s up with you? You never say no to me, worse, to adventures like this.” “You only know me when you need my help. Are you aware?” “We not friends, you killed my brother. I own your life, rememb
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Proving A Point
Never mind the fact that no parent wanted their children to befriend a murderer, it left me no choice but to do my usual hobby. Honestly, I was still schooling because of my parents` funding. The school depended on them by most means. Had I been of an average family, I`d be long expelled. As I was wondering how I was going to deal with the Wise-thug, I got a call from an unsaved number. I didn’t want to answer, but I ended up answering as that person kept calling. “I thought you`d never answer, how are you?” said the Family Leader. “What do you want?” “To tell you I`ll reconsider your request.” He laughed. “Are you the one who sent boys to beat me up?” “I guess we will never know.” He laughed and hang up the call. As I was thinking of what I just said my laptop made an alert. “Yes, I got the culprit.” The man is roaming in the Eastern side near the border. I hope he's not thinking what I think he's thinking.
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Caught by the Bad Guy
What have you done, Mastermind? Kept in a butchery refrigerator, I woke up to a Russian man who was ready to teach me a lesson. On that movement, I feared for my life. “I`ve been waiting for you to wake up.” He said, “I wanted you to see and feel the pain.” “I`m sorry, sir. I`ll never do it again.” “Yes, you`ll never do it again. I`ll make sure of that.” “Please don’t hurt me. You don’t want to regret it.” “Is that a threat?” asked as he drowned my head in the basin. He took it out and asked, “Who are you?” Coughing, “Mastermind... and I can be of service to you.” I said. “Who do you work for?” “I worked for many, and currently working for The Autocracy.” I said, “I`m not on their payroll so now I`m broke and free.” He drowned me again. “Do I look like a fool? A mastermind caught robbing a supermarket?” This time he took too long. I was starting to suffocate. He took my head out and said, “You`ll
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The things we do
The first day at school, after a long recess, was fine, and I had a great time with my new classmates. During lunchtime, I told my friend that we have a serious business to talk about.“We can talk now. I`m all ears.”I told him everything except the part of working for that Russian man.“So this man is a threat.” He said, “We need to eliminate him.”“What do you mean?”“We have to kill him and take over his businesses and territories, Mastermind.” He said, “Was it necessary for me to spell it out?”“I`m not part of ‘we’, right?” I said, “I don’t want to die.”“You are and you are not going to die.”Why did I even tell this guy! After school, I went home to drop off my bag and take off my uniform then went to the warehouse. I wanted to tell my friend that I`m not going to do what he
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Being Accountable for my Deeds
I woke up after 6weeks in a comma. I thought it was a day. I was shot 12bullets and was operated on at an affordable cost while my sister, who was still fighting for her life, was shot only 4bullets, but her medical costs were above a million and her legs were paralyzed. I was shocked to hear that my sister is in ICU.   In life, there are those times when someone is forced to do things they didn’t want to do. They killed my brother and justice was never served. Now it`s my sister. If I don’t act accordingly they`ll keep doing the same thing forever. I`m going to show them that no one messes with Mastermind`s family and get away with it- I mean no one! “What are you planning to do?” asked The Mystery- Voice. “To make this city the most dangerous place it already is.” I said, “I`m going to deal with those who attacked my sister. At least I know them.” “This time they are going to kill you, dead!” “I`ve died o
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