All Chapters of Born Again : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
48 Chapters
Failing A Grade
During lunchtime, some men came to pick me up at school. They were the Autocratic Family members. Top players in the game. When we got to the warehouse, I found the other 3guys who were in my position. We were four in total and had to play a game called survival of the fittest or last man standing. The wise- thug and the policeman weren’t present at moment and I was given new tutors so I got a phobia. Whatever game we are going to play, I`m disadvantaged before it began. I still could feel pain in my body. And I was nothing compared to my opponents.   It was the last quarter of the year and I had missed the third yet I still have to bunk few more days for the sake of being a high-profiled thug like the rest of the cabinet in the Empire. One would say it would be a miracle if I was promoted to the next grade.   I became fully committed to the initiations or the game itself. The thing I liked about my new tutors was that they a
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The New Me
I thought no one ever cared about me until I failed a grade, that`s when people started to feel pity for me. I don’t know if it was their way of celebrating my downfall. After everything that I`ve been through, the community started to neglect me. Now they seem to care because their children told them a genius failed. I was never even a genius for that matter; not since I met the Wise-thug.   My mom gave me an ultimatum. My mom. She gave me an ultimatum. Which parent does that? I know I wasted their R250k on school fees for nothing last year, but an ultimatum? They told me that if I don’t go to their preferred boarding school they were going to stop funding me academically, meaning if I don’t go there I`ll go to a public school. The worst part of the ultimatum was including the case- she threatened to stop funding my Advocate. What a mother I have. No wonder Dad is working far away from her. This woman is so mean, geez!  
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Unnecessary necessities
In the morning, I went to the police station to alert the Detective about the heist happening tonight. I hope he won`t take my tip for granted. I told him everything I knew about the heist, which was nothing. I only knew the road it was going to happen, not the exact location. That`s all. Since he, like the Prosecutor, believed that I have influence and know too much in the game. He bought my story and told me that he`ll be alert and will let me know if it really happens.   Later that night, when I really had lost hope of receiving a call from the Detective, he did call. They had busted the Autocratic Family members at the scene. Apparently, no big fishes were at the scene. But what was I thinking? Only the Wise-thug made his own heist.   The following day I went to the warehouse to check on the situation even though the Mystery- voice told me not to. I went anyway. When I got there, I found them torturing the person they tho
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The Worst Adventure
Now that I reunited my friend and his father, he started to spontaneously become my close friend. Playing chess together, sometimes poker; all types of mind games and he was good at it. However, this became the beginning of my old life, a life I ran away from by coming to this school. Worse, residing at it.   At first, we both ignored the fact that we are both thugs. We did. As much as we could. It was after my friend made it clear that he's going back to his old ways of doing things did I choose to join; forgetting what I promised my sister and self. I didn’t wake up and agree to what he said, he convinced me. He emotionally blackmailed me. He somehow blamed me, highlighting the fact that I made him risk his life for me. So I agreed, besides, I`ve worked with him before. He`s a wise thug. “My Dad and I have been working on this heist for 3years now and stopped after he went MIA.” “And now you want to do it with me, do you trust me?”
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The Worst Adventure (II)
I saw myself inside its stomach. I was inside a crocodile stomach. Apparently, it had no teeth hence it swallowed me alive after it couldn’t bit me into pieces. It happened that I landed on top of a big rock which it bitted after I moved away then removed its teeth.   It vomited me on the ground and left me weak and dizzy. When I woke up from the ground, I opened my eyes to a wolf. I thought I was dreaming or dizzy, so I closed and opened them again. They were two! I didn’t know where to go. North or South. East or West. The only place I could go was on top of a tree. I climbed a tree to its top tip. They tried climbing too. If you haven’t watched Gorge of the Jungle then you have missed your childhood stage. When I got out of the forest, I realized that I was going in the opposite direction as I saw the black dam. I crossed it in fear.   I met RasterBook on the other side too. I thought I had lost him for good. We ra
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Who took my money?
The first minute I knew that my Dad is home, I dropped whatever I was doing with whoever I was with. That man owes me, not in rands but in pounds. I want my money, I need it. “Dad, I know it`s you who took my money. I need it back, whatever is left is fine.” He laughed, “Nice try. You know you remind me of your late brother back in his days.” And then? You hardly know me, how is it you compare me with my brother? You don’t know us- me, for that matter. Serious as I was, I didn’t smile back, “My money, Dad!” “My son…I,” he said “My money, where is it?” “Mind how you talk to me, son. I`m your father.” I gave him a look. He should have seen himself. For a moment his right, he`s my father, not Dad. I don’t have a Dad; and a mom for that matter. They are my parents- mother and father. Someone should tell them what Mom and Dad is. “I lost your money- all of it.” “WHAT?!” I said, for that moment I almost lost i
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Who over Who?
I wanted to tag RasterBook again but then I remember the Blackmailer`s last call. I`m doing it alone, I`m going to show him I`m not an undermined Mastermind- Russian or not. “You know you gonna find them prepared and fully armed, right?” asked the Mystery- voice. “I`m still going alone, sir,” I said that loading my guns. With me were two AK47s, about 10granades, and four 9mm GLOCK 17 guns. To me, myself and myself, I was ready for war. When I got to the location, the build had no one. There was nothing in there, I searched until I got Black Jesus`s phone itself. Damn, they played me. I received a call from mom, “My son, your Dad…us.” “Mom, I can`t hear you. You are cutting this side.” “Your Dad has…” “Pardon?” This time, I pardoned not because I couldn’t hear her. I wanted her to say it for the last time. Her words didn’t change. Dad is no more. I cried out loud so the enemy could come out of hiding. I c
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Manna from heaven
I already failed a grade before and I can`t afford to fail again. I have to be a pre-matric learner next year, no matter what. The cap I took dropped me at the hospital as I wanted to check up on my Dad. When I got to his ward, I found his bed empty- even the name tag wasn’t there. I went back to the Receptionist as I didn’t ask her the first time I walked in. “Hello, young man. How can I help you?” I told her why I was here and she told me that my Dad has been transferred to London for heart surgery. Rather than being happy, I go worried and weak. But what was I worried about? “Are you okay, sir?” she asked, “Please take a sit a bit.” She helped me sit on the bench then brought me a glass of water. That`s how I got to chat with her a little longer.   I went home to my precious family, forgetting I had to be accountable for my suspension. My arrival at home was like they saw ghost daylight. Not even one`s eye leashed since I walke
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My People
I went back home during sunset after a very long day. I was exhausted until I came across mom`s phone on the table. I went through its call history then found the number. I saved it to my phone and just after I entered my room, I received a call from this number too. I activate my software before answering to trace the call location. “Mastermind, I hope your mom told you already. But don’t worry, she`s not part of this, I was just showing you how serious I am.” “You never called when I had the money and now that it`s gone you…” I said, “Wait, why wait till I was scammed?” He laughed, “Who scammed Mastermind?” he said, “I understand such happens sometimes though I wasn’t expecting it from you, my friend.” “So is there an alternative to this?” “Always! 90 girls- that`s the price of your sister will do.” He said, “You have less than 4weeks to give me 90girls. Fresh and beautiful, aged 15-18.” Then hung up. “Where am I supposed to get them
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The Auction
As time went by, Shadow took me to this farm about 28km away from home. The last time I went to a similar place, hell happened. Let`s hope history won`t repeat itself. When we got there, he parked the car next to this tree. We were meters away from the farmhouse. He told me we should get out of the car and go to the tree. “Why” “It`s not just a tree.” It was a treehouse. A place where he does his hackings.   As he was showing me around his treehouse, I got a call from an unsaved number. We traced the call before answering of cause. “Dude, I need your help!” said RasterBook, “I don’t know where I am, can you trace this call, please?” “He`s on the west side, 5minutes away from the nearest road.” He said, “Turn left when you exit the building, I`ll send our location don’t turn off your phone.” After the call, he asked, “Who is he?” I told him the whole truth. I told him that my sister and his were take
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