All Chapters of Born Again : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
48 Chapters
My Gift from Santa Claus
4months later during the December holidays, I was promoted to the next grade so I went home to spend the holidays with them as an innocent child. Dad was back and responding well to his recovery. My sister didn’t want anything to do with me. I was hurt, but at least she`s on therapy. She`ll come around. What pissed me off was Dad not telling my sister what really happened because she`s hating me for his deeds.   One Saturday, I came back home after doing my errands only to find my sister`s boyfriend at home. “I thought it was a family lunch, what is he doing here?” “He`s family now!” I laughed, “Since when?” “Since we are getting married soon.” I laughed again, “Are you sure?” I said, “When you got kidnapped, not even a single day did he come to check up on us- his family. He didn’t make any efforts for you.” “Efforts for your deeds?” she asked, “I was on a wheelchair because of you and now I almost got sol
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The Cold Case
When schools reopened for the New Year, and new grades, I was excited to be a pre- matriculate. Just one more year and I`ll be done with school. I went back to the dormitory on the first day of school rather than two days before as usual, I wasn’t ready for learning hence I skipped the day. When I got to the dormitory, I found RasterBook`s bed empty. The last time my friend skipped the first day of school she was in a tragic accident. It can`t be happening. I called him. “When are you coming back to school?” “I`m not coming back, Mastermind.” He said, “I can`t afford the fees anymore.” “What do you mean you can`t, were you paying for yourself?” He sighed without responding “So what`s the plan?” “To get my father out of that C- max. He won`t survive there.” He said, “Besides, I need to make money.” He hung up the call   I was hurt. I do I always have to lose my valuable friends? What have I done to deserve t
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The Cold Case: Continues
After recess, the man went under oath immediately. I knew my Advocate is going to spin everything around, it was his idea that I claimed to be the boyfriend. He has to take me out of this situation. “Young man, please tell the court who you are.” “I am… I was the victim`s boyfriend and baby Daddy when she… when they died.” He said, “She had just told me the news!” “What, did you just say boyfriend?” he asked, “But there is her boyfriend.” “He is lying. I was her only boyfriend unless their relationship was new which makes me no father of the child.” “You were the father. He is lying, I know!” he said, “No further questions.” “Any cross…” “Yes, my lord.” He said, “I have plenty of them queued.” “Proceed!” “Mr Boyfriend, why was your girlfriend stressed the night of her death?” “Objection!” “But you asked my client the same question earlier and he answered without an objection.” He said, “Be fair.”
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Their testimonies
The following day in court, I didn’t want to stress over the texts I got yesterday. I had a case to focus on. "All rise!" They all stood up as the magistrate walked in to sit. "You may be sitted." He said. "Yesterday, the defendent requested a psychologist to be put under oath. Proceed!" "Thank you, my lord." He said and called his witness.  When she got on stand, it all began. "Hello, ma'am. Before we begin, please everyone your profession." "I'm a psychiatrist. A qualified therapist and psychologist." "That's great." He said, "Now, after processing the theories presented in court, I say the guy who claims to be the baby dady is the one who killed the victim. What do you say?" "I don't think I qualify to answer that." "Okay. I'll rephrase my question. " he said. "In your working experience,  how long?" "20years." "Right, in your 20years experience,  have you ever met a patient who
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My Testimony
Do you know that feeling, a feeling you have when you know that your life is about to end? It is at that moment that one starts to give their hope to what their faith is at. At this moment, some give it to God, some to the universe, and some to unicorns. But mine, I gave it to my Guardian Angel, I gave it to the Mystery voice. I walked to the stand shivering. I knew I had fucked, but I couldn`t let my sister go to jail with me. I`d rather go alone if that`s the case. As I pleaded under oath, I had made up my mind that I`m gonna tell nothing but the truth. Even if I had to tell them what they want to hear, even if I have to lie. So be it! “Mastermind…” he sighed, “I hate to call an innocent child like you with that name. But we are not there, we are were. What is it that you want to confess?” he said, “But let me warn you, you just fucked up!” “Watch your tongue!” “My apologies, my lord.” He said, “Please tell the court of law what you want to
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The Verdict
During recess, I didn’t get a chance to prayer to my guardian angel to protect me as my Advocate kept shouting and reminding me how I fucked up. How I am going to spend the rest of my life in prison for things I didn’t do. I felt it, 30minutes felt like 30days of lecture.The way he was saying it, he was so sure that I will never see a day of sunshine after today. He said it without a doubt.Mind you I am innocent on every charge laid against me. I killed no one. I sold no one to those traffickers. Well, at least not my sister and ex-girlfriend.We went back to the courtroom for the verdict. “All rise!”Everything the Cruel-man was telling me outside started to sink in as the Magistrate walked in. I started to shiver. My body was shaking as if it`s freezing. I was shaking as if I was in the cold yet it was a shiny sunny day outside the courtroom building. I really felt the room's air conditioner.“
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Finding A Way To Survive in Prison
My first visitor in this prison hospital was my Advocate, just when I was getting discharged. Judging from my face and arm, he thought it was nothing major as my face had no bruises and my arm was balanced with a bandage, however, it was something more than major; I had internal injuries which includes broken ribs, and dislocated shoulder hence the bandage.“Never mind, I found them. Good day, Doctor.” He asked, “Are you okay, Mastermind? Does your arm still hurts?”“I thought this prisoner is not obligated to any visit. Who are you?”“His Advocate, thank you. And you must be his doctor.” He asked, “So my client, how is he?”“He is doing well so far, however, his arm is dislocated.” Said the Doctor, “Also, he has three broken ribs, with two on his right and one on his left.”“Is that all? No brain damage?”“Yes, sir!” the Doctor said i
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Life in Prison
It was during the day when everyone went outside for a walk and exercises. I stayed behind in my cell for a nap. As I was lying in bed, I thought about my family, I was missing them. I slept thinking about them, I could feel them, their presence.There we were, sitting in the garden at home, we were having a family talk. It felt so good, so nice. I enjoyed it until I got woken by this prison guard. That’s when I knew I was in a dream all along.This guard told me I had a visitor. I wished it was them, I wanted to believe that my dream was a signal. I hoped it was.“Is it a visitor or visitors?”“Keep moving!”When I got to the visiting room, it was my Advocate. But who was I expecting? I`m not allowed to have visitors, after all. Not even my family is allowed to visit me! What a life I`m living.“What do you want?”“I came to check up on you.” He asked, “How are you?”
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Prison Life
In the morning, during the inspection, the guards found my cellmate lying on the floor. I was taken to a detention cell since I couldn’t answer what had happened to my cellmate. Also, I was awaited by my gang to account for what I did. Something I wasn’t going to do. As I was in that small cell for 8hours, they gave me all the time to think about everything. When I came out of the cell, I had made up my mind. That gang won`t beat me for protecting myself, I rather have no gang if that`s the case. I went straight to my cell to rest on my bed, a few minutes later, the Black Jesus came in. “Mastermind, how are you?” “Exhausted, and yourself?” “Worried about you.” He asked, “What happened last night?” “That son of a bitch tried to rape me!” I sighed, “Was I wrong to fight back? Was I expected to sleep with another man to be part of this group? You didn’t tell me that. And if that`s how it works here, I`d rather not belong to a gang.”
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Prison Life (ii)
Two days later, I went back to the C-max prison hospital where I slept only for two more nights then I was told that I was fit to go back to my cell. When I got there, I didn’t find my cellmate. I hope he is dead. There were still many of us in the block who survived, but a little less than before the night of the war. Some of our soldiers were dead and some were still in the hospital. I don’t know where Black Jesus fell between the two as he was not there in his cell. But he can`t be dead. He can`t be. I didn’t sacrifice my life for him so he could die too. No, he is not! “Sure, Mastermind. I heard you are back.” He asked, “How are you?” “Thank God nothing happened to you.” I said, “As long as you are good, I`m good!” “Well, in that case, we need to talk.” He had a serious face. “I`m listening. Just hoping I`m not in trouble.” “We need to stop selling for now. It`s too dangerous.” “No, we are not stopping.” I said, “The danger
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