All Chapters of Sired To The Phoenix Prince Of Darkness: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
60 Chapters
Chapter 11
Was this what death felt like? Was it supposed to be dazy, crippling and even painful? Syanna didn’t think so. But who was she to know what death felt like? She had never really died before, until now. There was mumbling in the background, and she shuffled in her spot, thinking it might be her parents. Were they waiting for her? Would she be at peace with them, knowing she lived a good 20 years, and that now Cole was free? Cole. Gosh, she remembered the look on his face when that vampire grabbed her. The look of utter pain and agony, and he didn’t even like her. She remembered how he pushed passed that barrier, trying to save her. What force was so greater than the headmistress’s barrier, that Cole, of all people, managed to break through solely to save her? It couldn’t be what she thought it was. It was too soon--far too soon. They barely even shared a proper conversation other than the night two years ago, and he didn’t even remember that moment. So it couldn’t be what she th
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Chapter 12
Cole came back. He wasn’t halfway across the country, and he wasn’t relishing his freedom. Because, for sure, Cole was standing right in front of them at Genevieve’s door. The witch seemed just as shocked as Syanna. More than anyone else, Genevieve knew how much Cole craved to be free—that he’d do absolutely nothing for his freedom. Yet, here he was. He glanced over Genevieve’s shoulder and met eyes with Syanna, and her stomach erupted in a bundle of butterflies and lit with fire. It was the most amazing feeling she’s ever felt. Cole crossed the room towards her, not even sparing Genevieve or Isaac a glance as he sat beside Syanna. He reached forward, as if he was about to touch her face, but quickly retreated his hand when he realised what he was about to do. But Syanna grabbed it and placed her cheeks in his warm palms. Her eyes fluttered closed as she relished the tingling sensation that ran through her body when he touched her. If Cole even knew what he did to her, he would’
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Chapter 13
She was heaven on earth. Syanna was the most majestic creature Cole had ever touched, and he didn’t want this moment to end. He hadn’t intended on kissing her today. Hell, all he cared about was keeping her safe and alive. But when she touched him—when she held him and told him to kiss her, he was done for. Although she was the one who suggested the kiss, she seemed timid at first as her lips moved against hers in a slow, teasing caress. Her lips were sweet and soft like he had always imagined. She gripped his shirt for dear life and sank her fingers into his hair with her other hand. She felt pure; she tasted new as if she’s never been kissed before. And quite frankly, Cole loved the idea. He didn’t know why he didn’t take the opportunity to dash for the hills the second he killed that Vechi vampire. He had tried—oh, he tried. He just stood there, staring at the dead vampire and the blood dripping from his hands. Then, he glanced at the trees and bushes he had burnt around him,
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Chapter 14
She had done it. She had completely lost her mind. Syanna kissed Cole. And the worst part was, she liked it. It had been two days, and everything was finally returning to normal. After she left Genevieve’s secret room the morning after, she was instantly swept away into meetings with the headmistress. At first, Syanna thought she’d be in trouble, although she didn’t do anything wrong. But, with everything that happened, she couldn’t help but believe she had done something wrong. She thought she had done something to the vampires—even if she didn’t intend to. But the headmistress dismissed those thoughts, and the vampires were on strict orders not to harm her. Yet Headmistress Simpson wouldn’t tell Syanna the real reason. So, she was going to find out herself. But she couldn’t get a second without her thoughts being filled with Cole. The way he tasted… the way he held and kissed her…it haunted her. And the worse part, she wanted to do it again. “Earth to Syanna?” Juliet waved
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Chapter 15
“This is pointless.” Syanna fell into the chair with a huff, leaving a pile of books on the table in front of her. They had been in the library for over two hours and had yet to find anything of worth that could be useful for them, or at least lead to a clue. But they had found nothing, and the enormous library wasn’t helping either. It seemed small from the outside, but it went tall and wide when they stepped in with mountains of shelves of books, and a second floor filled with even more books. There were a few sofas here and there, and a reception area close to the entrance. But the books seemed to have gone on for miles. There was obviously magic involved. There was no way this could’ve been natural. And right now, it wasn’t working in their favour. “Oh ye of little faith,” Isaac teased as he flung a huge, brown book at her. “Keep looking. There has to be something.”Cole, who was leaning against a bookshelf with a smirk on his lips, snorted at Isaac’s comment. “I think we’re
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Chapter 16
She froze. Syanna didn’t know what else to do in a situation like this. Isaac had never looked so scared since the day the vampires came after her. To make it worse, he looked even more terrified now, if that was even possible. She gulped as she stepped closer to him, still gripping the red book in her hand. “What is it?” Cole asked urgently. He took the words right from her lips, but it had been so hard for her to ask. Isaac lifted his head from the book, his eyes wide and urgent as he placed it on the small table in the centre of the room. Cole glanced at it, and the confusion came first. Syanna had no idea why she was so anxious. It’s not like she hadn’t expected them to find something. She had just hoped that it would be something good. Not bad. The confusion didn’t fall from Cole’s face, so Syanna reckoned she wouldn’t decipher anything from his expression only. So, with a deep breath, Syanna crossed the room towards the book. But when she glanced at the page, she rea
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Chapter 17
Warning: Chapter contains mature content! *** Genevieve. Cole had to find Genevieve. She was the only one who could explain everything to him, and he sure as hell wouldn’t stop until he knew the truth. For the past two years, he had been wondering who he was, why he didn’t remember who he was before Unici, and what it would take to learn this truth. When all along. It was right under his nose here at Unici. Was this the reason he had such a connection with Syanna? Was she the one who would lead him to the truth? Was this all pre-destined to go this way? What if he was supposed to meet Syanna? What if she was his indefinitely, by some sick games of the universe? It couldn’t be a lie. The feeling he felt when Syanna told him she’d be there for him couldn’t have been all scheduled. His entire life had been a lie, and Syanna couldn’t be one of them. “Cole! Wait up!” She was right behind him. She had been following him all the way to his room from the library, even after Isaac had
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Chapter 18
Syanna was brought back to the conscious world as her nap ended, and rolled to her side, but the bed was empty. She fluttered her eyes open, indeed being met with the empty spot where Cole used to be. A frown pulled on her lips, and she sat against the headboard, wondering where he could’ve gone. Did he go to find Genevieve, leaving her here alone in his bed? She pulled her knees to her chest as her heart broke, and all the negative thoughts came rushing in. What if he only did this to get her mind off the issue at hand? Was that why he didn’t take it to the next level? Syanna knew she wouldn’t have refused if he had tried to have sex with her, but he evidently didn’t want to. But why? She couldn’t understand the man. He was flirty and sweet one minute and a completely different person the next. And it’s not like Syanna didn’t understand his situation. She, of all people, knew the burden of having a past that you didn’t know of. Syanna could only imagine how it felt for Cole. He
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Chapter 19
What the fuck just happened? No really. Cole was literally a second behind Syanna, and when he stepped outside, she was gone. She wasn’t down the hallway. She wasn’t near the stairs. She was just gone. And to make it worse, Cole found her phone at his door, as if she had dropped it. And he was on the brink of burning the entire school to the ground in that very second. But he composed himself. If he burned the school down, he’d kill her too. And the very thought of that made his insides shiver. For the first time since he knew himself, Cole felt helpless. He didn’t know what to do or where to go. He didn’t know who took Syanna, and their scent wasn’t in the hallway either. So, he couldn’t even follow it.He was going to go crazy if he didn’t move now. It was evident that whoever took Syanna wasn’t joking around. They meant business, but he was the destroyer of all things and people that could hurt Syanna. To hell with whoever got caught in the crossfire. Cole stomped his way dow
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Chapter 20
It was dark.Wherever Syanna was, had no hint of light, smell, sound or anything to prove that she was alive. Had she been killed for the second time since she’s at this damn academy? First, having her neck ripped open by an ancient vampire, and now being kidnapped at Cole’s bedroom door after having the orgasm of her life? She had woken up about a minute ago, but somehow had managed to stay calm and not scream. Although she couldn’t see a thing, Syanna could tell that she was safe. She didn’t know how, but she just knew. That was why her first thought was death. No way she would’ve been feeling this way if she was still in the hands of her kidnappers. “Syanna? Syanna are you awake?” It was Juliet, and by the sound of her voice, she had been crying a lot. Was she dead too? Did they cross over together? “I’m awake. Juliet?” “Yes, it’s me,” Juliet whispered. “Keep your voice down. They’ll hear us.” “Who’ll hear us?” Syanna asked. “The grim reaper?”“What?” Juliet sounded genuinel
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