All Chapters of Sired To The Phoenix Prince Of Darkness: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
60 Chapters
Chapter 31
This shit was getting old. Every single time, as soon as she was getting comfortable, something awful happened. Syanna wasn’t even sure what took place. Once minute she was having the best evening of her life, then she woke up alone in a dark, creepy, cold cave, then, she was being pulled across the campus at inhuman speed. Now, she was in a room. Not her room, but a large, dark bedroom, chained to a bed. “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” she mumbled, pulling at the chain around her ankle. It all happened so fast that she didn’t even see who her captor was. But from the small view that she had of the window, she could see one of Unici’s flag poles, which confirmed her assumption that was still on campus. Syanna didn’t know what to feel. Fear? No, not really. As much as she’s been kidnapped, she wasn’t afraid. Frustration? A little bit. She was getting sick of all this mess. But anger? Definitely. And she wasn’t even angry at her kidnappers. She was livid with Cole. At first, she th
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Chapter 32
This was not going to end well. Syanna knew it. Mark knew it. Cole knew it. Even the damn moon knew it!And indeed, before Syanna could get a fair chance to speak, Cole was across the room, pinning Mark against the wall with just one hand. “Cole, stop!” she shouted, but like she expected, he didn’t even flinch. How did he even find her? And so fast, too? Had something changed? Did he put a tracker on her? Or was it just a great guess? But even if it was, how did Cole know she was in this exact room. It wasn’t even Mark’s room. It was Veronica’s.Syanna could see the life draining from Mark’s eyes within seconds. Cole was burning a palm around his next, not to mention suffocating him, too. This would end badly if he did, indeed, kill Mark. But, unlike the first time he had Mark at death’s door when Syanna was only afraid of what would happen to Cole since he’d be sentenced to death, she saw the bigger picture now. Mark was the leader of this school’s vampire association. If he died
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Chapter 33
One day. Just one day of some normalcy. That’s all she asked for. But no. Syanna should’ve known better. She was a human in a freaking school for supernaturals, for crying out loud. This was as normal as it gets. And as in ‘this,’ she means waking up in Unici’s nurse station. She had been awake for two whole minutes now, and all the memories were already haunting her. To make it worse, she couldn’t even move. She could move her head from side to side, which gave her the perfect view of the plain, white room with cabinets filled with things you wouldn’t see in a regular hospital, and a single blue curtain to separate her from her roommate. But it seemed she was completely alone. Which she found odd, considering the fact that she did have friends. She had Isaac, Juliet, and even Genevieve. But who was she kidding? Syanna was disappointed, because she woke up and didn’t see Cole. Still, why would she? Wasn’t she the one who told him straight to his face that his darkness was too mu
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Chapter 34
Jake had said a bunch of frightening, surprising and crazy things during his short visit. In the span of a few minutes, Syanna learnt that her dad was a vampire, her bloodline was indeed special, but it pretty much could be the end of her life. But now she knew why. The question she had been asking herself for days had finally been answered. This was the reason why her blood was so special? Because it could kill some creepy, ancient bloodthirsty vampire? She gasped as Jake’s words echoed in her head. ‘Apparently, your blood is the only thing that can kill him.’It all made sense now. That’s why the Vechi vampire at the barrier found her, because the spell that was used to cloak her until she was twenty was now gone, and so they knew she was at Unici. But because of the barrier, they couldn’t get in. It was all so perfectly orchestrated by her parents. Syanna got a chance to live a normal human life until the spell wore off, where she was sent to Unici for her protection, because
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Chapter 35
Spending time with Jake was great, and after the heavy atmosphere of truth lifted, Syanna ate with him and got some time to catch up. Turns out, he was actually dating someone, and the lucky lady had a little girl named Emma. Emma’s dad died when she was just a baby, so she never really knew a father. Now at three years-old. Luckily Jake could be that dad to her, and maybe even give her a little sister.Syanna was excited for him. She loved that Jake was getting back out there, not being burdened with the cursed Tarrio child. Of course, she didn’t say that out loud. Jake wouldn’t stand for it. But that was what made him so awesome, anyway. He stayed for about two hours until he had to run, leaving Syanna with a keen, loving warning about staying safe, and telling her he loved with all his heart. And though hers was still broken from cutting off things with Cole, a visit from Jake really helped. But now she was alone, and her thoughts were able to drift back to the golden-eyed man,
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Chapter 36
Torture. It had been pure torture for Cole these past few days, but he kept his distance. Syanna made it clear what she wanted, and it hurt like hell. He never thought he was even capable of being so hurt, but he thought wrong. Because the second she looked him in the eyes, and told him that he was bad for her, his entire world crumbled. She had confirmed his fear. She had used what he had always known and rubbed his heart in ten dirt. But she wasn’t wrong. Cole had always been who he was, but he was never a violent person, getting the urge to kill and hurt until Syanna. But how could he not, when she was the very air that he breathed? And then, to make his torture worst, he learnt that she had passed out from that gash she made in her palm. They had healed her with the water from Ivy Lake, but she had already lost too much blood. It almost killed him to know she was in there, unconscious and fighting for her life, and with every blood she got, her body rejected it. Cole had snu
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Chapter 37
She had done it again.She had utterly crushed him two times in the span of a week. But it was necessary. For the past three days, she had been contemplating what Genevieve had said. And the more she thought about breaking their bond, the more it hurt. She cried her eyes out this morning before making the trip to Cole’s room. But Juliet assured her that this could be for the best. Juliet never much liked Cole, even being a cupid. But Syanna knew she never understood. To Juliet, Cole was just bad news, and she couldn’t be more relieved that Syanna now ‘saw the truth.’ Yet, she had to do this. She had to sever their link, or they both will suffer. “Syanna,” he whispered, taking a defeated step towards her. Syanna stepped back on instinct, and her heart ached even more. “Cole, please. It’s not easy for me.”“So don’t do this,” he said, his eyes pleading. “Syanna, I know I’ve been a mess. I know I have been too impulsive with people, but I can be better for you.” “Cole, you’re not a
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Chapter 38
All is fair in love and war. Until, that is, love becomes more dangerous than the war. Syanna hadn’t gone through with her original plan of breaking the link with Cole. In fact, things took quite a turn that she hadn’t been expecting, and he showed her just how much he loved and needed her in the span of thirty whole minutes. It was even better than the first time at the cave. She didn’t know how, but it was. And even now, when she’s left his room, she only wanted to go back and find him. But she had a class in fifteen minutes, and she definitely needed a shower before she left. Syanna didn’t regret not going through with her plan, and she believed him when he told her that he would try and control his impulses and instinct to fight or kill those that are threats to her. She just hoped this was really for the best, and she wouldn’t regret it. She got to her room without anyone seeing her, ran inside and slammed the door as she leaned against it. That was close. It was pretty ob
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Chapter 39
Unici’s classes were sometimes pointless. They taught them the basics of supernatural knowledge, the history of the fairies and the ‘evil’ out there. They also taught them fighting skills, and things they needed to know about nature, plants and animals. So, science and biology were a huge part of their curriculum. They also, even though it wasn’t needed, taught them general subjects that would be taught at a regular university, but they had the chance to choose. Syanna, with her annoyingly ambitious self, decided to take as many ‘human’ courses as possible because, one, she very much still planned to remain human and two, although Unici was her destiny and dream, she still wanted it to reflect a normal college as much as possible. But now, at six in the evening, when most of the school was either hanging, banging, sleeping or eating, she was stuck in math class with her very lazy professor, Mr Figs. Mr Figs had assigned them tasks that Syanna was sure he didn’t know how to solve h
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Chapter 40
Syanna has broken a lot of rules in my lifetime. She wasn’t always the innocent, quiet girl that everyone thought she was. In fact, when she was sixteen, she was in her most rebellious stage, when all her friends were talking about college, and she felt left out knowing she wouldn’t ever go to a normal college, miles away and wear an oversize jersey with her face buried in her notes at two in the morning, somewhere in her dorm. She had made quite a mess with her high school reputation, but made it up in her senior year. Now, she was feeling rebellious again. But it wasn’t because she felt like her life was being taken away from her without any say of her own. It was because her truth was practically stolen from her this time. And she was getting it back. The sports day was in full swing when they left. They had to show be there at first, not to draw suspicion to themselves. Cole was the first one who left, smiley because no one would believe that Cole would be interested in a day
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