All Chapters of Sired To The Phoenix Prince Of Darkness: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
60 Chapters
Chapter 21
Genevieve knew that this day would come. The day when she had to show Cole the whole truth—the day when he’d probably rip her head from her body out of rage. The day when she showed him that he had known Syanna long before Unici. And just like she anticipated, his eyes were bright in anger as they snapped open. “Get the hell away from me,” Cole growled as steam rose from his skin. Genevieve gulped. “I did it for your own good, Cole,” she told him, trying to calm him down. But instead, this made him even angrier. She knew that when she showed Cole the truth, he’d hate her even more. She didn’t know why that thought bugged her so much, yet it did.“My own good!” He laughed, but it was void of humour. “Do you know what my first memory is, Genevieve? Seeing you, who took me and brought me to a place that I hated! Do you know how much more peace I would’ve had for the past two years if I had remembered that I met Syanna!?” He ran his hand through his hair. “Gosh, I... I knew her all
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Chapter 22
Syanna couldn’t believe her eyes, although she had figured out the truth. The headmistress wasn’t supposed to be the bad guys. She was… she was the headmistress, for crying out loud! But she couldn’t deny what was right in front of them. And that was the headmistress. Yet, unlike most ‘villains,’ the headmistress didn’t wear a coy smirk, or scowl that proved a long-lived hate, nor did she look like she was going to threaten their lives or tell them her sad backstory. Instead, she smiled at them—and it wasn’t one of those evil ones. It was warm and almost motherly, and if she didn’t know better, probably even scolding. “Hello, Syanna,” Headmistress Simpson said with a short nod. “Juliet.” “Why am I here?” Syanna didn’t waste any time. She just went straight for the kill. Headmistress Simpson smiled. “For your own good,” she said. “You’ve been quite busy, I’ve been told.” “Told by who?” Syanna narrowed her eyes. No longer could she see this woman as a respected authority figure. E
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Chapter 23
Twelve hours. It had been twelve hours since Genevieve left, and Syanna was getting both antsy and sleepy. It’s not that she was rushing them or waiting like a damsel in distress for her prince charming to save her, but being here gave her a lot of time to think. What would she do if they pulled off setting her free? What will they do when the headmistress comes after them again? It’s not like she could very well stay at Unici, but she wouldn’t be able to go back home to Jake, either. He’d surely send her back for her 'own protection.’ And that, too, was another thing to consider. The Vechi vampire who Cole killed wasn’t the only one, and she knew that if she left Unici, she’d run into more of them. With or without Cole, that’d be a problem. So, she was basically stuck. No option worked in her favour except one. And that was convincing the headmistress that she could handle the truth and danger better if she actually knew what it was. All her life, Jake had done the same thing as
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Chapter 24
Was it a trap? Why was this so easy? Syanna was out on the grass of Unici, fully fed and free to go to her classes and do whatsoever she pleased. She found it suspicious, even though she vividly remembered the conversation she had with the headmistress last night, yet, it still felt too... easy. She shrugged, deciding that it would be best to get the hell away from there as fast as she could. There was no need to be testing fate. “Syanna?” She knew this voice anywhere, and as she thought, she spun around to see Isaac sprinting towards her. He grabbed her and twirled her around before resting her back on her feet. “Gosh, I was so worried,” he said as he examined her. He was a mess. His eyes were red and drooping, and his hair was messy, as if he spent the entire night running his hands through it. “Did you stay here the entire night?” Syanna asked him. He scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile. “Yeah, I kinda did.” Her mouth fell open. “I thought you would’ve know
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Chapter 25
“I am never letting you out of my sight again.” Cole held onto Syanna as they entered his room. The morning had just started, yet they both had had a long day already. “Even when I’m peeing?” Syanna teased as they plopped in Cole’s bed. “Isn’t that a bit weird?”Cole, too smiled as he caressed her cheek with his thumb. “You can use the bathroom in peace,” he said with a chuckle. “But no more vampire attacks, or supposedly good-willed kidnappings.”He rolled his eyes at the thought. Syanna found it funny. She had spent the entire walk to his room explaining to him why the headmistress wasn’t evil, and why he shouldn’t pick a fight with her. But Cole was still sceptical. He thought that the old fairy could’ve approached the situation immensely better. Which was true. Syanna didn’t understand why the headmistress had to be so extra. She understood that she was trying to give Syanna a wake-up call, but kidnapping? That would’ve given anyone the wrong impression. “I doubt that,” Syanna
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Chapter 26
A week had passed, and every day was pretty much the same. Syanna would try to open the book, Cole would bug Genevieve to tell him a little more about who he was, and Isaac would be on the sidelines, helping Syanna and teasing Genevieve whenever he got the chance. They had yet to make any progress, except Cole learning more about Syanna, and Syanna more about Cole. Like the fact that she smells her food before she takes a bite, and she scratches her head whenever she’s thinking about something. Cole also learned that she likes her curly hair, but prefers it straightened, and she likes when Cole squeezes her bum and bites her bottom lip. It was fun, and a little sweet building a relationship with Cole, especially considering how it all started. Yet, Syanna couldn’t bare the empty feeling inside when she thought about the fact that the stupid book wouldn’t open. Genevieve tried spells, they tried tactics, they even tried breaking it open. Yet, it wouldn’t budge. “Maybe we’re
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Chapter 27
She actually agreed. Syanna agreed to go to some unknown place with Cole, with no knowledge of where they were going or what they were going to do. He didn’t know why, but the thought that she trusted him gave him shivers inside. Sometimes he hated and feared the way she made him feel. She was a tiny—emphasis on the tiny—human from a small town with some serious supernatural history in her blood, but she was still one girl. Yet, she did things to Cole that he wouldn’t even phantom a year ago. His memory of Syanna was the first memory he’d have outside of Unici, and although he craved to know what my life was like before this damn academy, he couldn’t help but want to make memories with this tiny human. Genevieve confirmed that he and Syanna were connected, and he wouldn’t try to deny it any longer. There wouldn’t be any other explanation for the pull he felt towards her—to the point where he always wanted to be with her, no matter what or when. And he doesn’t necessarily disl
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Chapter 28
Warning: This chapter includes mature content. If you are uncomfortable with this type of content, please skip it. Otherwise, enjoy! His hands, lips and breath on every part of her body were electric. Syanna knew this moment would come. She thought she’d be prepared, so she’d know what to do. But gosh, she should’ve known that she couldn’t anticipate anything with Cole. She couldn’t be prepared for anything. Because he was a disaster waiting to happen, but not in a bad way. In the way that made her crave his chaos, over and over. His lips were wild against hers as he kissed her like he needed her to breathe. The stone was cold against her bare back as Cole laid her against it, as his hands roamed and praised every crevice of her body. Her dress was still bundled at her waist, and Cole finished the job by shuffling the rest down her legs, leaving her in only underwear. His eyes appraised her, watching her like she was the goddess of beauty herself before finally landing on he
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Chapter 29
“Cole.” Cole shuffled in his sleep, hearing the soft whisper of his name, but not loud enough to jolt him from the subconscious world. “Cole...” There it was again, a bit louder and more urgent, but still not strong or urgent enough to make him move from this position. He can’t remember the last time he slept so well. That’s because he has never slept so well. “Cole, come to me.” It was louder, and even more urgent, and soon he felt himself slipping into the conscious world again. It was dark—so dark that for a second, he forgot where he was. But then he caught a whiff of Syanna’s scent, and all the memories of their moment together came rushing back. She was majestic. She was everything Cole had ever dreamed of or wanted, and she was his. Never had he imagined that Syanna would be so...wonderful. He had, shamelessly so, imagined this moment a million times in his head. Yet, it was far more exquisite—far more special, and he just knew that their souls were now connected. He felt
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Chapter 30
How could it be? How could Syanna be right here when… No. Cole wouldn’t fall for it.Did she think he was a fool? And he sure as hell wasn’t losing his mind. He left Syanna in the cave. Hell, he felt her wake up just now in that very cave. No way this creepy, soon to be dead woman was Syanna. Never in a million years. “You cant trick me,” Cole said, quite done with her games. She even made a terrible mistake. When she was in the shadow of the trees, Cole could see that her hair swept her bottom. Now, it fell in dark curls around her shoulders, just like Syanna’s. He had to give it to her, she did make a good impression. But not good enough to fool him. “I’m not fooling you,” she said, and Cole took a double take when he noticed that her voice, too, had changed. And to make it worse, it was Syanna’s exact voice. “You’re not her.” Cole was sure. “You cant be.” “But I am,” she insisted. “Don’t you want to know how?” Cole shook his head, ready to leave this crazy woman here and r
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