All Chapters of The Alpha’s Omega : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
100 Chapters
My body was burning from so much heat. My face was buried into a hard wall that smelled so good but I still had difficulty with breathing. I opened my eyes and tried to move back but something seemed to be holding me tightly. I pushed against the wall but instead, I realized I was pressed up a hard body. Alpha Rome. Memories from last night flooded my head and my cheeks burned with embarrassment. My ass tingled where he had spanked me and my thighs clenched remembering the pleasure he had made me feel. I've never felt something like that in all of my existence. Embarrassed by all that, I pushed harder against him. "Stay still Frost" his morning voice was deep and husky. My thighs involuntarily clenched and a flood of wetness escaped me. I heard him suck in a deep breath and I knew he would be able to smell my arousal. My embarrassment doubled and I pushed harder against his chest. Thankfully, he let go of me and I moved far away from him. My body missed his warmth but I needed to ke
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“Fifty gold coins?” The tall man asked in disbelief. “That is too much for a slave” another man said. “How can you afford that? Did you steal? Are you even supposed to own that kind of money?”. Ajax took a step forward and the men went silent. “You really want to buy the slave for fifty gold coins?” The auctioneer asked. “Yes” “Let me have the coins”. I quickly picked out the silver coins and gave it to the man. After counting and confirming the amount in the bag, a greedy smile spread on his face. “Have her” he handed the chain to me and slipped a key into my hand. “I won’t hand this coins back to you” “I don’t need you to” I said and started unlocking the girl’s chained hands. Ajax helped me and she was free from the chains. “Why did you buy me?” She asked in a dull tone. Why did I buy her? I had no reason to buy her but I did anyway. I guess it was better than allowing those men to take her for themselves. “What will you do to me?” “Nothing, you are free to go. Take this”
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I took a step back, bumping into Will who was standing behind me. A fight to the death? She was trying to murder me, because there was no way I could win her in a duel. She was the head of the female warriors for a reason and I, a common omega who had never fought in her life. I would lose. But I also couldn't reject the challenge. The wolves would look down on me even more. "What? You can’t accept the challenge?" She taunted and I gulped. I willed myself to respond, to just say anything but my mouth was dry. No words would come out. How could I accept what would inevitably end my existence? The crowd of warriors was silent as they watched and waited for what would happen. They waited for me to accept the challenge. "Are you too scared to take on me? Because you know you have no chance? That you're no match for me?" She mocked me further, circling me with an overconfident grin etched on her face. I wish I could wipe it off. Permanently. "Accept that you're no match for me" Yes. I
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The next few days passed by slower than I would have liked. I spent most of my time in my room because I didn't want to be seen outside not when everyone knows what happened. They'll only stare at me judgmentally and with disdain. It really would not be comfortable. I couldn't deal with the stares. On the other hand, I have not seen Alpha Rome. I heard him pass in the hallways and I also heard his voice and perceived his scent but we never saw him. Not that I wanted to see him. I was avoiding him. 'For you to be avoiding someone, he has to be willing to see you' my subconscious mocked. Right. It would also seem like the alpha didn't want to see me and as much as I'll like to pretend that it don't bother me, it was a complete lie. I was upset that he didn't want to see me. I stepped out of my room for the first time in two days. I looked at both ends of the corridor to see if there was anyone in the hallway. Thankfully there was no one. I slipped out and walked to the exit of the bui
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I ran in the opposite direction, jumping over fallen logs and muddy earth. I could hear the snarling of the wolf behind me. My heart beat wildly and my blood pumped in my ears as I ran faster than I ever did in my whole life. I ignored the ache in my muscles and the fear that was going to kill me. I would not be mauled by a wolf. I jumped over a puddle, missed a footing, and fell to the floor. The ground was sloppy around the area because I rolled until I hit something hard. Spots danced in my vision and the darkness threatened to overtake me but I fought hard to keep my eyes open. I looked around. I was in unfamiliar territory. It was either I was still in the forest, an unclaimed territory and vulnerable to the rogues or I was now in another wolf pack. I don't know which would turn out better for me but for my own sake, I wished I was on pack territory. I took a step forward and I felt a sharp pain in my ankle. It wasn't twisted but I must have hit it somewhere. I walked further aw
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I opened my eyes slowly. No one else was in the room but I instantly recognized I was in the alpha's room. I stood up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. My bladder was really full and I needed to ease myself. There was a dull ache in my ankle. After using the toilet, I washed my hands clean briefly stopping at the mirror. There were cuts and bruises on my face but most of them have been healed leaving small scars. The sound of a door opening made me to move back to the room. Samantha was carrying a tray with wool and other supplies. "You're awake. I came to clean your injuries" she said softly. "They are all healed," I said. "The ones on your stomach and back still need to be cleaned up" Stomach and back. I didn't even know I had injuries there. A headache formed at the back of my head and I swayed on my feet. "Come here. Let's get you into bed" she aided me and I was soon under the cover. My head rested on the soft pillows. I closed my eyes with a sigh. Yesterday was event
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My hands remained at my side as he plundered my mouth, his tongue dominating mine and ravaging me. My skin was burning. I wanted... No, I needed more. I felt like I was going to explode if he didn't touch me. The kiss continued for a long time, none of us wanting to move away from the other. His hands touched my stomach lightly and I moaned into his mouth. He pulled away, his eyes raging and my skin still burning. He took a step back, dropping his hands from me and I whimpered from the loss of contact. I wanted to feel more of his touch and so I lowered my hands to my dress and began to open it. And as I did I could feel his eyes on me. The power of our arousal was not hidden either. As I slowly undid mine, he took his clothes off too and he had his eyes on me all through and my desire grew. Within a few seconds, we were not putting on anything. The desire clouded my senses and that was the only thing I could think about. I didn't feel any shame standing in my birthday suit and ope
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Alpha Rome was gone when I opened my eyes. My cheeks were crimson as I kept replaying what happened between us the previous night. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced and my body called out for him even more. I didn't understand this feeling as I'd never felt it before but it threatened to consume me. Even now he was gone, I still wanted to feel his hands and tongue. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Samantha may have mistakenly added something to the herbs she gave me or this was an adverse effect. I should not be feeling this way in the first place. I rolled out of bed and a smile spread on my face when I saw I was wearing his loose sweatpants. My gown was discarded in a corner and I quickly grabbed it, folded the clothes in a neat style, and placed it on the bed. My body felt rejuvenated so it was no hassle to go to my room. I stripped out of my clothes again for a bath and after that, I got ready for a new set of clothes. My stomach rumbled in hunger and I debated on
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I drank a whole pitcher of water the moment I woke up. My throat felt very dry and I couldn't speak. The door opened and Samantha hurried in with a covered cup. She handed it over to me. "Drink. It'll help with any damage caused by the smoke" I nodded, throwing the contents of the cup into my mouth not minding the taste. I wanted to feel better instantly "You'll feel sleepy but you'll need to take another one until you're completely healed" I nodded. I wanted to thank her but it hurt to speak so I squeezed her palm. "I'm happy to help. I just hate that we meet often under these circumstances. I wish all this can end once and for all so you'll feel better and safe" I smiled at her. I wished for the same thing. I've never been injured or attacked this much since I came into this world. "Have some rest now. Another dose will be by your bedside when you wake up" I nodded and settled into bed. I fell asleep quickly. When I woke up again, I took the cup and drank the contents, and fel
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Athena and Dionyus' death brought me calmness. The two weeks that followed after their death were one of the best. I had no feeling of being unsafe or fear of being attacked or harmed. I felt at peace. Rome and I had minimal contact during the two weeks. Mostly because he was busy. Athena's death left the head female warrior position vacant and I heard there were going to be tryouts to fill up the position. Anyways, it was good that he was away from me. I couldn't understand my body's reaction anymore. It was like it had a mind of its own, constantly yearning and crying for her mate. I wasn't ready to be with Rome like that. Whatever was going on had no proper definition and I refuse to allow my heart to be used. I would not be deceived into thinking he wanted me only for him to abandon me. And while my subconscious believes otherwise, I refused to be fooled. "Taking care of those who posed as a risk to you doesn't prove that he is interested in you?" the voice in my head asked but
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