All Chapters of The Alpha’s Omega : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
100 Chapters
ALPHA ROME'S POV I was agitated. For whatever reason I couldn't understand, Frost was avoiding me. She constantly spent time away from the pack house and spent the nights at Samantha's house. She made it clear that she didn't want to come back to the pack house and I don't want to force her to. I was trying to make the relationship work or start since it hadn't been defined by us and it would be foolish to impose my decisions on her. But that didn't calm me. I wanted to find her and demand to know why she was avoiding me. Nothing had gone wrong between us so I didn't understand her attitude. I closed the door roughly and stepped out into the hallway. Xander was waiting outside. "Any news from the spy?" He shook his head "And Sileas’ son?" "Still no news from any of them and there has been no attack. I feel something is up" I nodded. "Make sure security of the border is tight and no one stays too close or out of the border" "Yes alpha" "Also, Ajax knows he is to keep an eye on
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The pack house has been upside down since the Beta announced there would be a bonfire on the night of the full moon. I was super excited too. Thankfully it wasn't a pack run. Then, I wouldn't be part of it because I had no wolf. But it was a bonfire, and I could participate. I was so excited about the full moon. But there is only one issue, my feelings of lust may overtake me that day since I would be vulnerable with the moon and the alpha would be so close. I saw the hurt that day in his eyes when I looked away. From Samantha's explanation, it was difficult for him to be away from me and he asked for my clothes to use my scent to calm down. It made me giddy and made my heart flutter knowing he needed me that much. It was a strange feeling but I liked it. Right now, I was on my way to the training field. Samantha suggested that it would be wise to train me since we were expecting my wolf to show up at any time. It was a good suggestion anyways because I would spend my free time mak
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His arms were like steel bands around my waist. His cock poked my hips through his pants. A strangled groan left his lips. "I can't hold back" he muttered as he pulled away from the kiss. "Don't" I whispered, pulling him for another kiss. His tongue ravaged my mouth. Our tongues danced against each other sensually. I was lost. Lost to the call of the moon. Lost to his taste and smell. He wasn't any better. His desire poking at me. He pulled away and we just stared at each other intensely. A silent communication going on. He wanted to touch me and I wanted him to do that. I leaned in again and Our noses touched and I pulled even closer. My nose brushed against his and my lips graze his skin. My eyes were shut and I quietly listened to his breathing while my left hand cradled the curve of his head, just above the back of the neck. I allowed my fingers to tangle on his thick hair. Moved by something unexplainable, I pulled on the strands and I was rewarded with a sexy groan causing
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The pain traveled from my shoulder and spread throughout my body. A pounding headache started spreading all over my head causing me to howl in pain. It was unbearable as the bond formed. Nothing like I expected. The implication of the bite suddenly registered and I pulled away from him roughly, causing more pain than I was already experiencing. I clawed at the mark trying to get it away but it was too late. "Stop that" he commanded gruffly and my eyes snapped to his. The consequences must have registered because his eyes widened. I couldn't be here, I had to leave. I turned on my heel and ran away as fast as possible. "Frost" I heard him calling my name but I didn't respond. It'll be impossible to think properly while I'm around him and with the new mark. This was the reason I stayed away from him all those days. I was scared of what would happen and just when I allowed myself to be close to him, I end up with a mark and an almost complete bond. My legs carried me through the fa
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My mouth was replaced by a snout and my teeth into big canines. Hairs sprouted from my body and then I was fully transformed into a wolf. I felt unsteady because I wasn't used to the new limbs but Rome held me until I was able to stand on my own and then he moved away to stare at me. I saw the surprise in his eyes through my vision. Everything looked so bright and I could pick up sounds from miles away. I took a step forward and nipped at his legs. There was a stronger presence within me wanting to take control and tired from the shift, I let it. The Alpha's eyes darkened as he watched me and my wolf walked closer, rubbing her fur all over him. He caressed my head and scratched behind my ear causing me to purr. I circled him and nipped at his pants. I wanted to run, to feel the air coursing through my fur, and what better way to do it than with my mate? My Alpha. I pulled at his pants, wanting him to take them off and shift so we could run together. He seemed to get it because he st
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I was in that building again. the building where I had seen Agnia run away with the baby and I was standing in the front of a tall door. The door opened on its own and I stepped inside. A crying baby was at the center of the wide bed. The sheets were thrown over him. I approached the bed slowly and pulled the sheets from his face. A beautiful baby stared up at me with wide eyes. his finger grabbing the air. I cupped the cheeks and he smiled at me. I spotted something golden around the neck of the child and my Fingers traced it. it was heavy and I was surprised the child could bear the weight. The rest of the necklace disappeared into the baby's clothes and I reached to see it. It was the head of a wolf and on the back of it, Something was written but I couldn't see it. I heard a voice from the door and I crept to it. There was an argument going on on the other side. The door suddenly opened, and I couldn't Jump out of the way on time but Instead of it hitting me, the door went throu
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I wore a long shirt to bed that hid my mark properly, Rome must have joined me much later because I briefly remember the door opening and he asked me to go back to sleep. I had a dreamless sleep surprisingly or maybe I just couldn't remember. But each time I had a nightmare, I knew from the way my heart thumped wildly in my chest even though I never remember details. When I woke up again,it was morning and Rome wasn't in bed. I slid out and removed the shirt covering me. I examined myself In the bathroom mirror. The mark was still there. The head of a wolf but what could it mean. I was scared. Firstly,I had an abnormal size for a wolf and now,a mark appeared from nowhere and the said mark was the only thing I remembered from my last dream. The mark was not painful and there was no more redness around it. I heard the room door open and I quickly grabbed the shirt, throwing it on and buttoning it quickly. I dropped my hands quickly and he eyes me in suspicion. "I called you but you di
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Two large men arrived at the border at the same time we did. "Alpha. Luna" they bowed at us. Rome's mark was on display like he suggested so they immediately concluded that I was his female. "Our Alpha is in a meeting right now and will be unable to receive you. But I've been instructed to show you to your rooms" the man said and Rome nodded. He packs a hand behind my waist and leads me into the pack. I couldn't help but notice that there weren't any guards at the border like In Rome's pack and the other pack we visited on our way here. "There are no guards" I whispered and he bummed in agreement. I didn't say anything else after that. The distance between the border and the pack was far. When we entered, we were met with houses and a similar market to that of the black heart pack. But it was disorganized and dirty. The air smelled stale and the people looked poor. The state of the city was unpleasant to look at. After a long walk, we arrived at a large mansion. The difference
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I eyed his hand. "You must have her mistaken for someone else," Rome said and his eyes finally moved from me. "This is frost, my luna" "Luna?" The disbelief was clear in his eyes. "Father" Sienna nudged him. She looked so much like him. He smiled down at his daughter. " we should move to the table" we followed behind him. I walked slowly on purpose so we wouldn't be close to him. This Alpha made weary. Name cards were placed on the tables to aid sitting arrangement. Rome located his name and we went in that direction. After we all took our seats, we discovered the table was short of one chair and the maids had to bring in an extra. I had a feeling I was sitting on another chair. They probably didn’t put an extra seat for Rome seeing they didn't know about his mate or expected him to arrive with me. The problem was soon rectified when we were all seated and the food was served. We were two seats away from the head of the table. That means Alpha Thorne wasn't far away like I want
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I blocked a blow coming from Will and I struck her on her stomach. "Good job" she praised and I smiled in excitement. I've been doing so much better in training these last few days since i got my wolf. I felt stronger. She moved round in circles before she lunged at me trying to kick my leg but I noticed it on time and I dodged it on time smacking her down instead. She landed on the ground but she quickly stood up and smirked. "You're doing good but you're no match for me”"Let's see" I smirked back at her. She threw a blow to my face but I dodged it. But in the next second, she hit me square in the face. While I was recovering from the blow, she wrapped her arms tightly around my waist and threw me to the floor, spots danced in my vision when I hit my head on the hard ground. "Had enough?" She was smirking down at me. "Not yet" I rolled from the floor and stood on my feet. I have a mission today and that was to pin Will on the floor until she submitted. My wolf wanted that so w
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