All Chapters of The Alpha’s Omega : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
100 Chapters
My skin felt heated. The heat caused me to burn. His touch soothes me but we craved more than just touching. I wanted him to devour me whole. My wolf was in full support. He kissed every exposed skin on my neck, his tongue licking at every bite he caused. I wanted more. He sucked on my neck and trailed lower until he kissed my mark. The action caused pleasure to explode. My thighs tightened as my juices gushed out, I just had an orgasm from him kissing my mark. It was no surprise. Especially as I was in heat, the pleasure from touching my mark would be doubled. He trailed lower, tearing at my top. My nipples were hardened nubs, jutting out and waiting for his touch. He didn't disappoint, his fingers running over them gently. The pleasure that followed, rocked my core. "You're so beautiful" he whispered, looking bedazzled. It made me feel powerful. That such a mighty alpha would react this way. My thoughts were cut short when he leaned in and took one nub into his mouth. I mumbled
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ALPHA ROME'S POV I stretched my muscles. Frost had rolled away from me in the middle of the night. I pulled her back into my arms, feeling content just having her there. Last night had been filled with passion and it only intensified when she marked me. Our bond was totally complete now. it made me extremely happy. I couldn't compare this to when I completed the bond with Lucille. It brought its own happiness but this was unlike everything I've ever had before and it made me furious with myself that I had ignored the bond. Not wanting to accept Frost and my second chance at happiness. To think that my foolishness may have cost us the bond. That she may have left and I would have been too stupid to let it happen. I pushed her hair away from her face. She was so beautiful but twice as more now that she was asleep. Her lower lip sucked into her mouth and she looked like a beautiful Angel. I closed my eyes enjoying her warmth against me when i felt someone trying to pry into my mind. I
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I stretched in bed feeling excited. We had completed the bond. I reached out for my mate but I was disappointed when I saw the bed empty. I wanted to wake up with him and maybe have a repeat of what happened last night but my mood dropped when I realized he wasn't there. I rolled out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to clean up. I had my bath and stepped out in front of the mirror. I wiped the fog away eager to look at my mark. I wondered what Rome's mark would look like. I just did it and I didn't get a chance to see what it looked like. My eyes traveled lower to the spot where the strange mark lay but I was surprised to find it gone. I examined the spot and looked at the other side. There was nothing. The mark had disappeared mysteriously just like it came. There wasn't any sign that something had been there in the first place. Agnia's words repeated in my head. It was quite obvious that there was something about the mark, from her reaction and the appearance and disappea
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I had no intention of finding anything about Will. Maybe he had his suspicions but he didn't say a word. I just wanted Xander off his case. "There is something that needs to be done. I have formally introduced you to the pack as my mate and a member of this pack" I nodded. "It was inevitable okay" "Do we do it over dinner today or?" "Can I have a day to prepare? Maybe at dinner tomorrow" He nodded and kissed the back of my hands. "No pressure. Take as many days as you need." "No. Tomorrow is okay" "Fine." He stood up. "Are you leaving?" I was disappointed. I wanted him to stay longer. "You don't want me to?" He cocked his head to the side. I shook my head instantly. "No. If you're busy then you can go to" He frowned. "Frost, we are mates now. The beginning of our relationship may not have been normal but we've agreed to make things work. You need to be free with me. Ask me for whatever you desire" It wasn't that easy. I still had some reservations and I didn't want t
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We kissed deeply, our chests rubbing against each other. He gripped my ass tightly, pulling me closer and pushing his hard cock against my stomach. “We’re outside” he whispered against my lips and I blushed furiously. I was so lost in the feeling of his body against mine that I didn’t remember we were out in the open. He lifted me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me inside. I buried my face in his neck, feeling shy as we passed the people working in the hallways. The moment we were inside our room, he set he to my feet and kissed me passionately. He pushed his tongue against mine and I battled for dominance, pushing my tongue into his mouth. He spanked my ass roughly and I pulled away. His orbs were darkened with desire. I’m sure it mirrored mine. Rome kissed me again and set me to my feet. “Undress” he commanded. I loved it when he did that. My body became hot and tingles shot up my spine. I dropped the clothes he had used to cover me when I returned. His
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The formal Introduction was tonight. I wanted to go into the market and get something. Rome wanted me to get a maid to help me but wanted to do it myself. He had already left for the day. He mentioned something about leaving the borders but I was so excited because he woke up in bed with me. It may not seem like a big thing to others but the fact that he listened to me made me so happy. I wore a thin top and tight pants. The door opened and Rome entered. He kissed my lips softly. "I thought you left the borders" "No. Just a check" "And everything is ok?" "Yes. Where are you going?" "Into town, I need to get something" "Don't come back with a slave" he said in a serious voice and I laughed loudly. "I won't" I never knew Rome could be carefree. I always saw him as uptight. "You should move the rest of your things in here," he said. I've spent most of my time in this room and some of my clothes were here already. But I still wanted a space of my own. "If you want to" he a
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"Rogues" I muttered in disbelief. The crowd pushed me roughly and I fell hitting my head against the table. I picked myself up from the floor and ran for safety. Ajax was nowhere to be seen. While running to safety, I noticed a small child who was on the floor. The people were running, caring only for their safety and the child was struggling to get up but she kept getting knocked down. I couldn't leave the child there so I ran in his direction. I bent, pushing people away and helping the child but just as he got on her feet, we were knocked down roughly and pain erupted in my arm as the skin was bitten off. A wolf was snarling down at me and went in for another attack but I jumped away in time with the child. I kicked the wolf but it only enraged it further and it jumped at me, biting into my skin. I pushed at the head but the grip was tight. The wolf was then dragged and Ajax ripped its head out. "Sorry, Luna. I neglected you" "It's fine". I stood up but I was bleeding and in so
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ALPHA ROME's POV After Frost left, I rolled out of bed. I needed to get some things done before the introduction tonight. I've already informed Agnia and she was taking care of the arrangements. "Alpha" Xander entered into my office after I did. "What's wrong?" "A group of rogues was spotted north of the pack" "And they've been taken care of?" I asked and he nodded. "Do you think they would have attacked our pack?" "It'll be stupid of them. Suicidal. But we can't assume. It's a good thing we've gotten rid of them. Let the guards at the border keep a watchful eye on everything. He nodded. "Today is the formal introduction" He had a wide grin on his face. One would think he was the one getting introduced tonight. "I'm happy for you," he said excitedly. "Thank you, Xander" "I'll get on with work" he tried to leave but I stopped him. "Where is Xerxes? I haven't seen him around?" I studied his reaction and watched closely to see if he would lie to me. Xander and Xerxes were
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My eyes widened as those words left his lips. Visit my old pack? I couldn't do that. "No" I shook my head. "I can't do that" "Why?" He touched my arms softly. "I can't and I ran out of the room, my heart beating wildly in my chest. I couldn't go back to that pack. I didn't love Darren anymore but going back there was visiting the embarrassment I had run away from. I wandered the hallways until my legs felt really tired. Rome hadn't come to look for me and I was happy he left me to have some private time. I returned back to our room and he was waiting for me. "Let's go to sleep," he said and I nodded. I climbed into bed and he pulled me into his arms. Listening to his heartbeat as I slept off. I woke up earlier than he did the next morning. The only thing on my mind was his suggestion from yesterday. To go back to my old pack. "You're awake early" I jerked in surprise not expecting him to be awake. "Yes" "I'm curious as to why you don't want to visit your old pack. You neve
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Guards appeared from the opposite side, eyeing us cautiously. There were three of them. The one in the middle, I had seen him countless times while I was an omega even though I had no idea what his name was. The other two men that flanked his sides were unrecognizable. "I'm here to see you." Alpha Rome spoke up, breaking the silence. The guard's eyes snapped to his own but he looked away quickly. Rome was an Alpha and his domineering aura could be feint. The guard's eyes flashed to the mark on my neck and I shifted to Romes's side. He wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping me close to him. "This way Alpha," the guard said. I fisted Rome's shirt tightly in anxiety. If he noticed it, he didn't say anything. He only tightened his grip on me and continued to follow the guard. We walked past familiar sceneries and my heart thumped in my chest. I caught sight of an omega settlement a distance away. One could instantly tell from the shabby look and substandard types of equipment us
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