All Chapters of Luna's vengeance: Tears of Luna : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
87 Chapters
Chapter 50 Midnight shift
Poloma was shaking madly, tonight she had to switch the babies and she had heard what happened at the borders today. News traveled fast here. She was weak and she thought that she could go up against old Alpha, well that felt good in her imagination but not in reality.She had heard how Alpha took on five wolves and slashed them into pieces. What would he do to her if he found out that she hated him? It will not be a pretty sight. She shuddered at the thought.Midnight was approaching and that was when his shift would start. She had strategically placed her shift at night. She wanted this to be quiet and at midnight most of the hospital staff would leave for their homes and she would be left with the newborn.Poloma dressed in her nurse clothes, plain white, nothing out of ordinary, except her hands were shaking like mad as she dressed. She had never faced such a kind of pressure in her life. She loved alone, so even if Alpha decides to be off with her head no one would notice. He was
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Chapter 51 The Price of Loyalty
She put her feet on the pedal and drove like hell. She finally reached the hospital. Quickly got out and made her way inside. Once inside she went to the toilet and locked its door. She was shaking from head to toe. She tried breathing deeply trying to calm herself. The wind picked up the pace and she could hear the hospital windows rattling. Something terrible was going to happen. Poloma could already sense the dread within her.After several minutes she got out and walked toward the children’s ward. Today there were just ten babies left. Most of them were returned to their families. She took a seat in the corner with a little desk in front of her and waited for 3 am. That would be the exact time the Alpha would appear and she would switch the babies in front of him.The time when you are waiting seems to stretch into eternity and you just waste away in it. The same thing was happening to her. She urged time to stop but it was slipping away little by little like sand from hands.Fina
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Chapter 52 Whispers in the Dark
Old Alpha had debated these past few nights on deciding the fate of the baby he was carrying right now, and as he liked to call it the spare one. The baby hadn’t realized that he was far away from his cozy bed in the children’s ward and was in the grips of death itself. He was fast asleep.Alpha moved slowly between trees, he didn’t want to wake up the baby because his cries would carry throughout the forest and will alert any close by wolves. Then his whole stealth mission would be exposed.‘I would kill anyone that comes my way, let them come’ he thought as he navigated his way to the perfect spot he had discovered just to bury this baby. It was deep in the woods where you would often meet strange creatures but it was well worth it as most of the wolves avoided such places.Little by little the death was closing in on the baby. As Alpha got closer to the place he started questioning his decision. But he was doing it for Lexy and for his little one. He was doing it for a good cause,
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Chapter 53 Union
The Alpha of Eve’s old pack had called yet another meeting. And this time the venue was different. It was where the hundred years old treaty between vampires and werewolves was signed. It was a no man’s land and right in the middle of it was the famous pact sight. The huge domed building of black and white stood in its majesty. No one had entered here in the past hundred years since the treaty had been signed. The place was magical with its own way of maintaining itself. But tonight people were gathering here. Vampires and werewolves alike were a really rare sighting. In seconds all could become a disaster and most of them could end up dead.But clever Alpha had chosen this place for it was forbidden to spill any blood here. Ancient magic forbids it. It was shaped as a large triangle and at night the white of the building shone more brightly.Sam passed through the lobby of the building and it was not a very spacious place, so all of the people passing through to get to the main hall
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Chapter 54 The Pact
“The real threat is not them, it comes from Ares, the little shit,” Alpha said.“We’ve been fighting for so long with him without making any headway, he is like his father, they come and take whenever they want, however they want,” Alpha said, there were murmurs of agreement.“You are right” another voice answered from somewhere above. Wolves started getting uneasy. The ancient vampire had spoken. Legend has it that he was the oldest vampire in history, dating back thousands of years.Sam thought it to be clever of Alpha not putting vampires and wolves in the same room, he was harsh but he was clever you had to give him that.“So far whatever efforts we have done to make Ares bow down have been unfruitful,” Alpha said.“It was your clever plan Alpha, wasn’t it? To take his wolves one by one and then strike him when he least expected,” the vampire's voice said.“Yes, my stealth approach failed, I had never expected it to fail this miserably, he has one up on me, he has the light, and h
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Chapter 55 A Little Self-Defence
Eve was back in school after hearing the horrific tale of Alpha and his father. More so she was repulsed by the actions of Old Alpha and the things that he had done during his rule. She was dreamily thinking about it in all of her classes and never paid any attention to the lecture professor was giving the class.She was wearing her hair in a ponytail and was twisting the end of it. Still in the story that Sandra famously called the Alpha lore. She was nudged in her back and she came out of her trance. She span sharply to see who had nudged her only to find M smiling at her. His knowing smile was something that Eve had come to hate in past few days.“So I heard you finally know about the lore,” M said“And no thanks to you,” she said back.“Woah! Someone is angry,” M said. He was also sitting in the back of the class like Eve. The professor was so busy in lecturing he didn’t look in their direction and kept writing on the board while explaining things.Eve didn’t answer back. She didn
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Chapter 56 The Spar
“Alright everybody line up again,” Alpha yelled at them and they left their water bottles and lined up.“Now we are going to apply here what we have learned today, I want you guys to go back to people you paired up with at the start of the class,” Alpha saidEve again moved towards Sandra with her gloves held high over her face protecting it. Everybody paired up except Maverick and another student left out.“What is this now?” Alpha said“I don’t want to pair up with him, he’s a wierdo,” the student saidOf course it had to be Maverick, why god why? Alpha thought to himself.“It’s alright, Maverick you can stay behind you’ll partner up with me and you partner with Beta,” Alpha said and solve this little problem. Beta was not planning to spar but he had no choice now, so he came forward and face his opponent, and winked at the scared student indicating he will take it easy on him.“Maverick come here, and rest of you start, light punches only, no use of force,” Alpha said and the stude
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Chapter 57 Curious Case of Maverick
Eve (POV)I ran for the students and found Sandra among them. I was still thinking about the strange relationship between Alpha and M. The way he treated him. Why was M being treated like that?“Hey, where did you drift off too?” Sandra asked me as I caught up with the rest of the students. I couldn’t tell her what I was doing of course.“Beta was giving me some suggestions on punching hard, that’s all,” I lied“Punching hard? My god Eve he should be telling you to punch lighter, I was so afraid all the time,” Sandra said rubbing her face.“what, I would never hurt you Sandra, it was just a practice session, nothing biggy,” I said“Just go easy next time,” Sandra said as we walked.We were soon joined by M who came running at us.“Too bad I couldn’t hit you Eve, the moons and winds were kind to you today,” he said as soon as he joined us.“You punch like a zombie M, I am sorry to say but that was just pathetic,” I said not making him known that he was really good.“You know when the w
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Chapter 58 Kaida
The ancient dragon, known as Kaida, stood atop the highest peak of the mountain. Her scales gleamed like diamonds in the sunlight, and her eyes blazed with a fiery intensity. She was the mightiest dragon on this side of the horizon, feared and respected by all who knew of her existence. She acted as a guardian for this side of the planet. Sure there were others but she didn’t bother contacting them or attending any meetings she was invited to.She didn’t want any part of politics played in the universe. She liked to stay behind the curtains and do her work silently. But she was also not someone to be messed with. She could destroy you in seconds if you got on her bad side.As she was observing silently the amazing nature, she heard a terrible cry of pain. It woke something ancient in her, the thrill of finding out and helping the one in need, she had not done this in a long time. Someone was calling out to her, calling for her help. And usually, she ignores this because she doesn’t wa
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Chapter 59 Lexy
Lexy was a teenage vampire who had always been obsessed with discovering new things. From the moment she discovered her amazing abilities as a vampire, she has been obsessed with a sense of danger and adventure, and finding out what is beyond her world. She spent most of her time outside, exploring and trying new things, always trying out new things, and would often get scolded by her mother because most of her adventures would end up in little disasters.Despite her love of adventure, Lexy was not reckless. She knew how to balance her thirst for knowledge with her need for caution, always taking calculated risks and never putting herself in danger unnecessarily. This made her an excellent student at the vampire school she attended, where she excelled in all her classes and was admired by her teachers and classmates alike.However, Lexy's love of adventure meant that she was often too busy exploring the world to pay attention to the other vampire boys studying with her in the school.
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