All Chapters of Luna's vengeance: Tears of Luna : Chapter 81 - Chapter 87
87 Chapters
Chapter 80 Plan of the moon
Alpha Ares stood in the heart of the magical dungeon, his imposing figure shrouded by a cloak that seemed to be woven from the fabric of darkness itself. The cloak, black as a moonless night, billowed around him, its edges seemingly dancing in an otherworldly breeze. It exuded an aura of dread and malevolence, as if it were a living entity feeding on the fears of those who dared to gaze upon it.The fabric of the cloak appeared to ripple and shift, like shadows playing upon the surface of water. It possessed an uncanny depth, absorbing the feeble light that trickled into the dungeon from a mystical well adorned with the white glow of the moon. The cloak's darkness seemed to drink in the luminescence, creating an eerie contrast that heightened the sense of unease.As Alpha Ares' piercing gaze fell upon the stone table, his attention was drawn to the figure lying upon it—Maverick, trapped in the prison of his own mind. Ares' eyes, cold and calculating, were tinged with a glimmer of pity
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Chapter 81 Twenty Years Ago
Old Alpha had always been a good and confident leader of his pack. He had never even once made a mistake. His reign was just and that is why werewolves around him lived in peace. But things were pretty shaken up after his confrontation with the beautiful vampire girl.Alpha was sitting by the tree in the forest lost in his thoughts, looking far away at something.“What was her name?” He had forgotten the name of the vampire he had kissed yesterday. He could still smell her hair on him. It smelt like strawberry. Before all this vampires were disgusting beings to him. He hated them even when someone mentioned them. But now…not now, he could feel her lips, those tasted like honey. And the way her body jerked when he pushed her closer to himself was giving him arousal.His hand went to his wood. He was hard down there. He kept his eyes closed as he tried to remember every little detail of yesterday. His hands could touch her silky smooth skin. Felt the very fabric of her being. He kept on
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Chapter 82 Chase
Wolf was coming closer and closer, Lexy could see it getting bigger. Its long glistening teeth were ready to sink into Lexy’s throat and when it was almost an inch away from her neck she used her super speed to move just a little to the right and the big wolf missed her by inches, slammed face first into the ground.Wolf let out a growl. A smirk was dancing on Lexy’s lips. The old Alpha had forgotten that she was vampire, and it’s hard to catch a vampire. Alpha on the other hand was no fool. He had dealt with vampires his whole life. He was just playing along.He let out another growl showing his frustration, letting Lexy think that she had won this round. He turned again, squared off against her.“What happened Alpha? I thought that you were going to get me?” Lexy mocked AlphaAlpha started running towards her again and went for her throat once more. But same thing happened again. Lexy was enjoying this. This was refreshing for her. She had never faced a wolf in her life, even though
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Chapter 83 Trail of Secrets and Flames
When their eyes opened it was already dark and both of them were naked in the middle of the forest. The trees were swaying. The strong wind had started blowing. Alpha smelled rain, he got up. Lexy was still fast asleep her clothes discarded around her.Alpha picked up her shirt and pants, and threw them toward her.“Hey wake up, we should move,” Alpha said, he was really feeling the cold air ripping through him. He had discarded his clothes in a nearby tree before shifting. Lexy didn’t move. She was oblivious to what was happening around her.Alpha quickly searched for his clothes and finally found them beside a tree. He put them on and went to wake up Lexy.“Vampire, come on, wake up,” he gently touched her face. Lexy stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes dreamily. Alpha adored that.“You don’t know my name, really?” Lexy said and got up.“I…yes I still don’t know,” Alpha shied away from her.“too bad, you have to try harder next time,” Lexy said as she put on her clothes.“What d
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Chapter 84 Eve to the Rescue
Eve just couldn’t digest this injustice being done with Maverick. Nobody in the pack or in the school raised any voice against this. They all pretended like nothing had happened. Even Sandra went home after finishing her classes.“I want to go the packhouse,” Eve announced. It was afternoon and she was in the kitchen with her Mom.Mom was writing her journal on her laptop wearing glasses. She took down her glasses. “Why?” mom asked her.“Because they took Maverick that’s why…I mean why is everybody acting like nothing wrong happened today?” Eve said frustratingly as she wrestled to break her sweet corn into two pieces.“Listen dear we have had enough of our own troubles, we don’t need this too,” Mom warned her as she put on her glasses and resumed her typing.“I don’t think so, you guys can stay silent at all this, it’s your choice but I won’t,” Eve said.“Your father called specifically instructing me to keep you away from all this,” Mom said without looking at her.“FINE” Eve yelled
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Chapter 85 To Be or Not To Be?
She couldn’t control what was happening to the bike. It kept going downhill and with it carried poor Eve. Her head started spinning as the bike rolled down on the slippery slope.She let go of its handle and it kept going down and down. While Eve quickly grabbed hold of a nearby stone on the ground halting her descent. Her skin was torn from everywhere, head to toe, she had little scars. She felt like crying but this was no time to cry she had to get up.Eve picked herself up and started climbing back up the hill with difficulty. Maybe her mother was right, she should not have meddled in this whole Maverick affair.“Stupid Eve, you just couldn’t stay put,” She said to herself.“You just had to be the one to rescue M”“You just had to be the righteous one”“And a big fuck you to you Maverick, look what you have made me do”“Silly little thing you are Eve”, she kept talking to herself. She finally made it to the top of the hill and stood there, catching her breath.“shit I am completely
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Chapter 86 Shadows of Desire
Eve’s footsteps echoed from the cold marble walls as she walked through the gothic hallway of the old castle. The dark halls made her heart beat faster and faster, adrenalin pumping as she kept walking. The stillness was filling the atmosphere with cold.The loneliness of every single step became a true burden, and she was convinced that she was being watched; her gaze darting from one shadow to another, thrown by the flickering meagre candlelight that was cast against the walls, the patterns and patterns of light jumping in front of her eyes. The longer she stayed in this place, the more it began to feel less like the opulent residence it once was and more like a tomb to some long lost victim.Every squeak of the floorboards, every shift of the wind rattling against the cracks of the walls, brought her a new message, a vague, eerie warning that she was not alone. She ran to get a grip, goosebumps all over her.Her steps faltered momentarily, her eyes darting around, searching for any
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