All Chapters of Luna's vengeance: Tears of Luna : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
87 Chapters
Chapter 30 A Sneak Peak
The damn lecture was like not going to finish anytime soon so I grew impatient with the professor and kept a close watch on the time I could swear that it was going slower than usual, each tick of the clock was draining something out of me. I should have been glad by each passing moment but still, it was not passing fast enough, so in situations like these instead of listening to the lecture my mind just wanders off and even though my eyes are still focused on the professor my heart and mind are elsewhere. As I was still painfully listening to the lecture, I peeked outside from a colossal window in our classroom and found Alpha Ares walking with his hands clasped behind his back and was in deep talk with Beta as they walked off into the school garden. My heart skipped a beat, I mean the person that I was obsessing about was right outside, something moved inside me. My body temperature suddenly got hot. I waved in order to cool down and that is what I think caught Alpha’s attention a
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Chapter 31 Friends
Finally man it ended the day I mean, now I had to just quickly jog down to mom’s car and go home, and just don’t eat my lunch, ask mom to drive me to Sandra’s and get this over with. Not to mention I had to change my underwear because of my earlier activity. It was sticky now but I did not care I liked that stickiness in me. It was a good kind, the kind I would want every day from my Alpha.I was still in my thoughts as I was walking down towards the car when Maverick jumped out of nowhere and stood in front of me.“You know you are wasting time”, he said“Seriously dude?” I said“You are wasting time with my sister, she does not know what she is talking about,” M said“Ok, so I am going to ask you politely to leave me alone, seriously M I can’t deal with you right now, I got better things to do than hear you babbling and your impossible riddles,” I said waving impatientlyHe stepped aside and surprisingly did not say anything.“well that was the first one of its kind,” I said and pas
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Chapter 32 Sandra's Home
Mom drove at her own pace, which was pretty slow for me. She didn’t mind that, it was her mantra that slow and steady wins the race. At last, we finally got to Sandra’s house. It was a nice-looking apartment on the second floor. We took the stairs. Mom came along with me. She wanted to make sure that everything was fine and I was in no immediate danger. We stopped at a brown wooden door. Mom rang the bell and it was Sandra who answered it. She opened the door and her eyes got excited as soon as she saw me. She gave me a quick hug and said hello to mom. She invited us inside. Her lounge had a huge black rug covering most of the floor. And there were a few sofas circling a black wooden table. There was something nice about the way the place smelled, like really refreshing.Mom was observing every inch of the space looking for some cracks where a demon could crawl in and take me away. Sandra was watching mom too. She looked at me and I simply shrugged.“I’ll leave you, girls, now, stay o
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Chapter 33 Wolf Bar
Sam (POV)I was sitting in a local bar near the pack house, everyone in here was a werewolf and it was known all over the pack that this was the place where you could come to have a little fun or in my case a little misery.It was not the most outrageous bar you would see around the city. It was well hidden between different big buildings as the werewolf community wanted it to be away from any prying eyes of humans or vampires, so strictly a werewolf bar. The bartender was an old friend of mine and right now was attending a few of the hot she wolves serving them their poison.I had privileges here of course being an Alpha’s son does come with its own perks and joys and I was not someone who liked to wait in line like other lower wolves from his packs. I had always gotten whatever I wanted in life and my father made sure of it.But today something was eating at me. I was sitting in the dark corner of the bar away from all the riffraff as I liked to call them. I was sipping a martini qu
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Chapter 34 Regina
The bar door opened and another girl walked in. I didn’t pay any attention to it. So many people come and go, and I was just concentrated on my pain right now.As I was thinking with my eyes closed a soft hand like silk brushed my neck and I felt a tingling sensation.I opened my eyes and it was Regina of course, who else. She was wearing a low-cut shirt and black jeans, I could see her cleavage. My penis got hard in an instant staring at that.“Hello my love,” Regina said and went in for a kiss. Her soft lips touched mine and her sweet tongue, ah I could taste her. She was a feisty one. She kissed me for a long time. I kept on sucking her tongue. It was like the sweetest thing for me, like honey nectar. I wanted it to last for eternity.She finally broke free and sat on my lap, touching my face. I was thoroughly enjoying it. Her hand moved to my white shirt and she fondled my nipples.“Oh yes,” I said, my eyes closed. Regina knew how to make me hard.“Have you been naughty my love,”
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Chapter 35 My everything...for now
“Now can we please get out of this place, this friend of yours gives me the creeps,” Regina said tugging at me while looking at Martin in his barman uniform.“Regina you are one stuck-up bitch, has anyone ever told you that,” Martin replied“I have had enough of this shit, I am waiting for you outside,” Regina said and marched out of the bar without looking back or waiting for my answer.“I don’t know what you see in her,” Martin said to me.“Oh I see a lot of things in her my friend,” I said, remembering our earlier session and her sexy cleavage, but I can’t say these things to Martin. It was my own little fantasy and Regina fit perfectly well in it.“I’ll go now, see ya later,” I said“Don’t forget the number,” Martin said as I was walking out.“I won’t,” and I walked out where a really pissed Regina was looking at me, standing just outside the bar. She had her arms crossed and her face was red with anger, which in my opinion made her even more pretty, and more desirable, I wanted t
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Chapter 36 A Little Walk
We walked for five minutes and arrived at our little park. Well, humans were plenty here, some came with kids and were taking them to the kid's slides, some had brought their dogs, and others were just out there existing.Park was not big, but it was well-kept. The grass was cut properly and the trees were well-maintained. And in the center of the park was a lake.We headed that way. Regina had put my arm around her waist and was smiling as we made our way there. We found an empty bench next to the lake and sat there. I could see the sun going down slowly, leaving an orange hue in the sky, soon it will all be consumed by the dark.Which was a nice feeling though, at night we wolves hunted. As we sat down my hand touched the wood of the bench I winced. It brought back all the memories that I have been trying to hide. Man, it was painful, why it had happened.Regina heard my wince and looked at me with her dreamy eyes.“Sorry, I forgot to ask you about this,” she said pointing to my han
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Chapter 37 The Council Plots
The council room was full of werewolves. The heads of all the families in the pack were in attendance. The room was dark only lit by the logs burning in the fireplace.There was a tense atmosphere in the room. Sam’s father Alpha Abaddon stood in the middle of the room wearing his ancient robes with engravings in golden color. He looked old too, frail as if one puff would turn him into smoke. He had his hood down but you could see that his movements were not so smooth. But finally when he spoke his voice carried that dangerous silkiness that everyone was so afraid of, normally when he spoke like that pack members knew it was trouble. Something had pissed him and he would make sure that something is rid off. “For hundreds of years, no man or woman had betrayed their pack and joined the rival pack. No matter how low they were in the food chain of the pack, the wolves never changed loyalties and never stood up to Alpha. But times have changed now, someone did betray us, and it seems now
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Chapter 38 Beauty Drops
Maverick (POV)I was just sent on a wild goose chase by Sandra. God, I hated that when she would just send me to buy her beauty products I mean I don’t see any beauty at all in her despite what lies the girls like to tell each other.Oh you’re perfectThis eyeliner looks so cool on you.Cool my ass, it makes her look like a little demon elf who just woke up from a deep sleep and now has been given the task to find Santa.Stupid girls, and their lies. I for one never had this patience for their nonsense. I mean what the hell do you guys talk about in secret? I already told Eve that she is wasting her time with Sandra but that stupid girl just won’t listen. Sandra doesn’t know jack shit about Alpha. She only knows what all the girls dream about, and fantasize about. Fuck it, why the hell do I care.I was in the town and was going from one shop to another to see if they got something called sleeping beauty drops. Apparently, they are the drops when a girl pours them on her before sleepin
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Chapter 39 Trapped
“I am sure you heard me the first time, I am old I can’t repeat things,” she said.“How did you know?” I asked, she knew my secret“Ha, we were saying…wait what were we talki…”“Who the hell are you woman,” I yelled at her.She stood there with her hands clutching her chest.“This is no way to talk to the ancient, you almost gave me a heart attack,” she said“I’ll give you more than a heart attack if you don’t answer me, woman,” I said“We are your admirers, we wanted to see you with our eyes, the prophecy is true,”“What are you talking about, what prophecy?” I said. This can’t be happening. They could not have known my secret. It was guarded so well all these years. It must be a prank on me.She didn’t answer, simply stared at me with her smile that gave me the creeps. Then she did something that made me reach for the door handle.She took off her glasses and instead of having eyes her eye sockets were empty. How the hell could she see me?I pulled at the door handle and it didn’t b
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