All Chapters of Luna's vengeance: Tears of Luna : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
87 Chapters
Chapter 10 Alpha
I could hear only crickets in the distance otherwise nothing. This was not right, now they were going to tear us apart. After a few minutes, my eyes adjusted to the dark and I could make out a hundred wolf eyes staring at us. I thought I shit my pants. Mom held my hands a bit more tightly I thought she was going to crush my fingers.The wooden door opened with a creak you hear in horror movies, and I could see golden light coming out. Three hooded figures with torches ablaze circled another massive figure. I had never seen such a ritual in my life. I was part of the pack too but never had I witnessed this.The new group of hooded figures moved closer and when it was a few feet away from us they stopped in their tracks. They broke the circle and from the middle, the fourth hooded person took off his hood. And what I saw made me instantly fall in love with him. You know like love at first sight, that is what happened to me.His wide-set eyes were piercing blue and jet black hair was nea
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Chapter 11 The Dream
I was in the middle of a field. All around me was grain ready to harvest it was about waist high and I could touch it and feel each and every little golden wheat stem just swaying so freely with the air. A spring afternoon, almost time for sunset. I could see the sun trying its best to hide behind the trees in the distance but still had enough light to illuminate the whole vast field in front of my eyes.I could hear the birds chirping away returning to their nests, where their little children were waiting for them. They probably had little chats amongst them in those sweet melodious voices of theirs with their younglings. And I wondered what would they talk about maybe they’d tell them how difficult it was to get that worm from the field because a snake was just hiding in the bushes to get them, or maybe they won’t have any talks and would tell them to go to bed immediately and no talking back.“Ha Ha Ha,” A laugh issued from my mouth.“How silly I am, birds can’t talk,”The sun was
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Chapter 12 Wolves
It was so wet, I felt dripping as his fingers slowly moved in a circle around my vagina. I stopped kissing his neck and held on to him, holding him, one hand behind his neck and one working his hardness.His circular motion got a little faster and I started shaking like mad. I felt I wanted to explode with joy. O it was coming, I was going to climax. He was making me cum. Nothing else mattered to me now, I wanted him to go faster, and as though he heard me his fingers picked up more speed. I was moaning so loudly. This is it and finally, my whole body went into a vibration, out of my control and I came. He held on to me with those strong biceps of his.Hot all over. Now I wanted him inside me. My hands were tightly wrapped around his dick and started rubbing it against me. He saw what I was doing and I knew he wanted me to…I mean I could literally feel him in my hands, I didn’t need any other opinion.I gestured myself to lie down and behind me as though by magic was a piece of sheet
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Chapter 13 Pack house
I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was the full moon shining outside the window. I was drenched in sweat and was actually gasping for air. My body was rising up and down trying to suck in as much air as I could get in me. My mouth was still open in a silent scream.I became aware of my surroundings and realized that it was just a dream, a horrible dream, yet I couldn’t quite call it a nightmare because in it was someone I longed for right now. I didn’t know what he looked like, I didn’t know his face, I was bound to him by body and spirit, a bond much stronger and sacred than any other. I needed him to be beside me, hugging me tightly telling me everything will be alright because I am here…. I am here for you.And upon realizing that he was not with me my eyes shed a tear, the pain I felt inside was unexplainable. But I couldn’t go back to my dream, nobody can.I was in a bed neatly tucked in. The last thing I remembered was me in pain and my head about to explode into several di
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Chapter 14 The Light
The light was so strong here that I couldn’t adjust my eyes for several seconds and when they adjusted I saw that it was like an underground dungeon and the light was coming from a well in the distance. Three figures were hunched over and looking down into the well.I simply stood there watching them.“This is where the death happened….He was the most feared and he reigned mercilessly,” the tall guy in the black robe said.“Alpha that is terrifying, I mean I can’t imagine, you were but only a child then,” I heard my father.“That is a story for another time, Lester, I see your daughter is awake,” Alpha said without turning.Oh shit, I was made out. I mean I wasn’t trying to hide or anything I was just fascinated by his voice and what he was about to tell my dad that I stood there like dumb. But damnit how did he know I was there without even looking at me? I swear his back was turned to me and I don’t know… they were far if it was me it would have been impossible, maybe I tripped some
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Chapter 15 New Home
“You know it is very rare, I have to hand it to you, Mr. Lesner, I have no idea how you managed to convince Alpha”, Gennady said shaking his head in disbelief. His long ponytail waved with him as he shook his head. His massive neck looked really stupid from the back, it looked as though another little human was trying to get out of his neck. The sight of that amused me.All of us were in the back of a black sedan. Dad was sitting in front with Gennady at the helm driving the car. The car’s interior smelt nice like it was freshly polished this morning. It was a smooth drive much better than our car. We had our breakfast delivered to our rooms and then out of nowhere Beta showed up and told us to gather our belongings and get in the car, and just like that, we were on the road once again.“You know normally Alpha never does it, you can die begging him but he won’t budge you guys must be special”, Gennady said while keeping his eyes on the road ahead.He warmed up to us once we entered t
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Chapter 16 Alpha Ares
Alpha Ares (POV)I was standing at my favorite place, looking with all my focus into the white light, but it didn’t show me anything yet, the thing I desired most to know about.I grabbed both sides of the well with my hands, the light got intense. I searched and searched but it was of no use. I had dispatched Gennady to interrogate but lightly so they don’t suspect anything he hadn’t returned yet which was frustrating for me, I was someone who really valued time and wanted everything to be on time, but some things are better left to the moon to decide.“so be it, as you wish”, I said to the light and returned back to my office, where the great chair on which once the greatest wolf of all time sat was waiting for me.It was made out of bones, but not just any bones, bones of the past warriors. I had them painted over to black as it scared the on comers who visited me in the office.I sat on it and bones made crunching sounds under me. I heard footsteps approaching, someone was headed
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Chapter 17 A Secret To Keep
I slept through the night just fine no new dreams or nightmares haunting me in the night. In fact, I had never slept better in my life. I think it was because of Alpha. He exuded confidence, and his eyes made me think of something else but I control myself. I don’t want to give him any hints. He was my Alpha after all.We went through the whole week setting up things in our new home and I kept busy helping my mom with house chores while dad was out in the packhouse discussing details of his new duties with Alpha and the rest of the pack.So we finally settled into this new life. And on Saturday evening when Dad got home he was carrying some official papers with him. he called us to the living room. We took our seats on the little sofa in the lounge and waited for him to talk.“Well, it is finally time to officially join the pack as in take the responsibilities assigned to us and be a functional part of the pack,” he said. Mom and I both nodded. It was common practice in the wolf packs
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Chapter 18 New Beginnings
I got up really early in the morning to get ready for school. Mom and dad were still dozing off in their room. I don’t like to put on make-up, in fact, I never needed make-up for school before. I washed my face, brushed my teeth took a quick shower. I put on my favorite fragrance on my neck, I took a good look at my naked body. I was developing curves and my breasts looked bigger each time I looked at them.My mind suddenly went to Alpha and his rock-solid muscles. I had tied my hair in a towel. My hand involuntarily went to my nipples, my fingers brushed over them with a light touch.“Ooo.” I jumped up a little. My cheeks had turned red. I was supposed to get ready for school, what was I doing?I quickly stepped out of the shower and sneaked a look at my parents. They were fast asleep. I locked my room and went in front of the mirror. I closed my eyes and my hands took over me. I began by touching my breasts slowly making round circles and each touch made me wet down. I was with Alph
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Chapter 19 The School
The school building was in my opinion a city within itself. As soon as I entered I felt really small. My old school was big but this was huge. I had absolutely no idea where to go. In front of me were huge football fields and beside them were countless buildings all painted white. Students rushed past me as I looked through my documents to find the school map.A group of students rushed past me and my documents flew out of my hands and were now dancing in the air as though welcoming me to the campus finally they came down gliding lightly through the air. I was red in the face, but gladly nobody paid any attention. I quickly dashed forward and picked them all up and finally found the map. On top of the map was written in bold: Welcome to the Hollow woods high.This name gave me the creeps, but I was here now so I looked through it and found out my first class was in building 3.I began my search for that building among thousands of others. Finally, I found it and went inside. I forgot
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