All Chapters of The CEO's Love Conquest: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
92 Chapters
Chapter 21 - Lips crushed hers in a bruising kiss.
“Do you want me to stay with you?” Ivan proposed… once again. “No, no. You can go.” Liz swallowed. “I’m just…” she pointed in the direction of the café. “ – going that way. I haven’t had anything yet so...” She gave him another weak smile. “All right… Try and eat something – it might help.” She nodded. “Yes. I will. Yes…” Why was he looking at her like that? As if he cared? As if he was really worried about her? There was no need for that. She wasn’t any of his business. At least she hoped not. If he was back from France to be with her, then – No, don’t even consider it. She chided herself. She glanced down at his fingers still wrapped around her arm before looking back at him. His eyes trailed down as well, looking down at his own hand before he’d met her eyes again. Nothing was left to be said. He simply but reluctantly released her arm. She saw the regret in his eyes, the remorse that consumed him, and the pain of knowing that his decision of having left her when she needed
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Chapter 22 - Adrian found out!
“Why… what was that about?” The longer Liz stood catching her breath, the angrier she became.“What in God’s name gave you the impression I’d be fine with you assaulting me? Actually no, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know what’s going on in your mind. The answer this time is, and will always be, no. Not only no but hell no. I don’t need you no more. I’ve managed just fine on my own.” Fury made her see red.Knowing it will be pointless waiting for any kind of response from him when he was this drunk, she spun on her heels and started heading back to the café, the only place where she would be safe from this man who she’d once considered her best-friend.A viselike grip locked on her upper arm and hauled her around. Momentum slammed her into Ivan’s body. “You’ve managed just fine on your own? It seems like little miss goody two shoes haven’t been home lately.” He laughed when her eyes widened. “Do your grandpa and grandma know where you’re staying at?”“That’s none of your business
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Chapter 23 - What was he willing to risk?
Liz Walters really wanted to call Adrian but she couldn’t do it. She was scared he’d come down on her for making something out of nothing, that he’d sound like her grandpa and ruin what she felt for him, had terrified her. And, if she was totally honest, Ivan had succeeded in planting a kernel of doubt in her heart where Adrian was concerned.The doorbell rang, shaking her from her thoughts.Liz spun around so hard and fast that she bounced her hip off the foot of the bed. “Damn it!” This time the epithet was yelled out loud.Heart in her throat, she wondered who was at the door. If it was Adrian, he wouldn’t have rung the doorbell. What if it was a member of his family? Shit! She didn’t have the courage to deal with any of them right now.She rolled her lips in to stop herself from picking at her fingernails again. She wanted to wait until the doorbell would stop ringing but then, she heard the front door opening and someone walking in.It could be Ben.Liz closed her eyes and forced
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Chapter 24 - Liz lied to Adrian!
In Liz’s experience, men were never honest about who they were and what they wanted.Every single man she’d been involved with in any way, from her contentious relationship with her father to her last romantic relationship, expected her to give up every shred of who she was, while they kept themselves at a safe distance and protected their interests.While she fell under that header for them, all was well and good. The moment their interest waned, she was on her own again. She didn’t want Adrian to be the next one repeating their pattern all over again. Something in her though said that if anyone could be different, it was him.But to give him more after what Ivan had told her about him? Would he… could he be what Ivan was saying about him? What if he lied just to create differences between them both?Adrian seemed to interpret her needs, kissing her gently, passion ready to flash at any moment, but he kept it banked. This kiss was different. This kiss made promises far more personal
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Chapter 25 - Blackmailed by Ivan...
“My maternal aunt…” She lied, again. “It’s been ages since I’d last met her so she wants to meet me.”“Okay, where did she ask you to come? I can drop you there.” He offered.“No, it’s okay. It’s at some restaurant near the café Larry dropped me by the other day. He can take me there.” She shook her head to reject his offer. “You said you were hungry. Go, have some dinner.”Adrian shrugged. “Kay.”Larry would usually come by at six o’clock every night to take Ben back home. “I’ll get going. Larry must have reached already.”“I’ll ask him to drop you first and then come back to take Ben.” Adrian followed her down the hallway and to the front doors.After speaking to Larry, Adrian motioned at Liz to get into the car.Liz watched him say a few more words to Larry but she could hear nothing from inside, so, she could only hope that he hadn’t doubted her. She breathed out a sigh of relief when Larry got into the driver seat, leaving Adrian standing in the doorway.“Where should I drop you,
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Chapter 26 - Adrian felt betrayed.
Liz Walters folded her arms across her chest, staying put, not wanting him to get the pleasure of thinking that his closeness and threatening tone of voice would scare her and force her to submit to him. “I think you heard me.”A frown had formed across his forehead. “Don’t you think I deserve a second chance?”Liz shook her head. “Everyone deserves a second chance but… not you!”“Why not…?”“You don’t seem to understand this, Ivan but you know what, not every boy is like you. Some boys understand a girl’s preferences and respect them.” Liz told him, thinking about Adrian.“Really…?” Ivan tilted his head slightly as he raised an inquiring eyebrow at her. “It means there is somebody who cares about your preferences.”“That’s none of your business.” She snapped at him.She was utterly surprised to hear herself right now. She couldn’t believe that it was actually her speaking. She sounded so powerful and resolute. It seemed to her that she was pretty sensitive toward Adrian.“It means th
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Chapter 27 - The only one she needed, Adrian.
Liz Walters felt incredibly liberating as she got out of Larry’s car. Once he drove away, she glanced away, toward the night sky, which was lit up by some stars and the illuminating moon. She felt good that she’d been strong enough to confront Ivan on her own.She’d felt positively released, finally being able to say what she thought and felt.But, when she opened the front door, she found the house empty. Adrian was nowhere to be seen and the dinner Ben had made for them, left untouched. Where was Adrian? “Where are you?” she mumbled, glancing at the clock and seeing it was after ten already. Had she been out for so long?Adrian had nothing else to do when he’d got back from work today. He’d told her that he’d be spending time with her. She’d wanted to watch a movie and he’d agreed to watch it with her so they’d had everything planned for tonight.She thought he would be waiting for her, setting everything up for their movie night but she hadn’t expected to find the house empty.Cou
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Chapter 28 - Adrian was already gone.
With that thought in mind, Liz let her eyes drop closed, hoping she’d have a dream just as lovely. Especially, if she could awaken to winning Adrian’s heart and trust back in reality.She was in a mansion, an enormous one different from Adrian’s – like a castle. It took her a moment to register that she was indeed in a castle. She didn’t know whose castle or where it was, or even if she belonged there. She only knew she felt trapped, suffocated. Pacing back and forth in a small room, she measured passing time by the tap of her feet against the stone floor and the matching beats of her heart. She soon realized her room was in a tall tower, because she could look out the window and see the forest far down below. And beyond it was a cliff and that rocky mountain over which she sometimes liked to fly.Fly? She couldn’t fly. What a silly thought that was! Everybody has always, one way or another, wished that they could fly but then, would be told they couldn’t fly. But somebody had on
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Chapter 29 - A picture of Liz and Ivan, cozying up at some bar!
Adrian Moore stopped reading the document he needed to double check before signing it when his phone beeped with a new notification.Picking it up, he swiped at his lock-screen to check the new message he’d received from an unknown number. Nothing prepared him for what he’d see.It was a picture of Liz and Ivan, cozying up at some bar.“What the fuck?” He swore under his breath.He clenched the papers in his hand, his fingers tightening.Some emotion hit him hard in the chest. He recognized it immediately: regret. This was the wrong time. It seemed like Liz had already made her choice. That would explain the smile on her face in this picture. They both looked so lost in one another’s eyes.If only he’d given her a chance to speak yesterday, maybe things would have been different today and maybe, just maybe he would have had more confidence in himself, in their relationship so far. Now…it appeared to him that it was too damn late.He’d taken his shot – as much of possible ones as he co
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Chapter 30 - An account of what really happened...
Liz Walters angrily stomped all the way back to her bedroom and grabbed her suitcase from beside the wardrobe and threw it on the bed. Unzipping it, she dumped all her clothes and stuffs in it before closing it shut.She gulped back the lump that had formed at the back of her throat, stiffening the tears threatening to break free. She didn’t want to cry over Adrian Moore anymore. He didn’t deserve it.He'd misunderstood her, questioned her character and never gave her a chance to explain things. He never made an effort to clear these misunderstandings between them, to make things right. He'd always been busy with his office works.Today also, Liz waited for him to come back but he never did.Instead, when she called on his office phone to ask about his whereabouts, a staff picked up and told her that Adrian was in a meeting. She’d felt relieved knowing he was at least over there but then, she was hurt that he’d left home earlier than normally.She’d woken up hoping that his anger migh
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