All Chapters of She Tempted The Devil : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
91 Chapters
Counseling Session
Back in town,Maria had arrived at work.She was still thinking about who saved her and why he disappeared.She started to wonder if she was imagining things.She entered her office to see her secretary Mrs Deliah,a beautiful lady with green eyes,small nose ,tiny ears and lip glossed lips.Deliah rushed to her and to speak on top of her voice,obviously happy about something,"Maria,you won't believe the kind of VIP's who just popped up for counseling sessions.Maria creased her eyebrows.What did she mean by VIP's?.A handsome Italian man suddenly entered their office.They both turned to see the epitomy of hot and sexy in one man.He was one of the VIP's.The first question that came to Maria's mind was,"Why the hell was he not wearing a shirt,he was shamelessly bare chested, showing his gorgeous six packs and fine chest hair."Oh My Gosh!!!",was the words that left the lips of Deliah who was mesmerized by the beauty standing before her."Uh,what's going on here exactly",Maria finally asked.Th
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To Hell With Caution
Asmodeus witnessed every single man he sent to Maria come out with a different state of mind.What the hell was she telling them.They even refused to take the money Asmodeus offered to pay them.He was flustered and confused.What broke his resolve on not getting involved directly was when he saw the dwarf guy coming back in tears praising Maria like she was some kind of Saint .That was it!!!,to hell with caution,he was going to end this himself.Lets see how Maria would counsel the devil to make him sober and thoughtful.He was an ancient demon prince and she was a 25 year old phycologist from a small rural town.He could surely handle her,he thought to himself as he beamed with sheer confidence.He entered the building putting on his best suit, cutest face and hottest aura to be ever felt in world that could barely contain him.Deliah thought she was done for the day with seeing top class god-like beauties.Her eyes suddenly fell on the last man to walk onto the premises.She bit her lips
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Okay So What
Maria heard everything this man just said.She knew exactly how to reply ,"Okay so.....what about it?".Asmodeus was shocked,he was expecting her to suddenly get scared and start reciting some prayers against him but here she was asking him why she should care.He stood there for a moment and concluded that she didn't get his statement clearly.He walked to her slowly and sat down,"I am the devil,I have come for your soul Dr.Maria,I can understand if you won't believe me but why don't you seem intrigued".Maria wished she could tell him,that's not the craziest thing she had ever heard.After years of counseling madmen you get used to their runts.Ofcourse she didn't say it aloud that she thought Asmo was crazy."What do I have to do to make you believe me Maria",he questioned as he looked at her in the most unusual way.It wasn't lust,it was more of admiration for her beauty."Mr Asmo,if you have any thing to show off then do it with my boss",Maria told him as she got up and started packing
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Devil on the streets
Asmodeus left Maria's work place.He had to clear his head after everything he just heard.Maria never had an easy life,she never knew who her family were.Asmodeus was starting to feel reluctant but he tried to brush it off.If he left her, Lucifer and Satan would make her their play thing.Job from biblical texts was a perfect example of what happened to people who Lucifer and Satan combined to tempt.Asmodeus entered a busy crowd and was peacefully passing through when someone tried to pickpocket him.He froze,who the hell tried to rob the Devil.He craned his neck for that idiot.He spotted a teenage girl searching her pockets.She was looking for a wallet she just stole which had miraculously returned to Asmodeus.He let out a sigh.She was just a child in the game of evil.He could let her go or show her how it's done.He smiled diabolically and approached that unsuspecting lady.Diana,the queen of pickpockets was confused about what had just happened.She was sure she had robbed that fooli
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First Day At Work
It was an early morning with sun rays penetrating into a storey building in which a certain hunk of a man was sleeping on his bed with over 5 hot babes over him.It was obvious that he had served them good because they all wore that satisfactory smile of blossomed women.The man who could satisfy 5 women in one night had to be a god or simply the Devil.It was no one else but the devious and handsome Asmodeus,the Devil and king of hell.He was relaxing in the embrace of all these women until something hit him.He just remembered what today was.This was supposed to be his first day as Maria's boss.He rose from the bed that instant breaking free of the firm hold of the ladies who had seen what he was capable of doing in bed and probably wanted round two.He got off the bed and rushed to dress up.He was all the way in Los Angeles and was already 1 hour late.He finished up and was about to leave when the five ladies drew his attention with their pleas that he should just join them on the bed
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Field Trip
It had been exactly 1 hour ago that Maria run into her office.Her reason for fleeing the grips of the Devil was surely understandable.She had gotten a glimpse of Asmo's real face.She saw the horns,the scary dark eyes he possessed and the resemblance of every horrible but dangerously handsome description of the King Of Hell's new cursed appearance.She was trying to convince herself that she was hallucinating but her mind kept telling her the same thing,"He told you he was the devil why don't you want to believe it".She was deep in her mental turmoil confused about what was real and what was not when she heard a sound behind her.Asmodeus was sick of waiting to see Maria.He first thought she run because she was tempted but replaying what happened in his mind he realized,she was actually terrified.Did she see something she shouldn't have.He wouldn't blame her if she wanted to stay far away from him. Long ago after the fallen angels lost the war,their Father s
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The Devil In A Church
Asmodeus was never going to back down from a challenge and he didn't care if it was the Father Almighty that was cooking up a trap for him.He was ready and he never feared church places.He thrived in the solemn but hypocritical atmosphere of these supposedly holy institutions.Religious people were still human.They were corruptible and as dirty minded as the rest of the world.He had faced alot of priests through out the millennium but he hadn't quite met anyone who could even tickle him.This goes without saying that he had completely avoided the divine one's first eleven disciples.Even with all his confidence he knew,it was suicide to go up against them.They were guarded by Arch angels,their loyal brothers who chose to stay faithful to their Dad even though Lucifer brought up very convincing reasons why they should have all joined forces against their Maker and Father.The six who followed Lucifer were now slightly weaker so they could be beaten up to the point of non existence not to
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Preach On
The Devil had entered a church.The king of hell climbed the pulpit and now he was going to speak.The congregation before him awaited what they thought would be a heart felt preaching or testimony from this handsome gentleman who had made a surprise visit to their humble place of worship.He spoke,"Hello humble people of Earth,I am here today to give you a bit education about judging others.You see,your pastor chose these fine ladies before you to serve as scape goats to be punished for doing what even he had once done".The crowd was in a sudden disarray at what he just revealed.Asmo was pissed off more than before.These hypocrites,they acted like they didn't know their darling Preacher was as human as anyone could be.Some of them were his buddies from back in the days and they also involved themselves in the acts they were about to shame others for.Asmo wanted to roast them all but he restrained himself and took a more subtle approach. "Don't get me wrong, you can change from you
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Brother Michael
Asmo was frozen at the exact place we left him.He couldn't believe what was happening right now.At first when he encountered Gabriel,he thought it was by accident but now,he could sense the overwhelming presence of the Great Arch Angel Michael aka the one like God.He realized this was probably bigger than him. His first instinct was to call upon his six brothers with an ability only the seven possessed.He was weary to use that option fearing that Michael could probably wipe all seven of them just by showing his true face. Asmo wanted to be smart,he needed to be cunning,he had to become the devil. He took in a deep breath and as he exhaled,white hot water vapour escaped his nostrils.His eyes lit bright red and he spoke with that infamous voice of the Devil himself,"Oh Great Brother Michael, what is the General of the Most high doing in a mortal body". Gabriel and Michael seemed to be pinched by the suggestion of his malicious question.Michael responded stopping Gabri
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Bring It On
On top of an abandoned apartment building with no humans in sight,two supernatural beings stood facing each other.It was clear that they were about to engage in a duel.The individuals mentioned were the infamous Archangel Michael and the brand new King of hell aka the prince of lust,Asmodeus. Asmo had gotten himself into the kind of trouble he couldn't easily slip away from. He had to fight to the bitter end,even if it meant he would be a goner once it was all over.He opened his palms and closed his eyes seemly focussing on conjuring his dark corrupted Saber.An utter black shape started to form out of nowhere and it soon took the likeness of a devilish two edged blade.Asmo was no joker,he was going for the kill with the first opportunity granted. Michael watched patiently as he saw Asmo's Saber materialize.It moved nothing in him, Michael had no fear and his Saber was far more powerful than that thing Asmo called a weapon. Only Michael's Sab
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