All Chapters of Saved By The Alpha's Superpowered Son: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
104 Chapters
He's Mine
[Hyacinth] “The Alpha," Ashlynd repeats. "I need to talk to you right now about my fiance." I take a step back, giving her more space as she crowds herself into my office. There are so many boxes of paperwork piled around there is very little room for me to maneuver as I try to avoid standing in her space. The last thing I need is for her to trip over a box and accuse me of pushing her. I'm already on notice with the Alpha. If we had another incident so soon it would look really bad. I’m too tired and too hungry to engage with her right now. She looks ready for a fight and all I can think about is finding a nice shady corner outside and eating my apple and leftover fries. But instead I'm stuck here dealing with Ash's big feelings over some perceived slight. “I don’t know what I could tell you about him that would do any good,” I sigh, just wanting to be done with this conversation. “I don’t even know your Alpha. I've only met him twice.” “That's right, you don't know him," she
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[EARLIER that same day--before Ash and Cindy's argument] [Slate] It’s been a long week. I am trying to pay attention to what Ash is saying, but my mind keeps wandering back to the Doctor. She is an enigma, a mystery that intrigues me and makes me want to learn everything about her. Despite being so strong and brave she also seems to be vulnerable sometimes. “You know what, Slate,” Ash huffs as she picks up the pack finances and puts them into her little pink purse. “I think lunch is over. You don’t seem to have your heart into it.” I can tell that she is irritated with me for not giving her the attention she needs and deserves. She’s right. We’ve been at the packhouse for the last 45 minutes and while she went over finances, I didn’t hear a single word she was saying. I sat there, watching the leaves blowing on the autumn breeze, thinking about a certain doctor whose eyes flashed a bright green, like the color of grass. I was also thinking of the strange changes I’ve been seeing
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[Hyacinth] My body feels warm all over as I nod my acceptance while at the same time I feel a cold chill as if a cloud were sitting over my head. Regardless of what he says, Ashlynd will have a problem with this. It doesn’t matter that he says we are “just friends,” she will see this as a date. “Forget about that,” a voice in my head says, “follow your heart.” “Follow my heart,” I whisper. He looks up confused. “What? Were you saying something?” “No,” I lie, grinning. Part of me knows that if I wanted to be smart, I’d stay far far away from him, just like she warned me. Instead I let him guide me out of the office and out into the sunshine. I don’t know what I was expecting from lunch with the Alpha. Maybe someplace fancy with too many forks. It was refreshing when he took me to his favorite deli instead. The wolf behind the counter was a connoisseur of fine lunch meats and I soon found myself rejecting my sad peanut butter sandwich for a beautiful double-fisted sub sandwich
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[Hyacinth] The card is hand drawn in crayon with a drawing of a wolf next to a child on the front that looks a bit more like a dog than a canine. Inside it reads "From your secret admire-were" signed in a childish hand "You know who." Bash and Drew must have stopped by to cheer me up. Smiling, I set the flowers towards the front of the desk and open up my top desk drawer pulling out the two files I had placed there earlier today. The one on top is my file, the other one is my mother’s. Both are considerably thick, which feels strange to me because I do not remember visiting the doctor often enough to warrant that many visits. Which one do I open? My mother’s or my own? I decide to learn more about my mother first. I know so little about her. Opening the file the first thing I notice is a smiling color photo of her, clipped to the inner flap of the folder. It is a portrait, most likely from her days working in the clinic, as she is wearing a lab coat with a stethoscope around h
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[Slate] After having lunch, I had a lot to think about. Not just regarding the doctor, but also my role as an alpha and also as a brother. I’ve almost completely neglected my sister since she returned. She must be so lonely. I should be here every day just to make sure she is comfortable. I should make sure she is needed and wanted and special. She has no one else to do this for her with no mate and both of our parents dead. So I canceled my dinner plans with Ash to sit on the floor with my sister, pulling old photos out of a box I found in the packhouse attic. “Oh My Goddess!” Blake shrieks with glee. “Do you remember this Slate?” She is holding up an old family photo where the four of us, Mom, Dad, Blake, and Me. We are wearing matching sweaters of wolves wearing Santa hats howling at the moon. “I wonder what happened to those sweaters..” “Burned I hope,” chuckling. “I remember having to wear that thing to school the day of the photo. Kids are cruel.” I reach into the box a li
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[Hyacinth] “I was really surprised when Drew told me you were coming over,” I yawn, “I wasn’t expecting you to come to my house to take care of me. Of all people, I should be telling you to rest.” “Nonsense,” Blake fusses over me like a mother hen watching over her baby chicks. “Once I called and learned you collapsed at work yesterday, I knew I needed to come and check on you. You are, after all, my favorite doctor.” “I’m your only doctor,” I chuckle. Blake walked the three blocks to my house with a crockpot full of chicken noodle soup. As her physician, I am still a little upset at her for taking that risk with her health. Crock pots can be heavy, especially when full of soup. I told her to never take that risk again, and she rolled her eyes at me telling me that friends do things like that for one another. Friends. She sees me as a friend. I told her I was not sick, just very exhausted, so exhausted that my body decided it needed to take a rest at just the worst moment. It
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Too Many Alphas
[Slate] “What are you doing in my pack?” I growl at the invading Alpha. “These women are MINE they are under MY PROTECTION.” How did this alpha even get inside Doctor James’ house? It doesn’t matter, I will protect what is mine and show this alpha who is in charge here. Leaping forward, I easily pin him to the ground. Snarling in his face, my teeth bared, I dare him to fight back. Part of me wants him to fight back so that I can tear his throat out and watch him twitch on the ground. “I live here,” he manages to squeak out as I pound his back harder into the ground. Looking up, I see both Blake and Cindy looking at me with large, terror-filled eyes. “Brother! What are you doing to Drew?” her hands fly up to cover her mouth. “Why are you treating him like he’s a threat? This is his house. We are just visiting.” “He lives here!” These words do not help me calm down. “With HER?” I point at the doctor, my heart racing. “Why?” I manage to ask between growls, not quite sure why I
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[Hyacinth] “Do you think that is a good idea?” I do not take the invitation from his outstretched hand. “Wouldn’t that cause problems for you and your fiance?” “Not particularly,” he shrugs. “Especially since she will be there too.” “Is this some kind of trick?” I feel myself bristle. I suddenly feel very vulnerable. If I say no, it could affect my standing here in the pack. But if I say yes, it could affect my heart and spirit. Ashlynd’s coldness towards me has made me feel so unsure of where I stand. I never thought that a reunion with her would feel so awkward and painful. “Do you think it is wise to bring both of us? Together?” “Well it wouldn’t just be the three of us,” he explains. “My Beta, Delta, Gamma, and Epsilon would also attend in addition to my Luna. It is a gathering of pack elders three weeks from now and I thought, as pack doctor, you should also be there. You are also the daughter of a Beta and my Delta and it is time, past time, you had your chance at pack leader
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[Hyacinth] [Thirteen Years Ago] "What are you making, Cindy," my father smiles, giving me a warm hug as he watches me sew a very small pair of shoes with delicate stitches. Beaming up with him I smiled. "These are for baby Hawk," I held up the tiny little blue booties. "Do you think Mom will like them?" He pulls me into a deep hug, "Of course she will, Cindy. Although you still have 6 months until you'll meet your new baby brother. Are you sure you want to..." There is a knock on the door. My father kisses the top of my forehead as he answers it. A firm but sad voice speaks from the other side of the door. He isn't speaking loudly, but the Gamma's voice carries and I hear every word. "Delta James, there has been an accident. I am so sorry, but the Beta, she's..." He couldn't say the rest, and he didn't need to. My father knew. Holding the little booties to my chest I cried myself to sleep that night. I would never see my mother again, never hear her voice or feel her touch. My
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[Hyacinth] All the blood drained from my father’s face. “What did you just say?” “Eclipse. Is it a type of wolf? I found something in Mother’s records and I…" He rushes up to me and places a hand over my mouth. Looking around anxiously he whispers in my ear. “Never say those words out loud, Cindy. It is never safe for you. Even knowing about it can put you and your son in danger. I’ll tell you what you need to know, but you need to wait for me to come talk to you." He pulls away from me looking at me intently, checking to see if I understand the seriousness or the situation. "Please don’t look into this yourself, Cindy. It isn’t safe," he looks terrified, his whole body shaking as he begs, "Just trust me.” That was two weeks ago. I am usually a patient person, but everything about this sets me on edge. What isn’t my father telling me? When I said “eclipse” his eyes grew wide with shock, his face went red, and his body started shaking. What made him so afraid? I haven’t heard
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