All Chapters of Saved By The Alpha's Superpowered Son: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
104 Chapters
[Hyacinth] "Cindy!" Ashlynd tries and fails to cover herself, her arms already full with champagne in one hand and a rose in the other, she had no real way to cover herself. Which is how she ended up covered in alcohol and stabbed with thorns for the sake of modesty. "Ash!" I shout in response. "What on Earth are you doing here? Naked?!" "I'm the Luna," she huffs, as she struggles to cover her large breasts with her right arm while her left hand reaches down to cover her exposed crotch. "I'm supposed to be here! This is the ALPHA's suite. I have a key." "So do I," the key catches the light as I hold it out in front of me. "Slate gave it to me himself. We meet here twice a week..." Her face goes from red with embarrassment to the dark purple color of rage. "WHY DO YOU HAVE A KEY!!" she screams loud enough that the whole pack house likely heard her. "Are you fucking him too? Isn't the man you have at home enough?" I slam the door behind me as I boldly stride forward. "Who are you
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Too Late
[Slate] I hope Cindy understands. We always meet on Thursday afternoons around 1 PM, but today I ran into Gamma McCoy who wanted to spend some time discussing pack security. We’ve had a recent uptick in violent situations on our borders. We aren’t sure what has changed recently, but these attacks seem specific, targeted, and very intentional. Because we are such a welcoming pack, even going so far as accepting rogues who want a second chance, and because of our openness, we have been able to expand and grow as a strong pack, some individuals and groups would like nothing more than to see us fail. Maybe this is a disgruntled rogue who was denied membership for one reason or another. Maybe it is the actions of a rival pack, looking to stir up trouble. Either way, the detour took longer than expected, and despite telling Cameron several times that I needed to leave, I ended up running to make my meeting, out of breath, sweaty, and exhausted. The large clock above the staircase in th
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[Hyacinth] On Monday, waiting for me on my office desk was a copy of the pack newspaper. Featured in a full-page spread is a grinning picture of my sister, Ash, holding Alpha Danver’s arm. They look happy. The title has been gone over in a bright yellow highlighter. I pick up the newspaper and scan the page: ANNOUNCEMENTS: ALPHA SLATE DANVERS and LUNA ASHLYND ANDREWS JAMES, daughter of DELTA HENRY JAMES will officially declare their commitment to each other on September 25th in a public wedding ceremony on the morning after the ALPHA BETA BALL as a conclusion to the festivities. The entire pack is invited to the reception to follow. Champagne, cake, and light refreshments will be served. On the bottom of the page, two words have been scrawled in a swirling hand: I win. I didn’t even bother asking Lisa if anyone had been seen entering my office and leaving that note. I know who did it. Sadly I cannot say I’m surprised that Ash would want to show off. That seems to be how she op
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Road Trip
[Hyacinth] His pine and sea salt smell is so soothing that for one, brief, shining moment I let myself forget that we have an audience and leaned up against him, breathing in his scent. Releasing a sigh I didn't know I was holding, I close my eyes. I hear a cough from behind us and I remember where I am and who I am with. Standing, I straighten out my clothing and try to smile “Sorry,” I apologize, “I can be a bit clumsy sometimes.” The sun shining through Slate’s light brown hair casts a halo around his head, giving it an almost golden glow. I find myself breathless and mesmerized as I look up into his glowing blue eyes, his face still and his lips slightly parted. “Not…Not a problem,” he stumbles over his words...”I’m glad I was here to catch you.” Another cough from the van on the street reminds us both of where we are and what we have become to one another. We aren’t even friends anymore. We are barely associates. And we both have other people to love. “Slate sweetie, we
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Rest Stop
[Ashlynd] Cindy had fallen asleep somewhere along the way with my fiance holding her hand. Yes, I'm upset at Slate for putting his hand on hers in the first place, but that doesn't mean I'm not angry with her as well. Cindy must think I'm a complete idiot if she thinks I don't notice. She must be a bigger fool if she believes that a single word she says about not pursuing Slate, not trying to win him over for herself, is even remotely convincing. If she thinks she can steal my alpha, my chosen mate, and my future husband, she has no idea who she is messing with. I’ve seen the way she looks at him--you'd have to be blind not to notice how her cheeks grow rosy and her gaze distant every time he enters a room. I know that she wants him. \ But he’s mine. I claimed him long ago. I knew that I wanted him from the first moment I laid eyes on him. Looking down at the large sapphire on my hand, I place it on the steering wheel in such a way that it captures the sunlight, sending blue-tinte
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Restroom Woes
[Hyacinth] It felt like I had been holding my pee for an hour before I finally got into the stall. Looking back, I see the van is still there, but that our crew is slowly starting to pile back in to continue on our trip. I better hurry up. What if they forgot me here? Closing the door I lock it securely behind me. BANG BANG BANG!!! “Occupied!” I shouted loud enough to wake the dead. “I’ll be out in a minute!” After driving for 4 hours, I am grateful for the opportunity to rest and NOT be in a car, even if my resting space is an over-used, under-cleaned truck stop bathroom. Just having a moment to myself without listening to Ash’s prattle about wedding plans or Cameron wondering aloud how his mate and children are doing, feels calming and… BANG BANG BANG!!! “JUST A MINUTE!!” I yell a bit louder this time. Either the person on the other end is hard of hearing or impatient. Either way, I don’t appreciate how this person is trying to rush me out of the bathroom before I’m done. I
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Where is She?
[Slate] I am tired. Unlike almost everyone else, I haven't had a chance to sleep. I spent much of the ride down holding Cindy’s hand. She had been crying in her sleep. Crying over the hurt I caused her with my harsh and unnecessary words. I don’t know why I feel it is necessary to be such a brute to her. I guess seeing her kissing Drew all those nights ago still has my heart stinging. It isn’t like we meant anything to one another, but I guess…I guess part of me had been hoping for something I should have never wanted in the first place. Her. Once I step out of the van, I walk towards the truck stop store. As I grab an energy drink in the small shop I look out the window and see Doctor James waiting in line for the bathroom, bouncing up and down from foot to foot.. Feeling grateful that I had taken care of my needs at our last stop, I continue shopping, picking up a bag of chips for myself, and one for Cindy. I miss our lunches together. Maybe I can recover our friendship during
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Lost and Found
[Hyacinth] The roar gets louder. The rogues touching me have fallen to the floor, except for the last one who is looking back the way they entered with fear in his eyes. I am trying to stay awake, but I can’t. The world is going dark as a clawed hand reaches forward and grabs my last attacker by the throat. My eyes are too heavy to remain open. My body is useless, my arms and legs are heavy like bricks--cold, hard, and completely drained of life and energy. I don't know what just happened, but my body did something to protect me. Something powerful and deadly. Whatever it was, it wasn't natural. Is it possible that my hands can hurt? And if that is true, can they also heal? Was everyone right when they assumed I had healed that little girl with my hands? Does it even matter? Based on how I feel right now, I'm going to die soon anyway. I can feel my body slowly shutting down. Is this what it feels like to die? Two strong arms smelling of sea salt and pine lift me from the dirty f
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Bad Wolves
[Hyacinth] I must have misheard the Alpha. I'm starting to wonder if I dreamed everything that happened as I was falling asleep in the hospital because when I woke up, there was no sign that he was ever there. Even his scent was gone, wiped away by the antiseptic smell that often accompanies hospital settings. A nurse came in and helped me dress as she eased me into a wheelchair. "Standard procedure," she reminded me even though I grumbled at the unnecessary nature and how I could walk on my own. "Tsk tsk, Dr. James. You know better." They admonished me. "After a shock as bad as the one you suffered after your attack, you're lucky the doctor isn't holding you here another 48 hours for observation. But your alpha was quite insistent that you be released today." The nurse has that far-away look that many she-wolves have when thinking of our alpha, "So we are releasing you to the care of your pack." Drew was waiting for me in the receiving room, rocking back and forth on his heels n
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Search Not Found
[Hyacinth] Am I a murderer? I cannot remember anything about the events of that afternoon. I don’t even know if those men succeeded in touching me, or if someone came in and saved me. I don’t know how or why I woke up in that bathroom surrounded by dead or dying men. Not to mention how did my son know? How did Bash know about the bad wolves, how many of them there were, or if they were dead or not? There is so much about my son that I have yet to understand. And it would seem, so much for me to learn about myself as well. I couldn’t bear to be at home any longer, so I decided to head to work.I need a distraction from rehashing all the negative thoughts running through my head, but also because I need answers. My mind is full of too many questions, none of which I can answer from my bed. Sitting at my desk at work, I take a break from the morning shift of seeing patients and pull out the two folders I had been looking at before. I don't know if I will find any answers with
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