All Chapters of Once Upon A Princess : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
23 Chapters
Chapter 1
Damien's POV The first time I met Lisa Armstrong, it was at a fancy Italian restaurant, two months before she became Mrs Reed. I was enchanted by her huge blue eyes, by the way they sparkled like polished ice from a frozen lake as she shook my hands. Enraptured too, by her radiant smile. A smile radiant enough to shame the largest star. A smile she directed adoringly at my brother, Keith. I am still enchanted, and very much enraptured by Lisa Armstrong Reed. I step into the living space in my parents' residence, cradling a bottle of Merlot in a brown paper bag. Aside from the grey leather couches, white walls, a flat screen telly and daffodils in a dainty china vase by the draperies fluttering in the breeze that adds a burst of color to the otherwise neutral decor, and a host of other pricey furniture I'd not bother to name, no other living creature is present. " Anyone home?" I holler. " Mom?" " Damien?" Came a reply slightly muted by distance. Mo
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Chapter 2
Lisa's POV When Selena sent me an invite to her wedding, I jumped at the opportunity to leave Oakenville, even if it's for a few days, away from the pity and scrutiny of townspeople. I could use the break too, after an aggressive devotion to the affairs of my business, to burying myself in work and leaving no room for intrusive thoughts. Willow yawns, and from the crook of my arm she observes the environs where we stand in front of the airport, like a king surveying his land from the top of his castle. Her blond short twin tails bob along with her head, and I dig my teeth down my lower lip at this momento of her father. I did not know what to feel when I gazed down at his unrecognizable body that day in the morgue, an hour after he had been fished out from the wreck that used to be his prized Porsche. Yet after his funeral, I was an automaton whose very first sensation was relief. I shake my head in an attempt to banish the thoughts before I fish through my hand
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Chapter 3
Lisa's POV Eyes the color of liquid honey instantly meet mine in a piercing gaze. For a few seconds, I am captivated by those eyes. By the chiselled cheekbones and sharp angles of his handsome face. By the pale gold hair I tried, but couldn't stop seeing in my dreams. I realize I'm ogling and stumble back, pressing a hand to my lips to hold back a gasp. Why does Damien Reed have to show here, of all places and of all times?! "Fancy meeting you here, Lisa. Why do you look like you've just seen a bogeyman?" His voice. Has it always been this growly and… sexy? Like yesterday, I part my lips to say something, anything, even a rebuttal, but my brain has disconnected. Seeing him again out of the blues had stirred the unwanted feelings I shoved under a lid since last year. "What are you doing here?" I finally find my tongue. "Me?" He jabs a finger to his sternum "I'm here to watch a couple tie the knot. And handle loose ends of my last business deal. What are you doi
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Chapter 4
Damien's POV I am seated across a former high school classmate, Glenn, in a booth nearest to one of the expansive floor to ceiling windows in the grill bar a few blocks away from the hotel, where I can watch Miami hustle and bustle. Maybe it's not the finest place to close a deal, but I slam the enveloped documents down on the wooden tabletop regardless and slide them towards Glenn. The new property owner - or rather, his heir - divests the papers of their covering for his own perusal. He looks as pleased as I always am at the culmination of every deal. More deals mean more bucks afterall. " Now the paperwork is complete," I offer a hand. " Congratulations, to you and Mr Sanders." Amusement creases his features as he clasps my outstretched hand firmly. The billionaire banking magnate, Mr Sanders, had just acquired a beachfront holiday home, and it's no secret who actually owns the million dollar structure. "Thank you, Mr. Realtor," he muse
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Chapter 5
Lisa's POV" Hey there, Princess of Oakenville." I am always unsure of how to react to the mention of my supposed title. Yet I allow my lips a curve, because it's Emilie Forger whose face fills the screen of my laptop. There's no malice behind her words, as the title is usually called with spite or awe. There is only childish mischief twinkling in her coffee brown eyes. " Hi Em," I clasp on silver earrings. " How are you? And how's Duke's Table?" " Is this the part where I reel off the terrific performances of your food haven? I guess so. Your other baby's fine." I shoot the woman in whose capable hands I left my restaurant a look of mock reproach. " You are smokin' hot," she drawls. " What's the occasion?" I glance down at my bodycon black dress with its long sheer sleeves encrusted sparingly with tiny rhinestones. A silver button is fastened at my neck, but a triangle is cut out for a generous view of my cleavage. I
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Chapter 6
Damien's POV" Ahh! Shucks!" Jeremy hurls down a surfboard like a five year old throwing a hissy fit. "I hoped for bodacious, big ass waves!" " Bodacious babes, you mean," Glenn amends with a wink, brushing back the sooty black locks that spilled onto his forehead with dramatic flair. He once, probably always, fancied himself an actor. A feat he would have achieved with his movie star looks, if not for the interference of his banking magnate father. " Miami technically isn't known for its surfing." Matt deadpans from the driver's seat of the red convertible. " Most of the year, it's as flat as a lake." " Not pleasing." Glenn remarks. " But there could be lucky epic days, right?" I sigh, reaching into the car for a bottle of water. Who knew reunion with former classmates that also happened to be Wade's groomsmen at a beach park was enough to give me a headache? " Toss me a bottle, will you, Mate?" Glenn pleads with a smi
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Chapter 7
Lisa's POVWade took everyone to a sand volleyball court apart from the rest of the beach. A grove of lush palm trees are outlined against the azure of the sky, ruffled slightly by the salty ocean breeze. Sun rays peek through the leaves to dance around in patterns on the sugar white sands I wish I can taste. My first impulse is to flop down on these cushion-y grounds and snooze my way through the game. Especially when… " Hey," I lean in to whisper to Yvette. " I have not even the teeniest idea how to play…" " I know right. Me too," Yvette concedes, fiddling with a halterneck strap of her one piece peacock blue swimsuit. " I never had a chance to try out for the volleyball team back in school. This is all Selena's idea afterall. It wasn't initially part of the bachelorette week." A sigh slips past my lips. I know just how whimsical my aunt can be. " Girls." Selena stops in her tracks and suddenly wheels on us, balled fists stuck on her hips.
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Chapter 8
Damien's POVMost of the ride was spent silent, and with Lisa huddled in the passenger's seat, an ice pack pressed to the ugly bump beside her right eye, a loose fitting tee I found amongst her possessions hiding most of her delectable body from view. I am not used to fearing for another, or being especially terrified for Lisa either. She had always been to me an unattainable goddess that belonged to my brother, only to be glimpsed at at rare moments, and to be venerated at those times. But watching her tumble heavily onto her side made my own heart lurch just as painfully, in a way I have never experienced before. Made me realize that this goddess is just as human, as fragile. And left in me a fierce urge to shield her from any form of harm. At least for my brother's sake. Liar liar pants on fire. A voice jeers in my head. You want her, that's why. You desire her. We manage to get past curious gawkers to Lisa's door, where I swipe the key card Lisa f
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Chapter 9
Lisa's POVI am sitting in a coffee shop, and not just because I craved a steaming brew. The wood paneled, earth-toned shop offers a space for breakfast outside the hotel room, a chance to eat amongst the bustle of life, amongst the laid-back vibes of the city. Maybe I just want to revel in the anonymity of being one in a convention of people lazing around to nurse coffee mugs. Maybe I don't want to glance at my bed and replay for the hundredth time how things heated up in there. Willow is hoisted on my laps, chomping happily on a piece of croissant, and I push my mug farther away from her reach. Selena probably wrote off some 'me' time for herself on the bachelorette week schedule, so Willow won't need to go to the daycare center. " This kiddo really enjoys it there. I met her new friends," Said Damien when he returned with my child. The air between us sizzled with electric tension, and I hadn't even worried like I used to if my daughter would grow accustomed t
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Chapter 10
Lisa's POVOur castle was one of the grandest homes to ever exist in Oakenville. With soaring columns, graceful bay windows and expansive entrance, the brick architecture sat like a well dressed man amidst clusters of magnolia and dogwood, and a stretch of lawns, never failing to impress anyone that happened to set their eyes on it. A house befitting a prince and his bride. A wedding gift Demetrius said he had been preparing for years for Keith's future family. Four days after our wedding, I thought it a considerate move to take blueberry muffins fresh from the oven, and a glass of milk up Keith's study. He'd been holed up in there for almost half the day, because he had a client to defend the next day. Our trip to the Maldives had to be rescheduled. I pushed the heavy door open carefully with my hip. " Hey, Attorney." Keith swivelled in his leather padded chair and studied me through rimless Richard Gere glasses. Golden hair shone in the sunlight that
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