All Chapters of The Alpha King's Prophecy: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
Chapter 11 : Even if it Kills Me
OnyxI stared down at the wood grain on my desk. I felt like I was losing my mind. So much had happened over the past 24 hours and I was struggling to make sense of it all. I couldn’t even make sense of my own behavior, if I was being honest. I needed to eat something and get some sleep, that would be enough to clear the fog from my mind. At least, I hoped that it would be enough. I couldn’t blame all of my recent decision making on exhaustion. The mate pull was also a factor. Ferrah… that witch was making me weak. If not for the sigils and anti-magic wards in the packhouse, I would be convinced she was using her powers on me. I apologized to her. I actually said the words, “I’m sorry.” I never apologized to anyone, ever. Even when I knew that I should. I knew better than to show that kind of weakness and fallibility. My father taught me better than that. I was better than that. I couldn’t remember apologizing to anyone since I was very young. But I apologized for scar
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Chapter 12 : Ending in Death
Ferrah I didn’t understand how this room was so cold. Was it intentional? Did they cut off the heat to this room for fear that someone would escape through the vents?I was sitting on the cot with my arms around myself in an attempt to retain some warmth. It had only gotten colder since I woke up and it made it impossible to get back to sleep. That was probably for the best. I had no idea how long it was going to take for the Alpha King to return for me. He said that he would be back, but I had no idea what arrangements he was making or how long it would take. I may have made a mistake by asking him to let me out of this dungeon. What other realistic option did he have? Was I going to be forced to stay by his side at all times? The thought made me feel sick. The pull in my chest was at war with my hatred for him and the effect was a feeling of slight nausea that I couldn’t shake off. It only got worse when he was close to me. I didn’t think I could handle that for any extended
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Chapter 13 : Keeping Secrets
OnyxThings had been surprisingly calm since the Autumn witch arrived in the village. I had expected more of a backlash to her stay here. There were strong emotions at first, but it died down quickly. At least, it had for most of the pack. Sybil was still throwing barbs at me and asking how long the witch would be around for. She made no secret of the fact that she thought Ferrah should be killed.I had threatened to throw her in the dungeon if she didn’t stop disrespecting me by questioning my decisions. I didn’t need her little remarks stirring anyone else up. I wouldn’t stand for insubordination. Not from her or from anyone else. Other than Sybil, no one seemed to care much that Ferrah was here. That was probably because she hadn’t left her room since she arrived. In fact, I hadn’t seen or heard her at all. I had her placed in the bedroom closest to mine so that I would be able to quickly react to any issues. I expected her to yell at the guards or to try to make a run f
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Chapter 14 : Our Future
FerrahI followed a step behind the Alpha King as he led me through the village. I had assumed that the elders would come to him, but it appeared that wasn’t the case. I had been trying to avoid being paraded through the village like some kind of exotic pet. I could feel eyes on me from every direction and it made me extremely self conscious. I wrapped my arms around myself as we walked through the cobblestone streets. The area of the village we were walking through was a bustling business district. There were people chatting on the sidewalks and sipping coffee outside of cafes and bistros. There were outdoor stalls selling baked goods and fresh produce. I even spotted one young girl selling lemonade. I was envious, honestly. We didn’t have any towns like this left in the witch world. They had all been destroyed. It made my stomach twist in disgust to know that the shifters could still enjoy a life like this. I averted my eyes and focused on my threadbare shoes. I didn’t wan
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Chapter 15 : The Time is Now
Ferrah Onyx led me through the narrow hallways and deeper into the palace. I had no idea what to expect from the elders he was bringing me to see. I knew that his priestess would be there. She was the one that had created this situation.The hallways of the house were decorated with depictions of moonlit forests and mountains. I tried to focus on those images to avoid looking at Onyx. His words as we entered the house were still ringing in my ears. “Our future.” The sensation in my chest was impossible to ignore with him so close to me. Why did he have to phrase it like that? He meant the future of our people, not the two of us. We don’t have a future…we never would. I was surprised by how empty the palace was. I expected the elders to be heavily guarded, but other than the two standing at the entrance, there were no guards in sight. It seemed like every room we passed was empty. I didn’t see any lights beyond the hallway lights. Onyx led me into a large room where six p
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Chapter 16 : The Words of an Elder
Ferrah“Don’t be too hasty,” Gilliam said sternly. “I’m not convinced that this witch is anything more than a poorly disguised spy.” I laughed. I couldn’t help it. “Disguised as what?” I asked in disbelief. “A prisoner?” “She’s hardly tried to hide her identity,” one of the other elders chimed in. He was a broad shouldered man with a shaved head and a graying beard. “She attacked Onyx. That’s not exactly keeping a low profile.” “I agree,” Priestess Adelaide echoed. “I’m not convinced. It’s going to take more than a flimsy story like that to earn my trust.” Gilliam’s frown deepened. “For all we know, she was creating a distraction to allow her companions to enter the village.” “We would know if there were witches in the village,” another elder noted. “Our defenses aren’t that easily thwarted.” “They wouldn’t be able to use their magic, even if they did make it past the guards,” a fourth pointed out. “I don’t know what her plan is, but I know that she must have one,” Gil
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Chapter 17 : Bringing Peace to Our People
OnyxThe walk back to the packhouse was silent and tense. Ferrah stayed close to my side and continually scanned the street for any signs of a threat. She had been uneasy on the way to the meeting, but not scared. Not like this.My blood was absolutely boiling. Gilliam’s threatening behavior and intensity had put her on edge. I didn’t blame her. Despite my promise to protect her, she was still in hostile territory. She would be naive not to be on alert after Gilliam made it clear that there were some shifters that would never accept her here. The way she had stood up to him proved to me once again that she was a proud woman. It was satisfying to hear her throw his attitude right back at him. Gilliam was a bully and most were unwilling to stand up to him. It was becoming obvious that Ferrah wasn’t like most people.Of all the alphas and elders that I had to deal with. Gilliam was the only one I actually disliked. He wouldn’t be satisfied until every witch was killed and he had
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Chapter 18 : Powerful Forces
FerrahIt took me hours to calm my nerves after the meeting with the elders. That bastard Gilliam had crossed the line, and I had wanted nothing more than to punch him square in the nose. That wasn’t what had me so worked up, though. It was Onyx. It was the way that he had defended me. He had been so attentive to my mood during the entire meeting and had stepped in to comfort and soothe me in ways that were so subtle that I didn’t fully appreciate them until I was back in this prison of a room with nothing to do but reflect. It bothered me immensely that he had done that for me, but it bothered me more that I had been so reliant on him. It had seemed so natural in the moment for us to behave the way we did. I hated myself for it. I had to remember that he was the enemy. No amount of kindness now could undo what had been done. Once the bell was rung, it couldn’t be unrung, as my grandmother always said. I cupped my chin in my hand and leaned against the windowsill. The su
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Chapter 19 : Anti-Magic
Ferrah I was drifting in the nebulous space between sleep and consciousness when I felt a stinging sensation on my arm. I was so exhausted that I forced myself to ignore the feeling. It wouldn’t stay away for long, though. Throughout the night, the sensation would return and pull me towards wakefulness, only to be pushed aside by my stubborn desire to sleep. I don’t know how long this went on for before I was forced to give up and let myself be pulled into full consciousness. I opened my bleary eyes angrily and sat up in bed. Anything that pulled me out of this soft, warm bed was my enemy, as far as I was concerned. I glared down at my left arm, expecting to see a puffy red insect bite. I gasped aloud when I saw a long, thin cut down the back of my arm. It was surrounded by flaking blood and there was a small stain on the blanket beneath me. I had no memory of injuring myself in such a way. This was obviously done with a very fine, sharp blade. I didn’t have anything
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Chapter 20 : Garden of Trust
FerrahI stared at the band around my wrist in silent astonishment. I never would have expected Onyx to think of something so clever. Making his anti-magic wards into a shackle was impressive enough, but he did it in a way that wouldn’t compromise the freedom of movement that he had promised me. “What do you mean?” I asked. I tore my eyes away from the iron and looked at him questioningly. I should probably be angry, but I was too surprised. “Think of it as insurance,” he answered. “I had this band made to make sure that you can’t use magic in pack territory. I have the only key, so in a way, it’s personal insurance as well.” I let his words sink in before speaking again. “You know that the threats on my life were working just fine, right?” “Were they?” he asked curiously. “Have I done any magic since I got here?” I shot back in irritation. He shrugged and the ghost of a smirk crept into his expression. My own expression froze in response. Did he somehow know about t
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