All Chapters of The Alpha King's Prophecy: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
Chapter 21 : Preventing Heartbreak
OnyxI leaned against a large oak tree and watched Ferrah as she stepped gingerly through the garden. The care she was taking while harvesting the plants reassured me that I made the right decision in bringing her here. I knew that whatever herbs she might need for her healing potions, she would find them here. Mother used to muse that this garden of hers would get her accused of witchcraft if she kept it in the village. At the time, it seemed like she was just being silly. Now that I knew more about witches, I understood her meaning. There was so much paranoia about witches among certain packs. If rumors started that the Luna Queen was dabbling with magical potions and ointments, it would cause a lot of problems. This garden made her so happy. It helped her to find peace in the chaos that we were living through. The fact that she had to hide it bothered me. The way that Ferrah’s face lit up when she saw it reminded me of the way mother smiled in the spring when the first bloo
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Chapter 22 : It's Personal
FerrahThe door of my room slammed shut and I turned to glare at the wood. Onyx had practically shoved me inside the second the door was open wide enough. I nearly lost my balance, but I managed to keep myself from crashing to the ground. I listened to his heavy footsteps as he stomped off like a petulant child. I took a few deep breaths in an attempt to keep myself calm. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been this angry. I walked to the desk and emptied my pockets carefully. Once the plants I had carefully collected were safely out of them, I threw myself down on the bed and shrieked into my pillow as loud as I could. I heard one of the guards in the hallway exclaim at the sudden sound, but the door remained closed. I couldn’t care less what they thought. It wasn’t as if they were going to help me, so what good were they? I screamed again and dug my fingernails into the pillow. I wanted to break something. I wanted to trash this entire stupid room, but it wouldn’t do an
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Chapter 23 : Bringing it to an End
Onyx“The Autumn coven is responsible for my parent’s disappearance.” A heavy silence fell over the room. I hadn’t meant to tell her that. It wasn’t what I had come here for at all. The confession had just come out of me, unbidden. Ferrah was staring at me with a mixture of surprise and anger on her face. It was the reaction that I expected. She knew that I had taken her family from her, but there was no way that she could have known why. Even now, I wasn’t sure she had put it all together. She was likely still trying to process the meaning of my words. I didn’t expect her to believe me. I sat silently, waiting for her to start yelling or call me a liar. There was a chance she might even attack me. I wouldn’t blame her if she did. She closed her eyes for several seconds. When she opened them, I could no longer read the emotions in her eyes. She turned in her chair slowly so that she could face me directly and in a very calm voice she said, “Explain.” “It’s a long story,”
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Chapter 24 : Falling in Love
FerrahFrustration wasn’t a strong enough word to describe what I was feeling. I was so taken off guard by my conversation with Onyx that I hadn’t been able to sleep all night. It wasn’t just that the memory of his hand holding mine made my heart beat erratically, although that was true, too. It was the fact that he had confided in me. The raw emotion on his face and in his voice was impossible to ignore. It took me so off guard that I had confessed my own plans to kill him. He had assumed that I was speaking in the past tense, otherwise, I would not still be in this comfortable room. The papers strewn out on the desk in front of me didn’t hold the answers that I was hoping for. The detailed notes that I was keeping about Onyx and his pack gave no indication about the trustworthiness of the story he told me last night. There was no way for me to know if he was being completely honest or not. But, somehow, I knew that he was. I didn’t believe that he would be capable of fak
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Chapter 25 : Dangerous
OnyxThe papers piled up on my desk were daunting to look at. I had been spending too much time away from my office and things were starting to get out of hand. I had several days worth of reports to read and countless letters to respond to. It didn’t help that rumors about the captive witch in the Alpha King’s house had reached the other packs already. The other alphas wanted to know how they could reassure their packs that they’re safe. People were confused and frightened about why Ferrah was in the village at all. If I brought her to the elder’s house and locked her in the old basement dungeon, there wouldn’t be so much confusion. I couldn’t do that to her, though. It was miserable down there. I didn’t know how to answer these letters. Rydel was seated in a swivel chair on the opposite side of the desk, helping me to write quick responses to the simpler letters. He had been quiet all morning, which told me that he wanted to say something, but he was holding back. It bot
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Chapter 26 : Finding Onyx
Ferrah My notes weren’t helping me make a decision at all. Nothing was helping. What I felt for Onyx now was so at odds with everything that I knew about shifters, and everything that I knew about myself. I had no idea what the right decision was anymore. I kept coming back to the same thought, no matter how much I tried to talk myself out of it. Give them a chance. It seemed absurd, but I couldn’t think of another way to proceed. I hadn’t left this room without Onyx since I was moved here. I could, though. The guards would follow me to make sure I didn’t try anything, but was that really such a bad thing? I was pretty sure that they would protect me if someone tried to attack me unprovoked. I slipped my shoes on and went to the door. I took a deep breath to steel myself, then opened it. The guards turned to me with surprise and took a step back, to make room for me. I stepped out slowly and closed the door behind me. “Is everything alright?” one of the guards asked. “Y
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Chapter 27 : We Need to Talk
Ferrah“I need to find Onyx,” I said urgently. The guards exchanged worried glances, then frowned at me in concern at my sudden outburst. I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down. If I freaked them out, they wouldn’t help me. “I mean, I need to speak with the Alpha King,” I continued. “I’ve just thought of something that I need to discuss with him. About the prophecy.” It wasn’t a lie. Something about the green eyed figure made me think that he could be involved in the prophecy somehow. He was clearly extremely powerful. It could be that he was a threat that we were meant to face. I had to tell Onyx about him so that we could figure out how to address the situation. They exchanged another uncertain look, then one of the guards, an older man with a dark beard and close shaved hair looked at me. “We really don’t know where he is,” he told me. “What about Emron?” the second guard asked. He was a younger man with bright eyes and freckles. He was always a little
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Chapter 28 : Bad Omens
OnyxWhen I lifted my head from my work to find Ferrah standing a few feet from me, I was surprised and oddly relieved. The feeling only lasted a moment before the pull caused my heart to twist painfully with desire. I forced the feeling aside as quickly as I could. The look on her face made it clear that she wasn’t here for the pleasure of my company. Something was very wrong. I stood and approached her. I stopped myself before I reached her, although my instinct was to comfort her as she was obviously upset. When she didn’t reply to my question, a spark of anger flashed through me. I turned to follow her eyes and glared at Rydel and Emron. I swear, those two lacked any sense of social grace. She was obviously here in a distressed state, yet they were standing at the door, staring at her in anticipation like they were watching a play. “Get out,” I told Rydel. He could hear the irritation in my voice and turned to go immediately. Emron didn’t move. Rydel grabbed his brot
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Chapter 29 : Don't Stop Moving
FerrahI stared at Onyx in shock as he snarled at me. I couldn’t believe that this was happening. I was trying to warn him that his people were in danger, and he was judging me. Just like everyone else here did. I had been so wrong about him. I had been so wrong about everything. I couldn’t even be angry right now. All I felt was defeat and humiliation. My eyes were welling with tears, but I held them back. I would not cry in front of him. I turned my back to him and rushed to the door. He didn’t call after me or try to stop me. The office door opened to reveal Emron and Rydel standing just beyond it. They had obviously been eavesdropping, but it didn't matter. None of this mattered anymore. I carefully closed the door behind me, then I pushed past them and hurried down the hallway towards my room. I heard them exclaim in confusion and surprise, but I didn’t stop. I was distantly aware that my guards were at my heels, but I didn’t slow down. It didn’t matter if they were c
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Chapter 30 : I Will Find You
OnyxIt had been three days since Ferrah escaped. I still didn’t understand how it happened. The guards that had been placed outside of her room insisted that they couldn’t remember anything after she ran crying into her room and slammed the door. I wasn’t surprised. She had her magic back, Rydel had seen her use it to evaporate the iron bars that had secured her window. She must have done something to make them forget. I didn’t know how she had broken the bracelet, but without it, she was able to escape. I was more than a little disturbed when I found it on the ground. If the bracelet was the only thing holding back her magic, then she had been a willing prisoner in the packhouse for nearly a week. All the time she had been here before I put the bracelet on her, she had been able to use her magic and had chosen not to. Why? She could have attacked us at any moment. She could have killed me in my sleep. She could have killed us all. She did nothing. I just couldn’t make
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