All Chapters of The Alpha King's Prophecy: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
Chapter 31 : Preparing to Fight
FerrahThe last few days were far more difficult for me than I could have anticipated. I should have been overjoyed at finally being free of Onyx and his prison cell, but I wasn’t. I felt numb, more than anything. It was like I was just going through the motions because I didn’t know what else to do. I was back to my usual routine, back to my old life. Everything was familiar and easy, again. I covered my scent and my tracks the way I always had, and I slept safely in my glamored tent. It was simple. I should have been relieved. This is what I had wanted, right? Everything was peaceful and quiet. I was alone with my thoughts again, far from the howling and boisterous banter of the shifters. No matter how many times I tried to repeat these reassuring thoughts to myself, nothing changed. I still felt like a ghost of my former self. I packed my belongings into my travel bag slowly. There was no reason to rush. Once my tent was packed away and my bag was slung over my shoulder,
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Chapter 32 : Attack!
OnyxI was running through a towering forest of pines, leaping over fallen branches and berry bushes. My heart was thundering in my chest and my lungs were burning from the extended exertion. I had been running for hours. It was an unfamiliar forest, which made it dangerous to move at this speed, but I didn’t have time to slow down and explore. If I didn’t catch up to Ferrah soon, I would lose her for good. It had been a very long time since I had gone so far from the village on my own. Normally, if I ventured outside of pack territory, it was with a number of my men and we were preparing for a raid. There was something freeing about being out on my own, even if it was under unfavorable circumstances. I enjoyed the feeling of the dirt beneath my bare feet and the cool wind whipping my face. Focusing on those things helped to keep my anxiety from becoming overwhelming. It had been days since she left, so I knew that finding Ferrah wasn’t going to be easy. Still, I had to try.
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Chapter 33 : Healing New Wounds
OnyxI launched myself from the bushes, ready to attack the figure that was approaching me. My teeth were bared, ready to clamp down as soon as I landed. There was an explosion of pain in my ribs and I was sent flying backward. I crashed down onto the bushes and slid several feet in the dirt. As I slid, my fur gave way to flesh which scraped painfully on the ground. Something had forced me to shift back into my normal form. There was a loud, high pitched tone ringing in my ears. When I tried to move, pain lanced through my limbs. I groaned and tried in vain to lift my head. I needed to shift back. I needed to attack. Every time I tried to initiate the shift, red hot pain filled my chest. I had never felt anything like this before. It felt like I couldn’t breathe. What the hell just happened? I forced myself to move and managed to shift my position until I could see my torso. My skin was rapidly darkening in a deep bruise and my chest was rising and falling rapidly as I s
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Chapter 34 : A Cold Chill
Ferrah I pulled Onyx to his feet and he stumbled slightly. I grabbed his shoulders and steadied him. The sensation in my chest was almost unbearable with him this close. I could feel the thrum of my own magic pulsing beneath his skin. Knowing that I had given so much of myself to heal him filled me with an emotion that I didn’t have a name for. He was staring at me in a way that made me think he could feel it too. I felt my face heating up. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Onyx. I was amazed that he had found me. I expected someone to come after me, but not him, personally. He’s the Alpha King and I broke a deal with him. Surely that meant that I was nothing more to him now than a rogue witch. He should be sending his men out to kill me, shouldn’t he? I could only imagine the trouble that my escape had caused him. He had vouched for me. He had convinced the elders that I would be an asset to them and that they could trust me. I had no doubt that he was humiliated by what h
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Chapter 35 : Dark Magic
FerrahThe clattering sound outside of the tent repeated and goosebumps spread over my arms. Whoever was making that sound was trying to draw us out. The clatter was distinct. It was the sound of bones banging together. I had heard the sound a hundred times before. I didn’t throw bones myself, but plenty of witches do. This was different, though. There was a rhythm to it that was somehow familiar. My eyes went wide as I recognized it. It was a sound that I had heard every year in my home village. “What is that?” Onyx asked quietly. “Antlers,” I replied. He looked at me in confusion. “During mating season, deer fight for territory,” I explained. “Hunters will sometimes clatter two antlers together to mimic the sound of deer fighting in the hopes of drawing out a big buck by making it think that its area is being fought over by other bucks.” “You think someone is out there trying to deer hunt?” he asked skeptically. I shook my head. “It’s the wrong time of year,” I replied
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Chapter 36 : We're Going to Kill Her
OnyxI listened to the voices outside of the tent as closely as I could. Ferrah’s words were clear to me, but there was another voice that I couldn’t make out. It was muffled, which meant that the person must be standing some distance from her. Good. There was something dark about the deep voice. There was no warmth or sincerity to the tone of it and I didn’t want the source of the voice anywhere near Ferrah. The pain that was keeping me tethered to the bed made no sense to me. Ferrah had healed my body, so why couldn’t I force myself to move? Every time I attempted to sit up, it felt like a dagger was being driven into my chest. I would never underestimate Ferrah’s strength again. This was the damage she could do with a single blast. I really had been lucky the first night we fought. If I had been just a little slower, she would have killed me. I could feel that Ferrah was getting more upset. Something was very wrong. I gritted my teeth and forced myself to sit. The p
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Chapter 37 : Soxor
Ferrah“We’re going to kill her.” Gilliam’s words seemed to echo through the forest. Or maybe they were echoing in my mind. It was such a casual, simple admission. He had come here today to take my life. I doubt that he had even known that Onyx came after me. I was the one that he was here for. My heart seemed to stop beating and my blood went cold. Distantly, I knew that I shouldn’t feel shocked. I had known from the moment that I met Gilliam that he wanted me dead. He had done nothing to hide it. There was so much hostility and hatred in the way he spoke to me, it was impossible to miss. I was moreso shocked that he was actively plotting to kill me. When had this started? Was it before he had even set eyes on me at the meeting with the elders? Probably. He had most likely started to arrange my death the moment he learned of my presence in the village. “Why?” Onyx asked in bewilderment. “I don’t understand. Why do you want her dead so badly?” I squeezed his arm. His con
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Chapter 38 : Traitor to Our Kind
Ferrah The man claiming to be Soxor was evil. I had never felt dark energy like this before. I didn’t even know a person could survive contact with so much dark magic. It was a palpable aura that emanated from him. He was here to kill me. He smirked at me, as if he could read my thoughts. My heart was racing so fast that I thought for a moment I may actually pass out. I tore my eyes away from him and looked at Gilliam. He was smirking victoriously at Onyx. It was clear that he thought he had already won, which pissed me off. “How did you know where we were?” I demanded. Gilliam looked at Soxor. “Why don’t you tell her?” he said. Soxor smiled. “We just needed to know the direction you had gone in,” he explained. “Once I was able to pick up the remnants of your magic in the air, it was simple enough to follow it to you. Of course, the scent of the wolf was easier to follow, once he joined you.” I felt Onyx tense and I stepped up beside him. This wasn't his fault. They w
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Chapter 39 : Home
Ferrah I was frozen to the spot. Sybil was going to die. Whether the man standing over her and preparing to destroy her really was the legendary Soxor or not didn’t matter. He was the most powerful wizard I’d ever encountered. I couldn’t stop him. Soxor’s hand began to glow and the feeling of surging dark magic made my own magic pulse in response. My mind was racing. There had to be something I could do. There had to be a way to stop this. Suddenly, I was standing directly in front of Soxor with my arms up and crossed in front of me. A magical force field stood between us. The spell he had been charging shot directly at me. It bounced off of the shield and flew to the side, hitting a nearby tree. The trunk of the tree exploded into a rain of wood shards and the tree fell, rattling the ground and throwing me off balance. I fell to my knee, but kept my arms up and the shield strong. I was breathing harshly and my heart was racing. That blast was so powerful. If it had hit i
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Chapter 40 : She Saved My Life
White hot pain shot through me as I crashed down onto a hardwood floor. My ribs ached and it took a moment before I could get a breath in. I was disoriented, but my adrenaline allowed me to force myself to my feet. I scanned the area around me and froze. I wasn’t in the towering pine forest anymore. I was standing in the study of the packhouse. The room was empty except for me, but I could hear the telltale bustle of the pack out in the hallways. I was home. How was this possible? Had I passed out on the battlefield? Was this a dream? A woman’s scream cut through my thoughts and I looked up in time to see Sybil fall to the ground with a resounding thud. She groaned in pain and struggled to sit up. Her movements were jerky and erratic. She was panicking. I rushed to her and knelt beside her. “Don’t move,” I ordered. “You’ll make your injuries worse.” She looked up at me with wide eyes. “What’s happening?” she asked. “I don’t know,” I admitted. “But we’re home.” She looke
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