
Chapter 48.

“Kens” I sniff

“Yes Anastasia?” She replies to me.

“Kens I broke up with him, that means we ain’t got free groceries no more” I giggle

“Don’t be silly” she giggles too.

My aim to lighten the mood went pretty well.

“Anastasia. Seat up, let’s have the talk” she mimicked a motherly voice and laughs.

“Girl” I laugh and seat up

“But for real, girl, But you ain’t giving me deets of why you left him and all of that. Yes, he was working for your dad and all of that, but I know you. That can’t be the only reason”.

“Umm firstly, my dad was working for him and secondly, Kendra, he’s just not it for me, I guess”

“What do you mean just not it?” She asks.

“You ditched me, Kendra Oliver, for Jim, Anastasia. So what really happened?” She adds.

I question telling her the truth. Should I tell her about the physical and emotional abuse? It must be normal. Should I tell her he always lies to me? I don’t want to.

My thoughts conflict.

“Ummm…. Earth to Anastasia” Kendra says, waving her hands in front of m
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