

Lies Meet Audacity

A few days passed since Emerald had heard from her Grandmother. She had never thought her life would clash with her lies before. She had always thought Matthew reeves was such a faraway person. Apart from dealing with Mark Hartley, she did not need to interact with his world. As such, she is never worried that she will crash into someone and have to defend her lies. After all, if it was so easy for the two worlds to clash, she would have found out about being Mrs. Reeves long ago. But a single leak can sink a boat.

The Skyline Hotel, an epitome of elegance and grandeur, stood tall against the cityscape. As Emerald exited a meeting, the bustling energy of the city faded into a refined ambiance washed into the hotel lobby. The plush carpets under the foot and the muted chatter of those in the lobby were quite the sight for night time.

Emerald focused on her thoughts barely noticing the familiar figure awaiting her near the lobby entrance. Mark Hartley, stood there with a warm smile. The surprise meeting left her momentarily taken aback, but she reciprocated the smile and approached him.

“Emerald, what a pleasant coincidence. I was just heading out of a meeting myself,” Mark greeted her, his tone genuinely delighted.

A slight blush touched Emerald’s cheeks as she replied, “Mark, it’s always a pleasure. Why are you here?”

Mark’s eyes sparkled with an idea as he gestured toward the hotel’s cherry blossom garden that could be seen through a large floor to ceiling window. “There’s something I wanted to ask you, actually. A dear friend of mine is leaving the country soon, and he’s wanted to see the cherry blossom garden here at the Skyline Hotel before he leaves. It’s usually closed to the public,” as he started to speak, she started feeling dread. Something inside her told her something was about to happen.

“So, I was wondering if you could do me this one favor and arrange a private viewing for him,”

Emerald’s smile was barely holding on at this point. The Skyline Hotel was owned by Matthew Reeves, so he was hoping the boss’ wife would say something to the staff. Emerald suddenly understood why her mother had said she should not lie, look at the situation she was in. Mummy, God, if I get out of this situation, I promise I will never lie again; she swore internally.

Because he asked, she thought, to just inquire a bit. After hearing what the staff has to say, she will just quickly reject him on grounds that it is unsafe and leave before he can make something new up. This plan was the only thing she could sum up with so, she nodded with slight confusion in her eyes.

“Of course, Mark. I’ll see what I can do,” she replied, mentally preparing for the act she would have to play. She walked up to the staff blocking the way leading to the garden and said a last prayer. Hopefully, it is something she could spin.

Even from just the entrance of the cherry blossom garden, Emerald couldn’t help but marvel at its beauty. Delicate petals danced in the breeze, just right in front of her, creating a picturesque scene. However, the gate was firmly closed and the staff would only occasionally acknowledge other staff.

“Why is it closed?” she asked, and the staff noticed her and greeted politely, probably thinking she was a guest.

“The owner’s wife, Mrs. Reeves, wants to use it, so the owner is having it closed for maintenance,” he said and she froze slightly.

“I did?” she asked, to the staff’s dismay, “When?” she said, only to mutter, “Oh, Matthew, Matthew dear husband. What have you been doing in my name?”

“If it is so, then open it, this friend of mine wants to see it before he leaves the country,” but to her dismay the staff was about to usher her out and she couldn't let that happen because it would ruin her plans, just one last time, will she use being fake married to Mathew Reeves to her advantage she promised herself.

“I’m Mrs. Reeves,” she declared to the shock of the staff, “And it seems I have plans to use this garden. Why do you look surprised” “If I am shocked and you are then who will tell me what my husband has been doing in my name” she demanded

Her words caused another staff member to pause. A bit away, where Mark stood and watched Emerald, someone suddenly appeared beside him, “So, that is Matthew’s wife. Her way of speaking is unique,” he said and Mark glanced back at the tall man.

“He has odd tastes,” Mark commented, before spotting a familiar figure approaching them.

“What is she doing?” the familiar man asked and Mark chuckled in response.

“Getting me into your garden. Apparently she heard you had claimed that she wanted to use the garden and couldn’t hold it in. I find that this wife of yours is easy to provoke, “ Mark said to the man whose eyes were firmly fixed on Emerald’s form.

The staff, glancing at each other with a mix of surprise and uncertainty, seemed momentarily taken aback. After a brief exchange among themselves, one of the staff members stepped forward, stammering slightly, “Mrs. Reeves, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. We’ll arrange for the garden to be opened right away.”

Emerald, now realizing she had just claimed to be married to Matthew Reeves, found it hard to smile. She thanked the staff and walked over to where Mark stood without energy; she barely registered the two men standing beside him as she nodded to Mark; “They should let you in. I will be leaving now,” she said and started to leave, “ I will see another day, Mark.”

“Why don’t you join us?” Mark suggested.

“No, I have to go back and sharpen my knives,” she said and left right after.

“Why do I feel those knives are for you?” Mark asked the man beside him, whose eyes never left Emerald's retreating form.

He was not the only one watching her. On the second floor balcony overlooking the lobby, a petite blonde girl had seen Emerald talking to the men below and frowned. She was Emerald’s cousin Nina. Even though she could not hear what they were saying, she could make out the identities of some of them. The moment Emerald left, she pulled out her phone and made a call.

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