

Meeting Her Husband.

Saturday night came early; Emily and Emerald had decided to attend the IM Group annual charity ball. It was an important day, not only for IM Group, but for Emerald as well. She was going to meet her so-called husband tonight. After leaving the hotel last time, she was getting impatient. They decided that this event would be the best place, as they were sure he would be here.

Emily and Emerald, standing at the entrance, exchanged a glance laden with uncertainty. The weight of the fabricated narrative surrounding Emerald’s supposed marriage to Matthew Reeves hung in the air, It was both their reason for coming and their ticket inside.

“Look at this, I said you would marry well. Look how proud you are making this mother,” Emily mused,her eyes scanning the well-dressed crowd entering the venue.

Emerald, laughed nodding in agreement. “I found this son in law just for you mother, The villagers would never be able to mock you again,”

“Now, seriously, don't lose your cool when you see him, you know how you are. Ask as many questions as you need, get enough understanding of what is happening then we will know what to do,” Emily instructed her.

“I won’t lose my cool today,” she repeated.

As they approached the entrance, the vigilant event staff greeted them with the customary warmth. Emily took the lead, her expression one of confidence that portrayed she should be in that venue.

“Mrs. Reeves wishes to speak with her husband. Please inform someone to pick us up,” Emily whispered to one of those at the door, so that the guests entering would not be able to hear.

The words hung In the air, a deliberate statement meant to gauge the reaction. Emily made a bet that Matthew reeves would definitely let them in if he hears that his wife is here, “This is a private matter. Mr. Reeves is aware of our arrival. Just inform someone, and we’ll wait here.”

As expected, the staff hesitated but still sent an assistant to relay the message. Emily maintained her composed demeanor, glancing back at Emerald for a second as they awaited further instructions.

But right at that moment, a familiar voice called out to them, “Emerald?”

They both turned to see two people approach them; a man in a black tuxedo and a blonde woman on his arm wearing a pink dress. When Emerald saw them, she frowned.

“What are you doing here?” the man asked coldly.

“The way you talk, someone may think this is your family house I suddenly appeared at,” Emerald answered.

“No Emerald, Andrew and I were just shocked to see you,” Nina said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

“Stay away from us, We don’t want to see your dirty face,” Emily could not stand looking at the blonde.

“Miss White, please do not talk to my fiance that way,” the man frowned at Emily. He could not afford to offend the White family, so he could only be polite.

“Then move away. Why did you come over to where your presence is not needed?” Emily stood in front of Emerald. As a stance to chase away the unwanted people.

“We saw you here and thought to help out…” Nina started to say

“This free to use mobile toilet, please stop talking, you are spreading immoral diseases here,” Emily interrupted her.

“Are you going to continue watching your friend insult Nina? She is your cousin!” Andrew spoke to Emerald standing behind them.

“Andrew, it is fine. I know my cousin is not happy about our marriage, after all we wronged her,” Nina said, her eyes watering.

“Why are you still trying to be kind?” Andrew looked at Emerald “Have I not offered compensation? If she was not so evil…” Andrew started to say.

“If both of you wish to act in a drama, find a theater. What is the use of coming to another company’s event to make a scene?” Emerald asked, “You and your fiance should enter the event if you came to attend it. Don’t stand by the door like flies.” she said and they noticed that they had attracted quite a few eyes.

“We are standing here dealing with our own matter. Go on your way, unless you specifically came to look for trouble,” Emerald spoke calmly and those listening looked at the couple. When they saw people were judging them, Nina's tears hovering on her eyeballs finally dropped.

“We saw you standing here and thought you could not get in, so we came to help, this event is reserved for only the elite class you know”she cried pitifully trying to gain sympathy but Emerald saw through her acting she knew her cousin cruel and heartless, she was just playing this part so she doesn't look bad.

“Your makeup is not waterproof,” Emerald said and her crying ceased instantly. Emerald turned the staff at the door.

“I am just here to see my husband, you should find someone to handle people that wish to cause a scene.” she said and they saw her point. Although she was cold and composed and there was a chance this was Mrs Reeves since she was waiting quietly for someone to be sent for her and the staff wanted to be on her good side,he could not afford to allow these people to cause trouble for the boss's wife.

“Please proceed into the hall, if you are a guest,” a staff member walked over and said politely, embarrassing the couple. This was an IM group event. They could not cause a scene or they will be thrown out. So Andrew threw Emerald a stern look and walked away. He had only walked a while before he registered what she had said.

“She is married?” he asked in shock.

The next second, Mr Reeve’s assistant appeared and greeted Emerald politely before discreetly leading them to a side entrance. The subtle acknowledgment confirmed their suspicion; this was Mrs. Reeves they had heard about was indeed Emerald. It is not that he invented her, he deliberately pointed at her.

The assistant takes them through a corridor before stating that Mr. Reeves wanted to meet Emerald alone. The two exchanged glances before nodding.

Separated from Emily, Emerald found herself guided to the door of a private room by the discreet assistant. The hum of the lively chatter of guests, the ambiance, a blend of sophistication and celebration could barely be heard any more at this point. He opened the door for her to step in. Emerald’s anticipation heightened, her pulse quickening with each step.

She entered the small sitting room and there he was; Matthew Reeves, a familiar yet enigmatic figure. Tall, muscular, and undeniably beautiful, he exuded a commanding presence. Emerald couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of recognition, as if she had met him before a long time ago.

Emerald and Matthew faced each other, a charge silently buzzed through the air. The ambient lighting cast a soft glow, accentuating Matthew’s features as they exchanged an initial, assessing glance. He Looked at least 6.7 inches in height, with wavy black hair framing his firm jaw, his deep set of gray eyes stared at her as though he could see into her soul.

“Mrs. Reeves,” Matthew’s deep voice resonated, his gaze holding a spark of familiarity.

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