
He Has A Mate.

Chapter Three.


“Save my daughter and she will lead you to what you need.”

That is all her father said in the voicemail he sent to me yesterday. It still doesn’t make any sense to me why he would ask for my help regarding a personal issue like this.

But then, I need to get my hands on those documents so as soon as I get the message, I rush out of the house with Simon by my side. Simon, as supportive as always, offers to drive us there and in three hours, we arrive at Greenwood Pack.

I immediately realize we’re late when my scout informs me that Rex already made it to their pack house and is on his way back. The only option is for me to block his path.

I am still surprised as to why he gave up so easily. Rex isn’t the type to go down without a fight so when he got into his car and drove off, I realised that something isn’t right.

She has no clue about the document. Why would her father say she would lead me to what I need if she doesn’t even have a clue about it?

As Simon leads her up the stairs like a gentleman, I watch her closely, even after witnessing the death of her father and child, she seems to be holding up just fine.

She must be one hell of a strong woman to be able to stay sane.

They walk right past me and I follow closely behind. If she is the one that would lead me to the document then I am not going to let her out of my sight, not even for one second.

But if, just if it turns out that her father had tricked me into getting involved in their personal affairs, then I would make her pay for her father’s crimes.

“What kind of a monster makes a woman who has lost everything pay for taking advantage of the situation to save her life?” Xan, my wolf says to me through our mind link.

No one else could hear our conversations and that’s what makes talking to him so much fun.

“The kind that everyone calls Ares,” I respond and he growls.

“She doesn’t deserve what happened to her.”

“Do I sense someone getting soft and developing pity out of the blue?” I ask with a mocking tone.

Xan snarls at me and retreats into silence. I chuckle at how easy it is to piss him off.

“You need to get some rest and change out of these clothes.” Simon’s persuasive voice brings my attention back to my surroundings.

“I am not moving an inch from this place until someone tells me what the hell is going on.” She insists.

They both seem to have finally disagreed on something and I am more than happy to step in and make the situation worse.

“If the lady doesn’t want to rest now then let her be. We have a lot to catch up on and the earlier she gets her head in the game, the better for us.” I add as I stroll over to one of the cushions in the living room and take my seat.

“Ares!” Simon snaps as he shoots a deadly glare in my direction. “For once, don’t be selfish.”

“We don’t have time for this Simon so yes, it’s okay to be selfish at this point. We need to find that document as soon as possible, at least before Rex does.”

“What is this document you keep talking about and what does it have to do with my father?” She asks.

She sounds like she genuinely has no clue what we’re talking about and if she doesn’t, then Simon and I are screwed.

“At least take a seat first so Simon here doesn’t feel like a total failure.” I gesture towards one of the cushions and even though Simon looks pissed at the line of conversation, he smiles at me when she takes her seat.

“We can’t tell you the details but that document holds the exact location of a safe and inside that safe is something we desperately need to get our hands on,” Simon explains to her.

“Why can’t you tell me what is inside the safe?” She glances at me for a brief moment.

“Because it could put you in danger. The fact that your father claims you would lead us to it has put you in enough danger already.” I divulge.

“Safe?” She scoffs out loud, “You want me safe? I lost my father and child to whatever this is and you dare to talk to me about safety.”

“Camille, you need to…”

“Don’t Camille me!” She snaps at Simon and I smirk at how feisty she has suddenly become. “Just tell me what is in the safe.”

Simon turns to look at me and I nod because I know he is just trying to seek my permission before he tells her about the content of the safe.

He opens his mouth and the words barely make it out before a loud commotion fills the room. We don’t even have enough time to process what is going on before Rex rushes into the room with a few guards hot on his heel.

“What the…” Simon exclaims as he positions himself in front of Camille like her knight in shining armour.

“What part of don’t ever let me see you again, didn’t you understand Rex? I can’t guarantee that I would be as generous as I was last night so get out when you still have the chance.” I threaten as I feel my wolf stir.

I don’t even get up from my seat because as a Lycan. I know it would cost me absolutely nothing to end him.

“I am not here for you Ares, I am here for her.” He takes a step closer and the guards quickly grab him and hold him down. He struggles against their grip but it’s of no use.

Eventually, he gives up trying and tries to talk to Camille instead.

“Camille, listen to me, you need to come with me right now. I can help you, but they can’t.”

I signal for the guards to take him out and they obey almost immediately, dragging him out because he simply refuses to leave on his own.

“No! Camille! Our daughter…your daughter is alive!” He yells.

That gets my attention. Camille, who has been comfortable hiding behind Simon pokes her head out at Rex and he seizes the opportunity to explain further.

“The…the blood you saw, it wasn’t hers. I wanted to kill her but I changed my mind. Come with me and help me open the safe Camille and she will be all yours.”

“You found the safe?” I get up from my seat, sharply and approach him.

“Seems like you aren’t so smart after all. I have the document and you should know by now that you can’t hurt me or else you would never be able to get your hands on the content of that safe.” He grins widely.

Xan growls, desperate to dig his claws into Rex’s face and wipe off that grin.

“Easy buddy. We have more than enough time to do that.” I whisper to him.

I am about to reach out and grab him by his collar when Camille steps out from behind me.

“Where is she?” Her tone is firm and much scarier than I thought her capable of.

“Somewhere only I know.” Rex responds confidently.

“And how do I know this isn’t a lie? What’s stopping me from asking him to kill you, he looks like he is itching to do it anyway so I am sure he would be more than willing to do it.”

I grin at her words. Amusement dancing across my eyes as I stare at her. She is so much different from the woman I envisioned her to be.

“Kill me and Marcus will make sure your daughter dies. He isn’t me you know, and you can be rest assured he won’t suddenly change his mind like I did.”

I feel her body tense up as she begins to heave heavily. I know she is scared and I am expecting her to tell me she wants to leave with him for the sake of her daughter’s safety but what she does next leaves me flabbergasted.

Out of nowhere, she lands a deadly blow on him and her claws scratch him over and over again as she lets out a piercing scream.

All her bottled-up rage has finally been let loose and if I did not quickly recover from the shock and pull her away from him, Rex would probably be dead.

Simon is too shocked to say a word, he is simply staring at Camille with a stunned expression on his face. It must be tough for him to come to terms with the fact that the woman he assumed was a weakling who needed protection is not in any way close to one. He would be the one needing protection from her.

“You killed him! You killed him and now you play games with my child.” She yells at Rex as she struggles to free herself from my grip and attack him again.

Tears roll down her cheeks while Rex hisses in pain as he tries to get away from her.

“Calm down Camille, we need him alive,” I mutter under my breath while I try to hold her still.

I can feel her body trembling and for the first time since the whole thing started, I feel so sorry for her and what she has been put through.

Lost in the moment, I don’t realize when I hold her down to my chest and start stroking her hair to calm her down.

Surprisingly, she doesn’t push me away, instead, she eases into my arms and screams out loud in pain.

At that very moment, just when I thought I had seen it all and nothing more could come as a surprise, I feel Xan move as a single, powerful word slips from him.

“Mate.” He growls and I freeze.

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