
A Triad Of Love: The Lycan, His Beta And I
A Triad Of Love: The Lycan, His Beta And I
Author: Moon Goddess

The Lycan Wants Me.

Chapter One.


“You need to leave, right now!” Father yells as he barges into the labour room in a hurry.

The nurses and I are all confused and startled by the sudden intrusion. I have just delivered a baby girl after what still feels like an eternity and my body has barely recovered from the shock.

Heaving heavily with my hair all over the place and covered in sweat and blood, I watch as one of the nurses gently hands the baby over to me.

“Alpha Kade, I understand your excitement but you shouldn’t be in…” one of the nurses tries to lead him out but he roughly shoves her aside and rushes over to my side.

“You don’t understand Camil, you need to leave with the baby right now. He is on his way as we speak.” He says and I immediately sense the panic in his tone.

“Who? What are you talking about father? No one knows I am here with you.” I question him absentmindedly as I stare down at the tiny bundle of joy in my arms.

She is mine. She is all mine and no one in the world could take her away from me.

“Rex!” Father responds with a dreadful tone that sends a shiver down my spine. I look up sharply at him, it isn’t the tone of his voice that scares me, it’s the name of the man he just mentioned.


Rex is a monster and he is, unfortunately, the father of my baby. We have been married for two whole years now and he has been very awful to me, he treats me like a maid and only spends time with me when he feels like having sex. Most of the time, he flaunts his mistress and whore, Katrina in front of me.

When I found out about the pregnancy, I panicked because I didn’t want my baby to experience living with Rex so I made up my mind to escape even when I knew just how risky it would be for my father. I have nowhere else to go, that’s why I chose to come here and deliver the baby but somehow Rex found me.

“How did he…” I stutter. “I made sure the maids had no idea about the…”

“It doesn’t matter. What matters now is that you and the baby get out of here safely.” Father says, concern evident in his tone. “Do you think you can walk?” He asks and I nod.

He turns to the nurse beside me, “Do you think she can walk?”

“I would strongly advise against that. She needs her rest and the baby does too, so I suggest you give her some time to recover before you make any attempts to move her.” The nurse replies professionally and the father sighs heavily at her response.

“But we don’t have time to waste. My man says he is close and will soon be here.”

“I can walk Father.” I try to sit up on the bed but Father holds me down, “Don’t try to stop me, I will make sure she gets as far away from him as possible, even if it’s the last thing I do. He is a monster father and I would never let your granddaughter live with a monster like him.”

He stares into my eyes silently for a few seconds and I can see him fighting the tears that threaten to spill. Soon enough, he succumbs to his emotions and the tears roll freely down his cheeks.

“I am so sorry that I couldn’t protect you. If only I had fought against it and not allowed myself to be easily defeated, then you wouldn’t have ended up as his wife in the first place.”

Sadly, I reach out and wipe the tears off his cheeks, “I have accepted my fate a long time ago. I know your hands were tied and I forgive you for that, but I would never forgive you if you let him get his hands on my daughter. Please, father, help me.”

My words provide the strength he needs because he immediately takes the baby off my hands and helps me get up on my feet. The nurses protest vehemently but we both ignore them.

Slowly and quietly, we make our way out of the delivery room and Father leads me to the room that has the secret tunnel leading out of the mansion.

He walks in first with the baby and I am about to follow after them when I feel someone grab a fistful of my hair and yank me back with one swift and powerful move.

I yelp as the pain shoots through my entire body. My back slams against something hard as I crumble to the floor. As soon as I can breathe again, I glance up at my assailant and my heart drops instantly when the face of Rex’s beta, Marcus, comes into view.

“Marcus,” I whisper his name and my body trembles in response.

He smirks and the dark twinkle in his eyes makes me realize just how fucked up I am.

“You thought you could come here and have a baby and I would have no freaking clue about it?” A familiar voice comes from beside me and I almost pass out as soon as I recognize who it belongs to.

Goosebumps spring up all over my body at an alarming rate and I am unable to breathe properly. I can hear my heart beating so fast that it feels like it is about to burst out of my chest.

“I…I…please…please Rex…please just let us go.” I plead with him pathetically as the tears roll down my cheeks.

I try to crawl closer to his feet when Marcus tightens his grip on my hair and lands a heavy slap on my face. A ringing sound explodes inside my ears but that doesn’t stop me from trying to stop Rex from entering the room my father is in with the baby.

“No! Stay away from my child!” I scream but his grip is too tight and I can’t get him to let go.

Just as Rex turns the doorknob, Father rushes out the door. My hopes of him escaping with the child are dashed against the wall but the fact that my daughter is not with him and he seems confident, keeps me going.

“Alpha Rex, I did not receive word that you would be visiting my pack,” Father speaks up but Rex doesn’t seem to have any patience.

He buries his claws in my father's stomach.

I hear him gasp in shock as his eyes widen, he looks down at the blood pouring out from inside him and then looks up at me. The pain in his eyes at that moment is something I don’t think I would ever be able to forget.

“Father!” I yell out loud but he doesn’t respond, his body crashes to the floor with a loud thud and the blood flows down towards me. “No! Father! No!”

I am unable to cry at this point, I am still in shock but the pain rising in my chest feels like something heavy has been forced in there, and it makes it so difficult for me to breathe either.

Rex doesn’t even turn to look at me, he just walks into the room and all I hear is the cry of my daughter, just before everything goes silent.

“No! You monster! Stay away from my daughter!” I yell as I thrash around wildly like someone about to lose their sanity but then, I realize that yelling won’t help so I decide to try another approach.

“Please Rex, I promise I would do anything you ask of me, just don’t harm my child in any way, please Rex, please… I am begging you.”

The tears are now rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably and the pain in my chest intensifies at the thought of what he would do to my child. With each second that passes and I don’t hear her cry, my heart skips a beat.

“You know,” Rex's dangerously, calm tone fills my ears as he steps out from the room, “I recall telling you that if you ever try to leave the mansion, I would be forced to murder the people close to you. Now look what you’ve done.” He stretched out his hands and nothing has ever traumatized me more than the sight of my daughter’s blood on his hands.

My body is shaking and I have no idea how to react to it. The pain numbs me to the extent that it feels like my spirit has left my body.

“She was your daughter you sick bastard,” I mumble under my breath.

“Like you said, she was.” He hiss and wipes his hand off on the clothes of my dead father, whose body is still on the floor. “Take her to the car and you had better keep her under control.” He adds.

Marcus waste no time to drag me down the stairs and towards the car parked outside. Regardless of how hard I fight back, clawing and tearing at his arms, he doesn’t even flinch, he tosses me like a sack into the back seat and he waits right beside me until Rex returns, holding some documents.

I pay no attention to them as they drive away from the house. I am totally out of my mind right now and on the brink of losing my sanity.

It hasn’t even been up to a few minutes on the road when the car slowly comes to a halt and Rex mutters some curses out loud before he gets down from the car.

“Alpha Rex, it’s nice to see you out here at this time of the night.” An unfamiliar voice calls out to Rex from the darkness but I can barely see anything due to the large, black cars parked in front of us, blocking our path.

“I can’t say the same about you,” Rex replies and I can hear the disdain and annoyance in his tone.

There is only one person who would be bold enough to step in front of Rex, the only person that I know is capable of getting under his skin to this extent and that person isn’t just an Alpha like the other leaders, he is a Lycan and that’s why Rex hates him so much, because it is obvious he is more powerful and Rex would prefer to be the only powerful wolf around.


Rumours have it that his real name is Kael, but his love for violence gained him the title Ares.

“Bring the girl to me and you get to go home tonight with your beta and your life.” His thick, masculine voice comes again and this time, he doesn’t sound like the cheerful person I heard the first time.

The interpretation of what he has just said suddenly hits me and I turn to stare at Marcus just to be sure I am not the only one that heard him say that.

But what could the Lycan possibly want with me?

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