
The Lycan and His Beta.

Chapter Two.


“The fuck do you want with her? She is my mate.” Rex snaps.

“Was your mate, last I checked you announced Katrina as your mate and a little birdie told me you’ve marked her already.” Ares's amused tone comes next.

His words trigger a memory I would have preferred remains forgotten. The night Rex beat me up so bad because Katrina lied that I stole her diamonds, I thought I lost the baby. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he rejected me so openly in front of his entire household.

“I, Rex Ragnar, rejects you Camille Lockwood as my mate.”

Those words shattered whatever was left of the relationship between Rex and I. When he first threatened my father into releasing me to him, I tried my best to make our relationship work and it did, for a few days until Katrina showed up.

“You’re worthless and by far the weakest woman I have ever come across.” His words echo over and over again in my ears and it feels like I am reliving that day.

“How can someone like you, tainted with the blood of an omega sit and rule beside me as Luna?”

“You’re only useful when it comes to sex.”

“I should probably get you chained up one of these days and see what you would look like.”

And he did just that, he locked me up for a whole week in his dungeon and Katrina made sure I barely got food and water.

The experience with Rex has been nothing but degrading and traumatizing.

“It’s either we do this the hard way or the easy way, either way, I am going home with her. The only option you get is if you want to keep yourself alive or not.” Ares's harsh voice snaps me back to reality.

The Lycan still wants me and he seems to be very serious about it. Marcus still won’t budge from his seat and all I can do is listen to the both of them.

I am still unable to focus because I had just experienced the father of my child murdering his child in cold blood so it’s still very difficult for me to process whatever is going on at the moment.

“Just because you’re a Lycan, that doesn’t give you the freedom to do as you….” Rex has not even completed his sentence when I hear him groan out loud in pain.

Marcus gets down from the car in a hurry and as soon as he is gone, all I can think of is to seize the opportunity and get away from Rex. I quietly get out of the car and turn back to flee into the darkness when I bump into something solid.

It feels like a wall but it isn’t.

I glance up and my heart skips a beat when I see his glowing red eyes in the darkness. A chill races down my spine and the only thing I can think of is to run so I stagger backwards.

A loud sound fills my ears and that’s when I realize that it’s Rex's car. I get a clear view of him in the driver's seat and I open my mouth to call out his name as he drives away but nothing comes out.

I don’t know how exactly I am supposed to feel. Should I be happy that he left me behind or should I be scared? I can’t even bring myself to look at the eyes in front of me anymore.

“Where’s the document?” His scary voice startles me but I have nowhere to run in the darkness. It would have been better if Rex took me with him, after all, the devil you know is better than the one you don’t know.

And Ares is even worse than Rex. He might not constantly abuse his power like Rex does but he is known for a few things much worse than what Rex has done in his entire life.

“I would ask again Camille, where is the document?” I can hear the anger and impatience in his tone. I could feel those blazing red eyes on me but I dare not look at him.

At this point, I am glancing backwards and praying fervently to the moon goddess that Rex would return for me but there is no sign of his headlights turning around. His car soon disappears from view.

“He is not coming back.” His voice fills my ears again and my heartbeat intensifies.

What does he want with me? How did he even get Rex to leave without a fight? I ask myself and it’s at that moment that I realize he has just called me by name and a gasp slid from my throat.

“How…how did you….I….” I am unable to form a sentence because the deafening sound of my heartbeat and the fact that I can still feel his scrutinizing gaze on me makes it impossible to concentrate.

“Your father told me everything and if you don’t tell me where it is right now, things would just keep getting worse.”

None of his words make sense to me. I am confused and unable to think straight. Rex killed my daughter and my father all in one night and now this, I don’t even know how to react.

Exhausted, I lean against one of the cars behind me and slowly let myself crumble to the floor. This is it for me, I am done trying to stay alive. There is no need for me to stay alive anymore.

“You can just take me now,” I mutter under my breath to the moon goddess. “I would rather die now than go through another circle of torment.”

“What the fuck is she saying?” I hear Ares say but I ignore him.

It never really crossed my mind that he could be talking to someone else until I hear a much calmer and soothing voice speak up from behind me.

“She just lost a child and her father Kael, it would be best to take her back home for now and give her time to heal.”

I glance up slowly and even though I can’t make out his face clearly in the darkness, I know just who he is. Gently, I feel his arms wrap around me as he lifts me from the bare floor.

“But we don’t have time!” Ares' much more impatient tone comes next.

He lets out a frustrated groan and I hear him storm off into the night but I don’t care, as long as the man currently holding me up stays with me through the night. His presence is oddly comforting and the sound of his voice calms me to the very core.

“You need a bath and a bed.” He says as he slowly leads me towards the car.

After all I have been through tonight, I would expect myself to be more cautious but I am not, instead, I follow this man into the car and don’t even care about where he is taking me.

I ease into the leather seats and doze off until he gently nudges me awake.

“We’re here.” I hear him whisper close to my ears, a tingling sensation rippling through me.

My eyelids flutter open and the sunlight pouring in from the windows highlights the fact that it’s daybreak already and it also makes me wonder how long he has been driving.

“Where are we?” I ask him and he smiles, a tiny smile that makes his thin lips curve upwards.

In the early morning light, I get to see his face, properly. I am not wrong, I know just who he is. He is Simon Mattel, the best friend and beta to Ares. Everyone in all the nine werewolf packs knows just who he is because, unlike his friend, he is a philanthropist and a good man.

He is the exact opposite of Ares and rumours have it that he is the only reason, Ares has not burnt the nine kingdoms to the ground yet, he is the only one keeping the man sane.

I don’t know how long I have been staring at him, I just know that his dark hair compliments his pale skin and his large muscles, that flexed under his arms anytime he moves captivates me. But nothing attracts me more than his eyes, they are deep brown and stand out boldly among his features.


That word echoes over and over again in my head and I sure as hell cannot ignore it because Daciana, my wolf, made sure to say it clearly and loudly.

I blink.

I sincerely don’t know how to react.

“What the hell do you mean by mate?” I snap at her through our mind link but she doesn’t respond.

“Are you coming?” Simon’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts as he stretches out his hand to me. I take it without hesitation and he helps me get down from the car like a real gentleman.

We are now standing in front of the stairs that lead to the front door. I glance up at the breathtaking and gigantic mansion in front of us, marvelling at the wonderful architectural details.

Holding onto me, he ascends the stairs right by my side and just as we approach the door, my eyes land on Ares.

He is standing in front of the large door and with the look on his face, he doesn’t seem too happy about me being here.

That’s when it hits me, what if the document he kept asking me about is the one Rex left my father’s house with?

What’s in that document and what do both of them have to do with it?

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