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Erik continually kept guard outside my room, where he made sure I was safe and sound before leaving but I couldn't still shake the feeling that I was being watched. Even though I knew that Erik was nearby, I was still fidgety and made sure I locked the door twice before I went to bed. In bed sleep wouldn't come fast enough and I was always rolling for long without falling asleep.

I kept thinking about the shadowy figure I had seen in the forest. Who was that and what did they want? I considered telling Magnus, but I didn't want to worry him. He already had enough on his plate. It would just make him further restrict me from going anywhere and I didn't want that. He was even more focused on work and he dwelt on whatever kept him occupied for long. It made him keep late nights which had made me move out of his room till whenever he summoned me there.

I decided to keep my own counsel and be more vigilant. I would start carrying a concealed silver weapon with me at all times an
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