



Olivia watched as I fed her mother. I know that she wasn't happy with it but I couldn't do anything about it. Her mother had specifically chosen me to feed her and I had simply obliged to the request made by her. It wasn't my fault that I was the chosen one now.

"I really want to go home." She whined. "It'll be better taking care of myself at home than being cooped up here."

"Mom, we've already talked about this. You can't leave. The doctor won't let you because you're not properly healed yet don't you see." Olivia tried to explain but her mother only sucked up like a child. Now I could definitely see the resemblance.

"I know but still, it wouldn't hurt to hope."

"You're sick mom and besides Olivia is right." I chirped in. "You still have to go through a full evaluation and until we're given a go ahead by the doctors to discharge you, we really can't do anything to help you."

"You call her mom now?" Olivia asked in surprise.

"Is that the only thing you heard in all my speech?
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